Hello all, can this ring proc from minion damage? My build is basically 90% pet damage. Wondering if this ring would even benefit me if its my army doing all the work?
Thanks for the response.
Hello all, can this ring proc from minion damage? My build is basically 90% pet damage. Wondering if this ring would even benefit me if its my army doing all the work?
Thanks for the response.
Tests seem to indicate pets cannot proc the ring.
Pets can’t proc ring.
It can still be used.
Just need blighted corpses to proc it. The legendary gloves that make the corpses raise skeletons and charge mobs help a lot also.
You can’t proc the ring from corpse explosion either. This has already been tested by many people and reported on. My build uses Corpse explosion as my only dps ability other than corpse tendrils, and I have only ever seen it proc off corpse tendrils despite blighted corpse damaging about 200x more often than my tendril ever will.
If this is true I’m retiring necro until they fix it. Fix your game, Blizzard.
I linked you a thread disproving you. Continue thinking it doesn’t work.
It also is just a lucky hit proc.
Some minions proc lucky hit. I can promise you they do. Reapers do. They reset CDs with decripify so they proc lucky hit. I’ve personally used them for this. They can reduce my army CD by 1/2.
Stop talking in threads you have no clue about.
I know the math on lucky hits, got 48% chance on BCE, and 10% on the ring itself, means a 4.8% chance per BCE to proc, anecdotally, I can gaurantee you it’s not proccing mendeln as often as that, especially considering AoE packs should provide multiple chances to proc it per mob hit, I literally play a mendeln BCE spamming build at lvl 79 now, and I can tell when mendeln procs, and it’s not often at all, things die to Blighted aspect + standard minion dmg and random minion crits and the BCE dmg itself which is really damn high, basically, BCE and blighted are carrying, mendeln procs mostly when I blood mist and RNG just really decides to go in my favor or tendrils or something.
Look I don’t wanna go out and make claims about it though, because so much misinformation is spreading, but anecdotally I don’t think that thread proves it, other than it proves that Blighted aspect is OP which it is, but Mendeln has very little to do with it in my experience. People feel like things are working that aren’t, and they feel like things aren’t working that are. It’s kinda normal when you have a game where it’s so hard to track what’s actually going on without rewatching footage for hours slowing it down and documenting results.