Really close to uninstalling! theres too many bugs and too many poor decisions by the devs

-the screwed up drop rates for not only class specific uniques that ,without wich, invalidate 1/2 of a characters kit because said kit was built around said unique (tempest roar for example). topped off with the fact that the loot pool is polluted with trash uniques with such high drop rates that they drop as frequently as legendaries!
-the event bugs that not only prevent you from completing said events and then when you do you get trash rewards that you eventually just ignore all together after level 50
-the complete lack of quality of life implementations that at this day and age in the video game world are just basically common sense when following up a game with a sequel! specifically storage space, upgrade costs, mount movement function, refund all button for paragon points along with the ability to save presets for a build in a game that is based on character builds and a few others but my point is made.
-game difficulty that is completely based on being annoying and not hard and enemy AI that is completely idiotic… IE enemies that spam the crap out of aoe that not only does IMMENSE damage but also cc’s you for a ridiculously long time! enemies that spam those abilities and also run on top of you character which compiled with the fact that ranged attacks will go through close range mobs and not hit them make the game feel absolutely awful to play at higher difficulties for most builds!
-an absolute lack of flow from early to endgame gameplay and a complete fall of off endgame risk to reward play… example you are either one hitting enemies or getting one shotted. and even if you are one shotting things theres no point to play endgame activities! high level nightmares drop gear at higher item powerr that is as equally trash as the gear 20 30 40 item power below it… there are so many useless affixes and gear so often rolls affixes that are uselss and dont pertain to your class that it feel depressing to grind for…
-difficulty that scales disproportionately and obscenely higher with friends! i can do lvl 45 nightmares solo… my two friends join and we get destroyed by cc aoe spam enemies that dont react in accordance with our gear aspects or and skills 60% of the time!
in summary!
you have so many mistakes that the game feels like it was only really thought out up to level 50 and story completion… theres no reward for playing endgame and the loot and missing reward in loot and lack of quality of life make this game absolute trash past level 80! you dont get rewarded for grinding your tail off! you dont feel any stronger from level 80 to level 100 unless your playing rogue or a werewolf build that is unlpayable without tempest roar which only drops for youtubers and twitch streamers theres no room for the trash loot that drops 99% of the time! overworld activities dont reward you and the enemies are more annoying than they are hard and the things that make them annoying are transformed in to artificial difficulty as you do higher level nightmares in hopes of finding something that is challenging and fun only to be dissapointed by stupid affixes that make the game more annoying or almost impossible depending on your build…

these developement and project managers have released a game that just doesnt feel done past level 50 or was just designed to piggy back off of diablos awesome name to make a quick buck! theyve completely sh*t the bed with the riggned number generators and pathetic need to control how we play the game to the extent robbing us of everything we would expect from endgame! the game is full of potential! and i suspect that at some point they will make the right changes and turn this around but as it stand this is nothing but a pathetic crash grab unless your ok with playing a game for the copy paste story plot covered up with amazing cutscenes! because as it stands that is the ONLY thing this game has to offer!


Well you know how to use commas and exclamation points. Seriously, if you’re going to write a post that long, use punctuation and paragraphs.


Yes I would agree that this is a bit of a blunder. I see what they were attempting though. There should be uniques that create new builds. And these uniques should be super rare. But this is something druid needs to function in the end game.

You can have super rare things like D2 did to make a Tesladin etc, but palladin already had plenty of other viable builds. So before they start making super rare items for meme builds, they need to give the classes accessible builds that will tear up end game just as well.

You can’t just make the meme build with the super rare components and then have that be the only truly viable end game build.


Yeah, I refuse to read any post that doesn’t use basic punctuation and paragraphs.

People aren’t doing anything for their cause if what they post looks like it was written by someone with a sub-50 IQ.


They never will. Believe me, I read and respond to messages/emails for a living. Most of the populace couldn’t construct a proper sentence or paragraph if they had a gun to their head.

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I hear ya! But you should wait until the new Season begins, and see if the Blizzard D4 Team made any real improvements by then. I agree, there are many issues and bugs, and knowing it took 6 years to make this game is just sad! The only part I enjoyed was the epic campaign, cinematics and storyline, but after that it is awful, boring and grinding in D4 hell! Lol! -

Anyway, You paid good money for this game, at least give it a chance. Hopefully, it will improve and be much better for everyone. Just a suggestion. - Cheers! - JJ -

Meh, I can live with the bugs until they’re fixed. The game is just too boring. XP comes way to slow after level 70, and running nightmare dungeons repeatedly isn’t my thing, especially with all the stupid affixes. It’s like rifts and M+ all over again, and I noped out of those too.


Don’t wait! Go ahead and do it now.

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Hopefully, the Blizzard D4 Team will improve Diablo 4 by the time the new season starts… otherwise Blizzard will have much bigger problems and the game may end up being ruined by lazy neglect and or incompetence, or both. I don’t think that will happen, but after learning it took Blizzard 6 years to make this game, it is very disappointing, except for the epic campaign, storyline and cinematics, after that, you are right, it is boring, repetitive and the XP grind-hell with their so called “XP boost” is simply awful.

Let’s hope Diablo 4 improves! :slight_smile:


Thats what inam doing gonna play season 1 cause inknownwhat class i am rolling with.

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I had thoughts of leaving,
But then i realised there is still hope.
That blizzard will somehow introduce
Bobby Kotick as an end-game boss…

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I’m just going to state the truth even though it will never happen but this is pretty much all a 70 dollar USD game will get you. Your playing a bit of a contrarian. Should games cost more? Probably not but the game we all want costs hundreds not 70 usd. Blizzard cannot implement a cash shop with any real good items or the whole community will boycott them. Blizzard cannot charge 150 USD for the base game because the whole gaming community will boycott them. My best advice to anyone wondering why this game isn’t what they want is to make an ARPG yourself. I’m being real here and it won’t ever happen but the game we all want the gaming community won’t pay for. So basically we will have this cycle of expectation and disappointment indefinitely. It’s just the truth but seriously for 70 USD Diablo 4 is amazing and for those of us lucky enough to be able to afford it we should be thankful and express gratitude. I am being real it just is what it is. Super Mario 3 was 49.99 at release in the 80’s and some rare SNES games where 69.99 and up in the 90’s. It’s a real shame but these games cost a fortune to bring to life people have to be paid and shareholders have to benefit. It’s a real shame. I wish some hardcore gaming genius would make us some games again but sadly it isn’t happening because the money is very hard to source. I hope all understand what I am saying and yes 70 USD is a nice chunk of change but gaming is a luxury not a right.

screw your self troll! your inability to maintain focus on a point for long enough to extract any value from the statement made is proof enough of your own lack on I.Q. … by the way thats how you punctuate that abbreviation!

You should try the Rogue, Necromancer or Sorcerer - they are all solid overall. My main is the Necromancer. Only level 65 thanks to D4 awful XP grinding, and my Rogue is level 50 - both great to play in Diablo 4. I played Necro in Diablo 3 as well. They are fun. That is what I would recommend. :slight_smile:

i completely understand what your saying and you make sense! but we have the problem of perpetuating the problem when we settle for mistakes that are easy to have rectified before they are even made! at some point we have to have some level of accountability that we hold these electronic arts developers and publishers too or we will continue to be in the state we’re in now! games go up in cost and down in quality! ive made other posts about the games positive traits and i even said in the post i made that theres hope for them to make some better decisions going forward but until they take acknowledge that they dropped the ball on the whole rear end of this game and take responsibility for disregarding the expectations of players to be rewarded for playing their game; we are going to stay in a half done state of D4!


perhaps you’re the dumb one here if you can only read and understand properly punctuated sentences. intelligent people can and will read/understand even the worst punctuated sentences.

obviously your brain can’t handle such errors and will freeze up… lol


Your right and I completely agree but unless a motivated genius is lurking in the shadows to make the game we all desire and dream of we are stuck in perpetuity at the whims of the people who make the games today. Blizzard does what it needs to do as a company and I respect that. Great games of yesteryear where made at sacrifices of Motivated geniuses. You make some great points that I acknowledge completely.

broooooooo!!! nice back up lol

It’s not only should players be rewarded for playing their games, but more importantly, for delivering a game that is not broken and still in beta. This game is NOT free! We paid good money for this game, (Diablo 4) and expected an epic better game vs all other Diablo games, instead we got a broken, buggy beta game with a laundry list of issues and bugs! That is awful!

However, in all due fairness to Blizzard, the campaign, cinematics and storyline are epic, and I enjoyed it, but after that it is not fun and only XP grinding hell, boring and buggy. That is not what we paid for. That is the biggest problem of all! Blizzard needs to fix and improve this game ASAP! And I truly hope they do. Thanks for sharing. - JJ

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as im thinking more about what you said i think i disagree with one major thing… you think the community wont pay more money for what they want is dead wrong! how many games make millions from dlc? and how many from sequel games as well? i can name 5 major titles right off the top of my head! and its not to say those games are super great but they do exemplify the willingness of people to support games that deliver what they love! the way you said it kind of makes it seem like blizzard paid you to say it lol… im sure thats not the case but you gotta see where im coming from! excuses dont solve problems they just make more problems! if people arent wiling to speak out when they feel they’ve been robbed or deceived then we have zero reason to expect anything better than the trash we’ve been force fed

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