Requires version 1909 of Windows 10? really?

I haven’t had a game refuse to let me play it in 20 years because of an OS version ““issue””.

I downloaded 80 god damn GB of data for this error? You can’t check critical things like that BEFORE downloading? For the love of god. What is Blizzard doing?


Update then. According to Microsoft, 1909 is no longer supported.


I feel like people are searching for ANYTHING to complain about on these forums just for the sake of complaining…

Will probably see a “Why is Windows Vista not supported” thread here soon.


Please support Windows Millennial Edition


Those who come to mock other people’s posts also queue up after being disconnected every 10 minutes.


Are you guys nuts?

No other game in existence has ever given me this “error”. Not since Windows XP has a single game, ever, told me “your OS has to be fully update to use this”. This isn’t a mobile game, this isn’t a cell phone. This isn’t a nintendo switch, it’s my freaking PC, and I have never- ever- in the last 20 damn years- had a game say “oh sorry we don’t support a whole year old version of your operating system lol”.

I can buy and download and play hundreds of PC games that came out in the past year no problem. Why is this an exception?


easy, dont play d4 then.


I don’t know why you guys are attacking this person, it’s disgusting. we’re not asking for them to support old operating systems we’re asking them not to check SPECIFIC versions of our operating systems. I can’t play this because I’m one update behind, there is no technical difference between my version and 1909 that this game or practically any program should care about. Windows 10 is Windows 10, this is an arbitrary check that only causes problems even if you do have the latest version.


What possibly legit reason do you have for not updating to a release from Nov 2019? And that isn’t one update behind. 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2.


1909 is out of support and thus susceptible to security holes. Update your OS - check the version support matrix


It’s just the version that I happen to be on, and I don’t want to update because it’s a just a pain and does absolutely nothing for me other than open me up to potential update issues where I’d then have to revert.
Like the original poster said this is the first time I have ever seen anything, anything at all complain about specific versions (because again doing so is arbitrary). You don’t have to agree with our stance on updating to see the absurdity of forcing an extra, unnecessary check to a program.
Also to “ugh” that’s our choice, I have never had any security issues whatsoever and if infects me for having an outdated windows we all got bigger problems than Diablo 4.

Update your OS, your computer is a security risk.


You should look at games on Xbox Gamepass then. They specify you need to have a certain OS level of Windows 10.

Well D4 is an online only game so you’re opening yourself up to security risks from the network side of thing.

You’ve also just publicly announced you have an out of date OS. Any hacker now knows what exploits are feasible for your machine.


People not wanting to keep their OS up to date are sus.



People that want to have their computer turn on when they turn it on and not just come up with “updating windows” every damn time are sus huh? or have to deal with “restart to apply updates” and only being able to “postpone” for like 2 hours. If they made it reasonable so you could update when you want and have time without all the whining maybe more people would.

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That happens literally once a month…

The second Tuesday of every month to be exact.


This isn’t the only game i’ve seen do that, it has to do with security update requirements

ya every single month, when i want to use my pc without being harassed and if you don’t want to be harassed you have to disable it fully which makes it annoying when you do want to update

Why use a computer then if you aren’t going to take care of it?

Why use any piece of technology if you aren’t going to update it? Everything today gets updates: routers, smart watches, smart plugs/bulbs, doorbells, cell phones, etc.

I’m not trying to attack you personally, but you sound like an irresponsible user asking for an issue.