Respec cost will lose players

Like I said penalizing a huge number of people due to some whiners that can’t find like minded people to play with is a bad business model and makes for bad gameplay.

I preluded to this earlier however seems it went right over your head in your zeal.

At this point its very clear how disingenuous you are and how unable to admit to your own fault or shortcomings when it comes to the logic and true reasoning in your sad arguments.

They are not being penalized. They are simply playing a game with a set of rules and restrictions.
You are not being penalized because the game has lvls you need to go through.
You are not being penalized because the game drops items that you need to find.
You are not being penalized because monsters dare to fight back against you.

These things, including any respec cost the game might have, is simply the game.
You can then of course disagree on how various game elements should be.

Have you read your own posts? :joy: All you do is attack others and make up silly theories about why other players do as they do, instead of arguing whatever points you think you might have.
Seriously, this place…


I’ve been gone too long and there’s too much for me to respond to without falling further behind in the discussion, but as someone who started out advocating for (and would still gladly accept) free respec costs, I can appreciate your concerns and have enjoyed brainstorming a compromise that tries to address both of our concerns.

I started a topic about it over at Alternate Respec Cost Solution #666. Of course, the only people to respond are immediately dismissive and insulting (Not unexpected. I’ve been on the forums for a little bit, now), but what bothers me the most is that only one person’s response showed that they actually read it… Kinda hard to have a discussion about a topic when someone is arguing while being purposefully ignorant about what they’re arguing about.

Says the person that lies about having answered questions in the discussion … saying they did answer instead of just saying that the players could “screw themselves” in those scenarios…

… but then it was quoted and linked to … in which case you were asked for the link to where you answered …

… you then fell silent in that thread the rest of that day while active elsewhere doing your usual song-and-dance.

@Asmodeus: you’re not wrong.

As I’ve pointed out, Shadout has lied at least twice (not counting them repeating said lies).

And then there’s the question of why they do what they do given that…

  • Shadout claims they have zero faith in Blizzard getting it right (right there in their Activity)
    • we’ll then ignore them using Blizzard making decisions as weight behind why they should be that way
  • Despite having no faith in Blizzard, Shadout is now at 1190 posts here … odd for having zero faith when so many game devs and games out there
    • Looking at Shadout’s history, anyone can see a pattern of continuously advocating for restrictions chained upon restrictions on how players play, with each restriction being because it is needed for the one before it to “work” :roll_eyes:

I have just used the ignore button so as not to lower myself to his level. :grinning:

No lies. I have answered your questions like 10+ times each. You know, the main reason for that post count you seem so extremely focused on :smiley:
Is there anything you genuinely think you lack an answer on? I can understand if you missed or forgot some answers over time. These threads are long.
Just a bit sad to run around calling people liars.

Got proof of any lies? No? How surprising.

Having zero faith they will get things right does not mean I cant note when they do get things right. Even if I might except them to only temporarily get it right.

Blizzard clearly needs to help here. I and others are giving Blizzard the feedback they asked for.
Not having faith in them (why would you have faith in some large corporation in the first place?) is not much of a reason for not trying to help.

Yep. It is called game design!

Anyone reading your posts can see that you already hit rock bottom with your posts, focusing on attacks and name calling over arguments. I never try to compete with that. Nor do I need to block people to prevent myself from falling down to their level.
But you do you :+1:

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The last time I asked for a link:

Can look up and down … no link from you.
Can see your activity … you have not.

Just as I continue to point out, you just said the players in the other scenarios could screw themselves.

Again, anyone can scroll and view the whole conversation.

As far as game design … as I said before quite recently, reading your ideas is like reading a liberal arts major discuss engineering.

You propose a “solution” to a “problem”. Then when issues with your “solution” are pointed out, you then propose additional “solutions” which are required for the earlier “solution” to actually work and that pattern repeats until you’ve given a fair number of “solutions”, ignoring their side-effects, and creating a brittle chain. The concept of refining any of your “solutions” doesn’t seem to cross your mind.

Obviously someone who doesn’t understand K.I.S.S. or is even aware of it (feel free to now search). Heck, when I talked about minimum requirements for functionality, that went over your head as you thought adding an extra step not required to achieve the functionality was equivalent to choosing to not add the extra steps.

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Hmmm no. Shadout has been a forum member for years and is rarely disingenuous.

I read the comments in this conversation and his argument is very sound and I agree with him.

Blizzard clearly recognise the issues from allowing easy respec. Which is why they’ve chosen this direction.

Seems like the arguments against are mostly personal attacks not actually providing points to back your argument. Perhaps you both ran out of any good reasoning.


I read your thread and I don’t at all understand how this compromise addresses anyone’s concerns. I think the goal is to have a system where you can swap skills around instantly (even if you don’t have enough gold) and can continue swapping them with a lower cost as long as you haven’t done much killing since your last swap?

Why not just have respec cost decrease with each point you refund and then gradually increase back to full as you kill stuff? Basically, you are paying to “unstick” your character and they say unstuck for a while until you’ve used the new build enough for it to get sticky again. The more you unstick, the longer it takes for it to get sticky again. Seems a lot simpler than some weird debuff to drops.

I find this hard to believe since the first two sections are THE PROBLEM and THE GOAL, while at the bottom, CONCLUSION tells you how it addresses those.

You could also scroll up on this post where I’ve been talking with Shadout and see how I’ve been tailoring the debuff solution to address the issues he has with the gold respec cost.

Because that would not address the issue of people doing respecs to exploit content drops, which is another issue people have mentioned is why they want harsher respec costs.

I read the parts where you said what you wanted to do, then claimed you had done it, but I see little connection between your solution and your goals. Making the game less fun for a while after a respec doesn’t seem desirable to anyone who is interested in using respecs.

It addresses it about as well as your solution does: continually respeccing to exploit specific content would continually cost money that a more balanced build doesn’t have to pay. In your system, it would generate less loot than a balance build would earn. The only way those are different is if one of the costs is way higher than the other.

I’ll admit it is a harder to understand cost. And I think I should mention here, since idk if you’ve read my other posts, I would love to have no-cost respecs. You can look back through my post history from the beginning and see how I would argue for that. But I’ve read other people’s opinions and can see the validity in some of their concerns.

Now, is it less fun to have a debuff? Yes.
Is it also less fun to have to check to see if you can afford a respec before you do it? I would say yes.
No one knows yet whether it’s going to be an issue or not, but the fact that you could accidently spend all your gold respecing, and not be able to complete your respec would be really not fun.

That is a hard one to say just yet. And getting that balance would be important. It’s also based on figures only the devs would have access to and be able to refine.

Well this would be significantly less likely in the system I suggested too. But if this is really your concern then the solution is a respec planner that doesn’t cost anything until you commit the changes and that shows you the costs and any problems preventing you from committing (like not enough points at a tier).

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From the other post:

I think they’re wrong.

I am not going to hunt down old posts and links.
If you genuinely want me to answer the same questions again, then ask those same questions again.
If those first 10 times it was answered just isn’t enough.

Unless I am misunderstanding the proposal, that would have the opposite effect of what is intended with a respec cost. You would be rewarded by respeccing frequently here? Due to the cost only increasing over time.

I assume you mean cost gold, not money, but in Somniums thread, you dont merely lose future gold, you lose items, currency, xp etc.
That is a big difference. Gold is a weak cost, since gold is often useless in this type of game.

An in-game build planner should definitely happen regardless of respec cost. The current system of having to move points one by one is a bit insane.

Fair enough. I also hope they are wrong.
Not sure though.

Nope. If you are forced to pay for respecs you should also be forced to spend the skill points manually every time.

So many respec cost threads lol… guys, blizz has already decided to keep the cost. Get over it :beers:

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Nope. I think it’s a dumb descision and will tell it in every respec cost thread. Just don’t read them :smiley:

Because providing feedback - before a game comes out - about certain aspects of that game - on the forums that blizz provided us to do literally that - is a bad thing. Thanks for your oh so valuable attempt at adding useful information to the discussion at hand though. :rofl: