Refund declined

Agreed . Blizzard can have my Bnet account I am done with this awful company and their bs


This is the dumbest thing ive seen all day and I work with special ed students


Takes a real genius to work with special ed students. Thanks for gracing us with your stupid 2 cents.

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This reminds me of the scumbags who buy furniture then try to return the furniture after like 100 days of using it. Then they pitch a fit saying “WHY WONT YOU GIVE ME MY REFUND…WE ONLY USED IT FOR 100 DAYS /cry/cry”. This is some top tier karen scumbaggery.

You’re just the same scum trying to game the system in different ways. It’s comical.

Basically homie said “IVE ONLY PLAYED THIS GAME FOR 30 DAYS /cry/cry AND GOT MAX LEVEL AND PUT 50-100+ HOURS INTO IT…I DESERVE A REFUND”…sound about right?


when 70$ is a massive fortune for you, your priorities shouldn’t be gaming.

go to the woods and kill some wild life and feed your family.


I feel like they think trying to “game” the system like this is punishing Blizzard lol. Either that or they are such trashy people they use this as an excuse for their lowlife behavior. If 70 dollars wasn’t worth the 100s of hours they already put into the game they probably need to re-evaluate the cost of labor.

It was a joke and you are dumber than I first thought please dont breed

Ask your mom to use birth control and maybe I wont.

Name something specific from the patch, that directly affects you, that you enjoy

They buffed Shadowmancer/Blight Necro bigggg time. Considering Shadow damage can’t crit and doesn’t benefit from Vulnerable anyways. They buffed the overall damage of my favorite build.

Fair. Anything else?

Hey if you want your first time to be with a 60 year old thats on you man but birth control isnt necessary at her age if you catch my drift. Either way youre not breeding and thats fine with me.

I mean to me thats honestly enough since it’s a build I really enjoy playing. At this point it’s just gonna be back to the drawing board to come up with builds that aren’t as reliant on crit damage multiplier stacking/vuln damage. Now granted the defensive nerf wasn’t necessary and I don’t agree with that. But really damage wise I’m happy my Shadowmancer is feeling strong.

they should refund everyone who plays barbs and sorc

5 classes was false advertising

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That was literally the worst come back I could have imagined. Jesus man, have a little dignity.

Also fair. Reason why I’m asking for more is because the patch was huge, affecting every class, build, etc. If you are only naming one thing, I would be worried unless youre never planning on trying other classes or builds.

Ill also say this, it actually might not be that bad for you if you havent experienced the other builds yet, spares you from the frustration of knowing you had something much more efficient and optimized. And now has been watered down or made useless

You’re insane lol. They stole what you legally have???

it isnt the same game they released… i dont see how it cant qualify for a refund

Lol what the hell am I reading here.

Again, there is a certain kind of gamer who thinks nothing, even a game he is going on a 1000 hours in, is worth his money. Go kick rocks you entitled brat.