Requires version 1909 of Windows 10? really?

LOL…my machine is kept up to date and it’s impact is comically minimal. Not wanting to update sounds more like a you problem than a Blizzard or MS one.


Sounds like those people who get pissed when blizzard stops supporting their OS, like… it hasn’t had an update in 3 years, it’s a security risk

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If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Alot of what goes into these updates is unnecesary rubbish (that often causes issues). if It was just security patches sure but its not. And if you really think not updating something that works perfectly fine “isn’t taking care of it” and that we may as well not have it that’s your ideal. It’s still an issue adding unnecessary checks to things that don’t need them.


To each their own.

By the way, you can skip unnecessary updates for Windows and get the major security related ones, but hey “it ain’t broke so don’t fix it.”

Complains he a cant’ play a game because he hasn’t updated OS.
Solution is to update OS
Doesn’t want to update OS so complains


*Complains he can’t play a game because the devs decided to add an unnecessary check on launch because they felt like it


You’re literally just complaining for the sake of complaining at this point. Just don’t play then. It’s really not that big of a deal unless you’ve just yohoho’d your system and it wont update.


If you can’t play a game that you want to play because your operating system is a couple of years out of date that might just qualify as ‘broke’. So fix it.


OP is trying to play on a machine with XP service pack 2 on it LOL

Welcome to the new era of PC gaming. Blizzard is far from alone in prematurely not supporting Windows versions. Microsoft kills support off well before hardware needs dictate and then for legal or other reasons companies decide to follow suit.


How about you keep your toxic opinion for yourself and don’t visit this threads. easy right?

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You can have my WindowsME when you pry it from my cold dead hands.

One of the most significant changes was the introduction of a new feature called “Windows Search Indexer,” which is designed to improve the speed and efficiency of searching for files on your computer. This feature could potentially help games load faster by enabling faster file access.

In addition, the update also included improvements to the way Windows handles input and output operations, which could potentially improve the performance of games that rely heavily on these functions.

Games might require a certain version or later of Windows for a number of reasons, including:

  1. Compatibility: Game developers want to ensure that their games run smoothly on different versions of Windows. Older versions of Windows may lack certain features or have different system requirements that prevent a game from running properly. As a result, game developers often specify a minimum version of Windows that their game is compatible with.

  2. Performance: Games are often designed to take advantage of the latest hardware and software features in order to deliver the best possible performance. Newer versions of Windows may offer better performance optimizations or more advanced hardware support that older versions lack. By requiring a newer version of Windows, game developers can ensure that their game takes full advantage of the latest hardware and software features.

  3. Security: Newer versions of Windows often include important security updates and patches that can help protect against malware and other security threats. By requiring a certain version of Windows, game developers can ensure that their game is running on a more secure platform.

  4. Technical Requirements: Some games have specific technical requirements that are only met by newer versions of Windows. For example, a game might require a certain version of DirectX or other system libraries that are only available on a newer version of Windows.


You really don’t get the point do you? It’s not like higher windows versions are a necesity to play the game, blizz just don’t want to let people with older versions play the game.
It’s still windows 10, the version should not matter.

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Broke means that it’s having issues, out of date is not an issue. Many glitches and errors are made because people just went overkill with updates. I never used to update a single thing, and stuff worked perfectly for years and years, while friends who updated their sistems all the time, had constant problems.
Can you really blame the people who want to use a stable version of a software?

These constant updates that come all the time are not normal. And there is no point in not letting someone use an older version of the same OS.

They don’t make rules like this just to make people angry. There are definitely reasons why game developers might require specific versions or later of Windows.

Game developers may rely on specific features or APIs that are only available in the latest or later version of Windows 10. By requiring players to use the latest or later version of Windows 10, game developers can ensure that their game will perform optimally on the most up-to-date operating system.

Additionally, supporting older versions of Windows 10 can be time-consuming and expensive for game developers, as they need to test their game on multiple versions of the operating system to ensure compatibility. Therefore, some game developers may choose to only support the latest version of Windows 10 to streamline the development and testing process.

It’s also worth noting that older versions of Windows 10 may not receive critical security updates, leaving them vulnerable to potential security threats. By requiring players to use the latest version of Windows 10, game developers can help ensure that their game is not vulnerable to known security issues.


Oh, Windows ME was such a messy gem indeed.

Technically every release of an OS update is a stable release. We aren’t talking getting updates from the Windows Insider channel (the equivalent of the beta program).

As software updates stuff is also depreciated as well so things have to perpetually be modified. I’m sure any software engineer at Blizzard can attest to this.

Are you going to cry at them every time vendor stop supporting old OS?
Well, let ransomware hit and see if your opinion changes :wink:

You are ignorant. There are up to date versions that are supported that are <1909. Your nonsense babbling only further tells your ignorance on the topic.