Ring of Mendeln

Minions proc lucky hit. Reaper minions do. They proc decrep.

Try it :slight_smile:

I have, they donā€™t proc the ring. I spent a solid 30+ minutes specifically testing minions with mendeln as soon as I got the ring. Decrep isnā€™t representative of lucky hits from your gear when minions are concerned. Minions can proc decrep, but they arenā€™t empowering themselves with mendeln which is really stupid and I hope itā€™s a bug that Blizz intends to fix.


Its important to note lucky rate of the skill your using, I think thats what a lot of people dont take into consideration. As for or friend up top who is always sayign its not possible. I do sigils 50+ with ease even tho im 94.

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I think channeled spells like Decomp should have a chance to proc with each tick

So 10% effect from lucky hit means if you ahve 100% lucky hit then you ahve 10% for the effect occurance but for exmaple if u have 50% you have only 5% chance for occurance.

For me itā€™s usually bone storm proccing it, which is up 90% of the time, or bone tendrils. I did notice that it is much more effective in large groups as you have more mobs to proc it off. On bosses Iā€™m usually just standing there waiting for it to proc, once it does it melts the boss but just minion damage is slow.

Iā€™m level 91, doing t40+ with around 60% lucky hit. Clearing the dungeons is a breeze, almost every corpse tendril pull also procs the ring and kills all enemies. The only thing thatā€™s annoying is the magic bubbles as I basically do no damage and my mages are just blasting the outside of the bubble.

I love the ring but I am really frustrated you are right. I have resigned myself to never pushing past a certain point and that it is my screw around build.

Best I have gotten to is nm63 with it but if they ever resolve the problems you speak about I will be a happy malcontent. Until my flawed nature makes me mad about something else that is.

This ring is more rare than hens teeth on a hen that has no head. My necro is 65 and Iā€™ve never seen it. My brother finally got his at 98ā€¦ why in the name of all that is holy did Bliz require an ultra rare unique for our class to play as expected?

I think the ring can only drop if youā€™re above a certain level, like 80 or 85ā€¦

Learn2play. I can 1-shot those mobs that 1-shotting you with my Minion build.

You say that but it is still trash at high nightmare dungeons.

It is completely bugged against suppressor elites, the Mendeln proc wonā€™t work even if you are inside the bubble. You have to go inside the ring, take off and then requip Mendeln for it to work properly.

Also some combinations of elite affixes also brick minion builds.

Cold + Fire is just stupid, your minions get constantly frozen because they are too stupid to avoid it and then get decimated by fire DOT.

Not when i CC/stun all of them first. I usually got them first. I donā€™t wait for them to make the first move. GG.

my necro does a lot more dmg than what you are seeing.

what is considered high nm?

I would say around 70+ things start to get real difficult for the build (if you are not running bugged bone prison)

It is very hard to have a build tanky enough that allows you to run into a suppressor field. Go Afk while you unequip/re-equip your Mendeln ring and still be alive.

It is so bugged that you simply donā€™t run nightmare dungeons with the suppressor affix.

This is the idea on how to handle Shielded Elites. Have a Shield/Barrier too.

Hmm. I do not think this is a unigue to build around. More like a extra burst of damage once in awhile. Like a complimentary item. So you just run something like CE miasma, which ticks a lot, which has also a high lucky hit, and all those dots increase the chance for this ring to proc, but the main damage is still from CE miasma.

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How about Learn2play? Mobs/Elites should be dead before they make the first move. Your minions is dead becoz you allowed Mobs/Elites to hit your minions.

Oops, didnt know this thread was Necroā€™dā€¦ ROFL.