Reminder: Maxroll Builds are not optimal

Its also relevant to mention that in D4 your average feel good build can be very different from a lilith killer setup or NM100 spec.

Maxroll aims to give you a working build that feels nice to play, these other endgame objectives require more careful planning and some understanding of the game.

Stay awhile and show us on the Deckard Cain doll where the Maxroll guys touched you to make you so salty.


What is wrong about monster families?

Isn’t max fury recommended for HOTA due to the aspect that does more damage per point of fury?

I’m not posting here to start trouble or anything but I agree that there was/or were a mistake in the bone necro guide that I was following on the maxroll website. They didn’t count their pre paragon skill points properly and ended up investing in skills that were beyond the total amount of skills points that you were suppose to have. I was going to make a post asking for some advice but it would probably be better if I do it in the proper forum (necromancer forum).

A lot actually. Heres my data, you’ll see its vastly different from what they have.

Target farming uniques - need more information - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

Hammer of the Ancients deals 1% more damage for every point of Fury you had when using it.

Technically, yes…

However, does a damage increase that is only active at max fury actually beat out something like crit or vuln damage on rings? Keep in mind that having more max fury makes it harder for you to stack the initial fortify to make living easier, and that you already have 100+ fury, diminishing the overall damage increase from having even more fury.

I don’t think the benefits outweigh the costs.

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The problem Temerity has is one virtually all uniques share: the fixed affixes are inferior to the affix potential of a rare/legendary.

Pants can get a ton of defensive affixes that, at higher levels, are just better than the legendary effect of Temerity.

You are the [barb]!

I appreciate the time and effort you are putting into helping out the community. You went above and beyond with the video commentary.

I didn’t read the Maxroll guide in question but

1 - Berserk Ripping is usually used for additional Disobedience stacks in NMD, not for DMG

3 - I wasn’t aware that there was a DR cap other than Armor, can you explain further? There are 4 available defensive slots - Disobedience (Ammy), Might, Iron Warrior, +1. I would put Iron Blood as a top contender for the 4th slot.

9 - Each point invested into Challenging Shout yield larger and larger returns, with ever increasing efficiency. This is why people get 12/5 for CS. But yeah no reason to invest points here if you’re only going to farm and not push high tier NMD.

13 - +18 Max Fury increases HOTA DMG by 6~9% depending on total Max Fury.
35.3% Vul DMG increases my DPS by 7.5%
31.5% CDMG increases my DPS by 4.6%
Maths says Max Fury on ring is decent for HOTA. Maybe not better than Vul DMG, but I wouldn’t call it bad.

14 - You are wrong. UR does amplify Core DMG in the STAT screen, but this is a display error. I have personally tested this myself. UR correctly multiplies final DMG by 2.35x, Core DMG does not get double boosted from UR. So Close DMG is usually better than Core, since Close has higher roll potential (pick whichever has higher numerical value).

I agree with your other points.

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One of their cons for Bone Spear Necro is “High APM”

I’m over here casting one single Bone Spear every 2 seconds.


High APM does not only refer to just the skill itself but the playstyle as a whole when taking into account movement and other skills used (e.g. corpse explosion).

I went from WW barb to bone necro and it was a substantial increase in APM for these old hands.

I went from WW to Bone Necro and its actually easier for my also very old hands. No need to press shouts every 9 seconds, no need to press Ultimate at all until you get into trouble. No need to cast anything else other than the occasional Mist and Tendrils. And best of all, no circling around. Bone is walk and shoot, walk and shoot PoE single skill style.

Max roll is just for beginers and newbies. You can take some good ideas from them but overall you can make better builds then them anytime.

Same apply for lost ark their builds were really bad.

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Iceyveins is better icy-veins . com/d4/

This is why I like the builds from the smaller streamers. I was previously using one of the maxroll builds and swapped to something one of the smaller youtubers was demoing that looked like a lot of fun. Result? 20 Tier NM gain.

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Make a new character. It’s an ARPG not wow.

All that you’re saying is true but guess what.

Min-Maxing in D4 doesn’t really matter. Your build isn’t going to feel much better at 100% of it’s potential as it does at 80% of it’s potential. The average player won’t even be able to tell the difference. The balancing in the game is a mess and difficulty is front loaded into one shot mechanics, and obnoxious amount of CC.

Yes because it’s only good for speed farm content and it’s not needed for that content. For hard content, temerity is not good because most of your mitigation comes from chest and legs.

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As a barb main at lv97 I appreciate your insights.

Some of this I figured out the hard way pushing tiers.

I’m still hoping one of these days we get a fun walking arsenal build with leap and/or charge