Reflection after uninstall

When I was hooked into the game I defended it. The gameplay is fun. The game is pretty. The sound design is phenomenal.

Aside from those things it’s a giant hunk of absolute garbage. I still don’t regret my purchase as I got a couple hundred or so good hours out of it, but man… I’ll probably never give Blizz another dime.


I went back to Diablo 2 Resurrected…

They got that one right.

It saddens me that that this game has taken the path it has… And if you’re enjoying yourself in the game, I’m happy for you.



I boycotted Blizzard for over a decade. The last Blizzard game I bought was WOW: The Burning Crusade back in 2007. I decided to purchase D2R and it was great. Vicarious Visions did an outstanding job bringing the game to modern standards, visually. Unfortunately, for me, D4 is a complete disappointment and I will not be buying any more Blizzard products anytime soon.


See you for DLC 1 haha


I have some fun with Starcraft II campaign currently. It has been constantly updated and now it is still enjoyable. It got this old Blizzard North flavour :slight_smile:


This game needs MASSIVE sweeping changes that strike at the very core of its foundation for me to consider pushing install.

Itemization is the worst I have ever seen in any video game in my 29 years. Balance between classes or even simply class builds is non-existent. The devs do NOT play this game, and its fairly obvious that they don’t even understand how the game works. Server stability is abysmal.

The art team is the only thing that can be praised throughout the entirety of the product.


I’d add to your list of well done two things:

  • Class fantasy (this isn’t balance, just the design) outside of Sorc is very good to great. This will keep me at least somewhat engaged for awhile as the combat does a good job as well

  • PvP area is interesting (blending PvP and PvE) and is “decent” as a thing to do during leveling and end game.

There are also a ton of problems and who knows if they’ll get sorted out or not.


No, You will buy another upcoming Diablo Expansion when they release :rofl:


The former white knight is getting white knighted… Dang.


This applies to all Blizzard products these days.


The classes are balanced, or tell me why they’re not. Specifically, no general statements like “they just suck!”. Say “why” and “how” :slight_smile:

once throne and liberty comes out, i might stop playing d4 completely

I will be brief.

Anyone that posts on this official forum stating that they have quit the game and would like to express that to the community is wasting their time.

You will in no way shape or form affect any business situation for Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard.

I look at these posts and I just shake my head.

Let’s just be honest…

We have all seen a child before, we have seen children behave when they don’t get their way, correct?

Everyone that posts these silly and ridiculous posts are simply trying to grab at attention and whine like a child.

Just leave the game.

Everyone that enjoys this game is doing exactly that, enjoying the game.

No one cares if you don’t play this game.

Neither does Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard. You are a VERY, VERY small number of people that have tried this game and have decided to post on the official forum that you are upset and want people to give a sh… if you leave… no one does.

I have had a blast playing this game. It will only get better. And if you have not enjoyed this game. Then move on, NO ONE CARES. ;o)


It’s not meant for blizzard.
It’s meant for the people. Despite what you say, if people on the forums see many quitting posts, they will wonder why.
It also shows the level that they are upset. Problems are so bad that it makes them want to stop playing the game. It has a valid purpose.
Just because you can’t see it or don’t care doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an effect.


I would disagree with this sentiment. It is like saying I hate pizza and it taste like garbage and saying others are posting so you shouldn’t eat pizza because you’ll think it taste like garbage.

Posting specifics about what you don’t like about the game actually gives something concrete to judge the game off of.

Saying this is poo “I quit” only lets us know you don’t like the game. Even if 100 other people post it - at best it just lets us know they don’t like it. That in and of itself says nothing as to if someone else will personally like it.

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There will be many more of you. This game still has a ton of white knights, but blizzard will betray their faith eventually, too. They always do.


Bro… mephisto is still here. We need you bro

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Dawg you go from one extreme to the other it doesn’t make sense. Make it make sense dawg. Make it make sense.

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This was assumed when I made my post

Dude, even the dev team has acknowledged that the classes are unbalanced lol.
Or do you know something they don’t?

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