Request: / Feedback: for HARDCORE

Hi, as a long time Diablo fan, played D1 on floppy disk, with more than 5,000 hours in D2 and 3,000 hours in D3. I played softcore and hardcore and I wanted to provide some feedback and ask for a couple of requests please;

Can the Hardcore community have their own section on the forums please, as Hardcore is a lot more in depth and items and strats will matter even more. Maybe that way players do not have to filter through 95% of everything else to find topics relating to Hardcore.

The Butcher: Right now the main strategy will be to avoid dungeons all together until players reach a certain level, just to avoid the Butcher. And while I get that this is hardcore, this will make for less of a gameplay experience. I am not asking for a nerf to him, but maybe make it so he can not come out till level 25 or higher? And can you make it so he can not come out in the Dungeons related to the main campaign? Since the only thing to do, will be the campaign and open world.

He did kill my Sorc, RIP lvl 20 (pronounced Sork for all you newbs, I had seen a thread on here for that). It was fun and it scared the hell out of me. But only chars with their ultimate or a few shields and barriers and good enough gear can take him on. SO most people will not do dungeons till they are “x” strong. And I do not know if you have done world content, but drops are pretty bad compared to say dungeons. SO it’s like grind the world forever till you feel strong enough to do your first dungeon…

Loading coming out from a dungeon or going in, sometimes there will be mobs right outside of the dungeon and a few times, right inside the dungeon. And as your hard-drive struggles to load the open world map and the other players around you, at higher difficulties, I worry some mobs will attack or kill you before you load. Can we give like a 3 sec grace period? It’s not my fault that you made the open world so big, with so many activities going on and live players running around. Think of World Tier 4 (we are only doing 2 now at most) those mobs will kill you. (Right now it’s not an issue since we can just kill them very easily)

This gets me to the next point, when players are rubber-banding, standing there loading, coming out of a dungeon, not only can they be griefed by open world mobs, but by actual players as well. (Please believe) Players will just target a popular area and on World Tier 3 or 4, just go grab a pack of elites with 4 or 5 affix’s and just drag/kite them right to the area / stop and wait for people to come out and load. Grace period(s) will help solve a lot of griefing. This is the internet, we all know how it’s going to go down.

Class tuning and talent tuning I will not get into as hopefully those will be addressed. There are some god awful (you’ll lose dps) type of talents scattered all through out the talent trees.

I also hope you address items dropping 24/7 from the sky. It’s not Hardcore if at lvl 25 you have found 39 legendary items so far (with-in 8 hours of gameplay on 1 char). I hope this is a beta thing and for testing purposes.

The world you created is great and I am loving it on Hardcore. I think this makes for a better Hardcore experience than say D3, since the world is very open, with tons of things to do and collect and really feels like a legit hardcore rpg (most elements)

Please fix monster scaling. A Level 3 will do more dps than a level 40. A level 3 will one shot mobs, while a level 40 will take 3 to 5 hits.

The world looks amazing and wonderful job on all the details. It really makes the game shine even more. And then we get to the UI…it is very bad. Can we redo the whole UI and also the whole UI for talents. That looks like half of a talent tree the way it’s layed out. Why must I click two buttons and and scroll down to find out most of my stats? Why does it default to plants?

To all you softcore players, I never want to see you flex, unless you’re flexing in hardcore. No one cares if you ran a rift 47 or w/e or you have all these upgraded orange items LOL. Bring your skill over to where it matters :grinning:


Amen. HC forum would be an excellent thing.