Recruited Mercenaries

If one of these mercenaries are a holy type class. This will be a slap in the face, and i will refuse to play after that.

I am sure you will be missed and sad to see you go.

Give me this or I quit and/or if you give me this I will quit are definitely self defeating. If you want to quit c-ya and don’t be surprised if at least one person shrugs his/her shoulders and thinks “whatever dude cya”


Cool story bro, no cares what you have to say

Can you explain why this would bother you enough to quit?

Bro u don’t read? Paladin will slap him in the face. I think he can’t play when are distracted.

Blizzard knows holy type classes are one of the most popular classes, and people have been asking for a holy type in D4 if they make a holy type follower then they basically just slapped every single person in the face who wants a holy type class.

I’m sorry that you’re so bhurt over possibly not getting your way. When it doesn’t happen please just throw your little tantrum and quit. You will not be missed, at least not by me.

Have a great day

Edit - if it does happen then you can be happy. Other than that your sense of entitlement is very telling

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I understand that but I understand their point of view of creating something new. I’d be shocked if a paladin like class isn’t the next class released. Maybe with enough convincing they can add it as a dlc mid expansion as just a pay for class. We all know they love their store. This isn’t enough to make me quit a game I find fun.

in fact, Blizzard can help you to get Holy Class. On Char Edit Profile choose prefix Holy. And untill Blizzard put Class at suffix, u can use Commander or something. And voila. You can play any char like Holy s…t.

They could have made two classes. The base game came with 5 classes, 20 - 30 hour campaign.

This expansion pack is at full price with 1 class, and probably a 10 hour campaign also being lunched with season 6 at the sametime and that season pass will be 10 dollars for anyone who got the base game.

No matter how many classes they include someone will cry that it is not the one that they wanted. :sob:


now i do actually hope that one of the mercs is a holy type.

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Looking at the pic of the mercenaries, big dude in the center with a giant gold cross on his giant gold shield does appear in fact to be a holy type.

Maybe he’s just a Jester though, like you suggested as a Holy class in your other complaint thread. lmao

Either way, you will (not) be missed and remembered, though I’m sure we’ll see you playing day 1 of VoH release. <3


lol you are right. didnt even look at the mercs yet to be honest :o

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If he is I can see OP now: “I demand a refund.”

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i dont understand that whole paladin obsession anyway. i mean, yea, i can see people liked the class in d2/d3, but it was crystal clear that the class isnt in d4, and they never said that theyd implement them.

Of course people can ask for them to be implemented, but this whole “demanding” is kinda ridiculous.

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If the big guy turns out to be one I hope he has auras in his skill tree that can buff us.

Crusader in D3 was the least played class next to Witch Doctor in D3 for many of the seasons.

Aside from a couple of seasons where it had a build that was literally able to just run around and everything dies, it just didn’t have a 4 player meta build and solo wasn’t that fun.

The monk was a long-time favorite in D3, but even that people got bored of when support classes weren’t really required anymore. People just want to blast, and monk/crusader weren’t particularly good at that.

So yeah, I don’t understand the obsession either.

I think the spiritborn is a great choice for a next class, but whatever comes after that will be based on whatever expansion it comes with. They’re not going to randomly pick a class (or based on customer demands), and they honestly probably already know what the next 3 are.


I agree. Im looking forward to trying something new. Paladin/ Crusader never appealed to me.

I get not being happy with your favorite class not being in game. Thats why I didnt bother with D3 until necro became a playable class.