Really 2 unique rings added to rogue?

I hope it doesn’t come with 10% All Resistances or 50 health per hit

could it be that it is not important which slot the item occupies but what it does?

real big brain move from you…

what would be the difference if the item with rapid fire was a crossbow instead of a ring? That’s right, none.

besides, you’ll never wear the two rings together, so it’s perfectly fine that they’re rings


Oh right how could I forget its almost as if any aspect can get used on any slot! how foolish of me…

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how about you shut up and let the guy talk about what he wanna talk?

stop crying before testing…this comunity :sob: :sob: :sob:


Who said i was crying?

What didn’t know not all aspects can go on any gear you want?

So you result to childish actions… Prime example of the D4 community



Didn’t realize his mommy was here watching the forums to protect her little boy.


100% pure crying

this is no feedback what you are doing here, 0 seconds tested, no feeling at all how it plays,…

just crying why not this and that…

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Blizzard has stated this in their campfire chat before. They want to introduce playstyles NOT uniques. If a playstyle require a unique or two then blizzard will release said items. Just wait a Season or two.
Not sure why you want a unique over a legendary aspect. It’s not like unique affixes are important.

Have to buy Xpac for those kinds of toys.

Whatever you say child. Simply asked why 2 rings and not a crossbow that isn’t in the game… But okay Let me go cry like you said.

I mean do you actually WANT to give up your 100% more powerful Aspect slot for a unique? … Why? So you can has cool looking crossbow? There’s cosmetics for that. I’d hate to have to give up that slot for a unique, personally.


There was the skyhunter utizlied for a build… So yeah you can. Thought this game was “play your way”?

Those 2 rings are for 2 different builds, not 1.

The less uniques on 2H weapon the better, thats a 2x aspect slot and some aspects > uniques. Skyhunter is inferior in damage vs aspect crossbow.

skyhunter is powerful with the precision update. but yeah, if they make the unique 2h good enough you won’t miss the double aspect lost. im weary of the increased uniques being added that are specified for specific builds because i dont want to be locked into a unique in many slots and would prefer my own affix’s with aspects.

Meanwhile…I plan on going Flurry/RF with Grenades and using both

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In a way I’m glad there isn’t a unique crossbow I’m forced to use in a build I like because the forward/backward lurching animation every single time a shot is fired is really offputting. I actually have problems with that kind of animation. It just looks entirely unnatural and frankly needs some reworking.

In season 3 there is a Rapid Fire / Flurry Build that utilizes the Skyhunter bow. You take the 2x aspect of Repeating and you shift it over to your necklace. Granted Yes the 90% goes down to a 68%.

There are other classes that utilize a Unique for their 2h. Yes the 2x aspect slot is good I don’t think anyone here is saying its not. But if its so coveted then why make 2h uniques at all then?

Please tell me how many builds out there need to run the aspect of the might and or aspect of disobedience? Aspect of elements etc… the list goes on that are nearly apart of all builds just because they are that good.

The underlying issue is that some uniques just cant outweigh an aspect. I’m not saying characters need to be decked out fully in uniques, there needs to be a good balance between unique and aspects which frankly is not there. Remember blizzard did say “uniques would be build defining”


I haven’t invested as much time in Rogue as other classes. I have used this exact build, as well as various barrage/RF/PS combos. While I still have skyhunter equipped on my farming Rogue, it is NOT superior to my swappable crossbow with Edgemaster aspect for burst dmg. Especially when 1 shotting solo boss farmings with OP mechanics / BLT.

I am not saying skyhunter is useless, its a core Rogue item. But personally i d rather more flexibility with 2H weapon slot since unique item stats usually not as ideal. Unless the item is so good. TBH for how dominant GF is for barb, i d rather it is not there personally.

See here comes the thing though, are 1 shotting bosses fun? A good majority of these 1 shots have been linked to a skill or combination that was dealing more damage than intended.

I know you didn’t say it was useless. But how do we get to the point of more flexibility when only a handful of aspects seem to be ideal in the 2H spot? Sure there are alot of aspects that could go on that slot, but they typically aren’t ideal.

The thing about the Grandfather though its a Uber Unique. You’d have to expect it to be powerful. Just looking at it you get Crit Damage 100% out the gate, plus flat % damage, maximum health and all stats. But the thing though how easy is it to obtain? Look at Harelquin Crest (Shako) it basically replaces the Aspect of Might and then some. But again its a Uber Unique.