I’ve seen you in many post responding to players with one heck of an ego, and an attitude. I suggest players avoid any type of discussions with this type of player. Disgusting
Understanding how lucky hit works is not hard. Skills that typically have a duration have a per-cast lucky hit chance. This means that the chance is normalized over the full duration of the skill.
Is a skill has a duration of 5 sec and lucky hit chance of 60%, then it has a 12% chance (60/5) to trigger a lucky hit on each damage application. Bonuses to lucky hit are added to the total before the division happens. So 10% chance from gear would be (60+10)/5 = 14% chance on damage application.
Because of this lucky hit on DOT spells is fairly unreliable, become in most cases you won’t be able to get enemies to sit in the DOT or whatever for the full duration. Its possible that this per-use interaction is bugged or limited in other ways - possibly limiting the chance to max 1 trigger for lucky hit. This i don’t know, but the per-use chance makes sense.
Minions do get lucky hit chance of their own, but since they are not considered YOU their lucky hit possibilities are limited. You will notice Decripify does not mention you - it’s basically a debuff that will trigger on lucky hit from all sources - minions, other players etc.
You will notice that the ring has this line:
“While you have 7 or more Minions you gain: Lucky Hit”
This explains why minions won’t proc it. They also won’t proc the corpse generation for the same reasons. Until this point everything is consistent. Weather BCE really doesn’t proc the ring I cannot say because i don’t have it to test.
Its possible people that test it have too high expectations - using single BCE on single mob and not waiting for the full duration will give you pretty bad chance to trigger. BCE has 42 base chance, which when divided over 6 seconds gives you 7% chance to lucky hit, which means that the ring trigger chance is down to 0.7%. Its very easy to get bad test data with such low chance.
It’s possible it is bugged for real. Its possible there is some design limitation put in place as hidden mechanic. This i cannot comment on.
i was fighting dungeonrooms full of monsters having affected as many enemies as possible all the while stacking and spamming more CE DOTs
it still seems not to proc.
also doenst work with regular CE.
i’m not hitting only 1 enemy per cast. atleast 3 and often times arround 10.
i got 61% lucky hit on CE and CE DOT so, 61/100 times 10/100 times is still 6,1%. so roughly every 20 casts against a single enemy.
this doesnt match results when casting.
i’ve got the mendeln ring forever and thought it was just weak. i got it first like lvl 63 or so, and got to lvl 70 only using ce and army of the dead. rest was just iron maiden decrep golem skellys
and then i used bonespear instead of iron maiden an was like
the heck does bonespear deal dmg
but it wasnt bonespear, mendeln was finally proccing very often with bonespear. so that got me thinking
Imagine that. A lucky hit proc works with a spell with insane lucky hit and not blighted corpse explosion that has horrible lucky hit.
It’s almost like it’s working as intended.
Lucky hit is an averaged proc coefficient. Regular corpse explosion and blighted have the same LHC per cast, so as long as something stays in the duration for the full time it will proc at the same rate. Which is only 10% base chance lower than spear.
It’s simple math.
In theory - yes. In practice its much different.
Spear chance is frontloaded, you are much more likely to get in early in the fight and end the whole fight quicker.
Also since BCE chance is spread across the whole duration - you have to have the enemy in the AOE for the full duration to get the max chance.
Finally fracturing the chance for an event to occur across multiple instances works against you.
A 50% chance spread over 5 instances of 10% actually results in around 40% chance of the event ocuring at least once.
In that individual instance. Over enough instances the proc rate will average out. That’s how percentages work. If you flip a coin 6 times, you might not get 3 heads and 3 tails, but flip it enough times and the average rate will approach 50%.
But the important thing here about how this works is that Hewed Flesh procs with BCE and LH effects from gear does not appear to proc from BCE or potentially CE at all based on some of the feedback here, though I haven’t tested that myself.
So the issue remains of whether or not there is an issue applying LH effects from gear to corpse explosion damage. We know that Decrepify can apply, and I also think that Hewed Flesh can proc from minions but I cannot confirm that (because there is no combat log of any kind in this game) so it makes testing these things very hard for us.
Trust me this is not an issue. I literally stand in giant black recesses devoid of all light (thanks visual bug) constantly as part of my Shadowblight Build. They are in it for the full duration. Shadowblight is incredibly tanky.
people seem to just imagine that necros who cast CE just cast 1 once against a single enemy and not just spam it for whole dungons and bossfights.
once you use bonespear vs CE (both versions) you start to notice that it cannot be 10% diffrence. CE just seems to not be able to proc it.
CE has issues same as Army of the Dead. The shown % is not comparable to bonespear or other skills. even the basic skill which has less% than CE can proc it.
This video does a pretty decent breakdown and I tend to agree with most of his findings.
The tldr seems to be that LHProcs like Mendeln work differently with spells like ShadowCE compared to LHProcs like Hewd Flesh and Decrep. Flesh seems to utilize the full LHApply coefficient of ShadowCE per tick, and since it’s 12 ticks per cast, getting 48%*12%*12=.69 or like a 69% chance to proc the corpse generation per enemy stood in the puddle, so if you have a boss there which doubles the rate, you most likely get a corpse every time, or if you’re fighting 2 or more enemies, same deal.
Meanwhile with Mendeln, I’m assuming it simply evenly distributes the LHApply% across all ticks, rather than using the full coefficient on each tick. Aka, instead of getting a 48% LHApply from each tick of ShadowCE, it’s probably dividing that by 12 and giving you that much per tick, which in this case would be a .04, so just imagine .04*.10 is your per tick chance to proc Mendeln with ShadowCE, or 0.4% chance per tick, or if you add up all 12 ticks, then 4.8% proc rate per cast, and you get no such double rate against bosses unlike Hewd Flesh, which is basically what I was saying with it takes like 20 casts to proc mendeln, but the thing is, if enemies die before they take every tick, or if they leave the puddle etc, you lose out on ticks. I have no idea how the AoE aspect plays a role here, I’m guessing it boosts it per enemy inside, but that’s a debate for another day I haven’t seen solid tests done on that nor have I even attempted such a thing, it’s just too much of a pain for me.
I absolutely have been running a pure spam ShadowCE Mendeln build for like a week now though, playing nothing but this build, and I do proc Mendeln, but it’s too rare for me to count the procs as even remotely competing with the ShadowCE dmg itself, this build is 100% carried by the shadow damage sadly, but when Mendeln procs, if it lines up with Blight aspect proccing and Flesh Eater being active and if you happen to have a skeleton crit on a vuln target, I’ve seen over 300k mendeln crits so far, it’s just it’s far too rare for the stars to align like that, you can’t rely on RNG lining up like that to compete in this games end game when other builds just smash without any windup at all.
Which sounds like LH with BCE is bugged. But that still doesn’t explain why there are people reporting testing that regular CE is not proccing from item LH. And it also doesn’t explain why 50 casts of full duration against stacked enemies in WT4 for me also could not generate LH procs from items.
Also I disagree with him on Lucky Hit wording. If you look at your character sheet after equipping a Lucky Hit item, OR just simply read the tooltip on Lucky Hit increased chances they will say “dealing damage” there even if it’s not on the item itself. It’s definitely a bug that these Lucky Hit effects are not applying at the rates they are supposed to, because there isn’t supposed to be a difference per ingame tooltips and Lucky Hit description between forms of Lucky Hit procs. They are all supposed to proc from damage effects, although with some “skill restrictions” on what skills can qualify.
I did some more testing, but I can’t guarantee what I’m about to say is how it works. But I’m starting to suspect that if you cast like 5 BCE’s in a row, so you have 5 puddles of Shadow DoT on the ground and enemy is in it, you expect they take 0.4%*5 each tick interval since it’s 5 puddles, but I think they just take 1 0.4% proc rate regardless…
Like when you stack pools on each other and you notice that you don’t see more numbers on your screen, just they consolidate the dmg into one bigger number, yeah I think they also just treat it as 1 single BCE DoT tick for the lucky hit as well once they combine them like that.
I also think AoE does increase your chances based on how many enemies, so there’s that at least…
I really can’t confirm this as 100% true, I haven’t proven it, it’s just my speculation based on watching my own gameplay and trying to make sense of the weird lack of procs despite my chain casting like 10 BCE’s every few seconds, it just didn’t make sense to proc so little and this is my theory as to why.
That would be really weird, with Hewed Flesh you can clearly see that more BCE equals more procs :x
Did you even watch the video? They don’t proc the same. Jesus.
Just ignore singularity.
Anyway, its so frustrating that with all the myriad issues with minion builds, our one dedicated unique is a complicated, random, underperforming mess.
Just make it’s ability the skeletal priest is always on, or Kalan’s Edict is always on, and be done with it.
Which is the entire problem. You are saying “Working as intended” for something everyone else recognizes as an inconsistency.
ok so after some testing myself, the corpse explosion miasma indeed doesnt properly have a chance to proc this effect. However, pretty much everything else does. army of the dead, decompose, blight, blood mist, etc. There is however something that we are not being told going on here. With the ring it says a 10% lucky hit. it does not tell you any specific lucky hit, so we can only assume its on damage, and that is correct from my play experience. However, something like decrepifies reduce cooldowns by 2 seconds lucky hit with the same kind of wording procs much much more often than the ring does. And from what I can roughly tell, its because the decrepify procs from minion damage and the ring does not.
Is this also posted in the Bugs forum? I hope they look here as well. The only minion unique and it doesn’t work with a huge iconic necro skill. Dang shame, but once it does work, that could be really nice since I spam CE more than anything else.
It’s not bugged it procs. The maxroll necro expert says it procs.
It’s not bugged.
Give it a rest.
Then instead of CE or BCE or AotD beeing bugged, is bonespear bugged as it is proccing mendeln and mendeln like effects WAAAAY too often?
chance to restore % ressource (gloves, offhand)
chance to restore flat ressource (legendary affix ring)
mendeln (unique ring)
No it is because BCE has a HORRIBLE lucky hit chance.
Bonespear has a VERY GOOD lucky hit chance.