Reset dungeon button gone!

Yeah, I can understand this too. What I can’t understand is who in their right mind would screw over 119 dungeons because 1 of them is being farmed over and over.

okay i saw the update about the reset button removed. Its interesting they would remove it, personally I dont care if someone wants to play the same dungeon over and over and over again. Thats not the way I want to play but if it makes people happy to do that, why punish them?

It would be funny if you can only do 1 dungeon 1 time a day or for the life of your character. Would make the game die really fast.

Yeah I was being sarcastic :sweat_smile:

No it don’t. Setting up dungeons in a way were 90% of the elistes in said dungeon are killed after 2 minutes and having a reset button that is always available is bad design by the devs and not a fault by the people using the mechanic in place.

If a dungeon resets after you kill the boss everything is fair game because Blizz can make every dungon longer or shorter without any big problems.

If a logout would be everything you need to do the memes about it would be so funny and priceless.

From my point of view there should be two portals at the end of the dungeon after beating the endboss. One marks the dungeon as solved and gives you the according aspect the other is the reset and do it again from the start portal. Problem solved. Noone can reset and if players overestimate themselfs and get their behind handled i nthe dungeon they need to grind somewhere else untill they can beat said dungeon.

Aspects aren’t guaranteed drops tho

I don’t get it, I read a lot of posts in forums and don’t remember seeing anyone complaining about dungeon reset mechanics - Variation, and backtracking sure, but not reset buttons lol.

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Perhaps the attempt to replicate POE’s system of maps as dungeons has resulted in a flawed mindset?
We approach these dungeons with a Diablo-esque mentality, continuously running and farming them, while POE maps are a form of currency that one must either grind or purchase to enjoy repeatedly.
It’s possible that the endgame dungeons will reflect the high cost of farming to run them, and the current disable feature is an attempt to prevent us from having too much freedom and disrupting the sense of paying for endgame content. This is all speculation, of course.

Why pay for the cow when the milk is free?

No one complained about it but they spotted exploits aka “fun” and did what Blizz does “fix things that work 100% fine”


They are. The whole statement that lead to the confusion was cleared up by a tweet. Blizz is just realy bad in communicating stuff on their own forum.

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I did wonder if they want to institute a cap so they can “direct” players towards content that drops keys to open nightmare runs, they mentioned potentially a cap, but not if the cap extends to nightmare dungeons as well. Who knows at this point.

A lot of leagues it is better to just skip the boss and only do the rares and elites or just do the seasonal part of the map and leave.

This is just Blizzards ham fisted approach to everything. The problem is that there is no incentive to finishing the dungeon. Instead of actually fixing the problem, they screwed the alternative.

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There was one true problem with the reset button, and it was that you could accidentaly press it and it would instantly reset your dungeon and port you to the entrance. But this behaviour isn’t listed at all in their clarification on this change.


That Novos/woods map with the undead was great for farming, it was just a big loop of elites and rares, no end boss just kill x-elites, it was a good farming spot.

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-fun detected
-action taken
-threat removed
-working as intended
-beep boop


What’s even more aggravating to me is that they listed the change on “General quality of life”. And even with the dev note clarifying the change, you can see absolutely no quality of life in the change.


Patch notes should be renamed to “fun nerfs” :rofl:


Ya, who’s QoL thanks. I find it aggravating the “in-house” blizzard streamers all posting “OMG THEY ACTUALLY LISTEN TO US” VoDs.


Lets see how long it takes this time last time resulted in my first 48h ban on a forum ever. Looks like Blizz isn’t to happy when someone critiques their communication behaviour.


they didn’t say players quality of life :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah, was gonna comment this also. They didn’t also say it was a increase on quality of life.

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