Ring of Mendeln is bugged

Which sounds like LH with BCE is bugged. But that still doesn’t explain why there are people reporting testing that regular CE is not proccing from item LH. And it also doesn’t explain why 50 casts of full duration against stacked enemies in WT4 for me also could not generate LH procs from items.

Also I disagree with him on Lucky Hit wording. If you look at your character sheet after equipping a Lucky Hit item, OR just simply read the tooltip on Lucky Hit increased chances they will say “dealing damage” there even if it’s not on the item itself. It’s definitely a bug that these Lucky Hit effects are not applying at the rates they are supposed to, because there isn’t supposed to be a difference per ingame tooltips and Lucky Hit description between forms of Lucky Hit procs. They are all supposed to proc from damage effects, although with some “skill restrictions” on what skills can qualify.