Rares Are Useless Now - Bad Decision

I completely agree, I see that the development team to make something interesting they need to disqualify other things, this could be because they need to do things quickly to please the players who complain, but they are not always the best decisions to be made.

My suggestion for rare items (until the developers find a better alternative) is when we transform them into legendary items in the occultist, they gain a random attribute and thus have 3 attributes equal to the legendary ones we drop, to add a little more expectations for these items the random attribute could be exalted if the item is ancestral (a low chance, but it exists).

Magic items are already completely useless and now rare items are partially useless, and there is no “progression” when a magic item is discarded at lvl 10 (and you reach lvl 10 with the experience you gain from renown practically) and now when you reach lvl 30 the rare items are discarded (and now you reach lvl 30 in less than an hour of play). On another point, if legendary items are the only items that matter and they have a high drop in the game, they stop being legendary and become just “items with aspects”.
I understand that this way the player spends less time looking at items, and more time playing, but this makes the game lazy and superficial.

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I could not agree more. I do LOVE a lot of the changes in this season and I think this is my only small complain. Good job Blizz for this season!

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Not having to meticulously scan through every single rare that drops is the absolute best change for this season. Though it’s still not perfect since scanning legendaries is still kind of a problem. It’s not until all you care about are greater affixes that there’s some relief.

Still, a vast improvement.

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Theres a very good chance i am going to quit if they make me sort a bag full of rares again.


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I can tell you right now I will 100% not be playing that game.

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Just have a loot filter…
Doesn’t have to be as absurdly complex as some games.
Mark the item rarities, number of GAs, and which affixes you want highlighted. The end.

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i sell them all. 29 chars

We went from sorting an inventory full of rares to sorting an inventory full of legendaries. Literally nothing changed in this regard but the color of the items. Drops need to be tuned down as legendary items are literally raining from the sky and we also desperately need a loot filter

Filter based on affixes, and you will barely see any item. Then ppl will cry about lack of golds.
Item level, rarity and weapon base (shield, focus, wand, dagger, … , because other items slots are strictly identical) is enough.

I’m pretty sure that Blizzard still want us to check every items we pick. Allow affixes filtering and this aspect is gone.

Just use a dump stash to highlight potential good items with the search system, and vendor the rest, that will save you some time and cover the “affixes filter” part.

it was a QUICK work around making a loot filter…

and yes set items if they come to D4 will also do the same for the current loot system…

and temper while sad RNG is at play, its a way to keep you looking at your loot even after your character is endgame’d geared… its lazy programing that took the least amount of cost to implement the biggest change…

one would think programers making 7 figures a year with this kind of short cut to quality game systems… but we all know it gets sucked up by just 1-2 people (CEO ect.) and that ruins the quality of product they can make

The changes they did has made sifting through an inventory easier. To me its clear they just don’t have a solution how to make rares useful yet and that is fine given the time constraints they had to solve a problem.

Basically less affixes and simpler affixes (ie no “damage on tuesday” affixes) = easier and faster to determine what to salvage.

Is having 3 affixes the max for readability and easier inventory management now? Maybe? Maybe not.

For example a quick look back to D2 where rares had something like 6 affixes but it was easy to go through because if it didn’t automatically have +2 skills on an amulet or dual leech on a ring it was basically trash. If it did have those then you would look for the next important stats like + to HP/mana, resistances. So in essence you would still only look for 2-3 main affixes on rares in D2 to easily determine if its good or not.

On the other hand, look at rune words in D2. Despite them having 10+ affixes it wasn’t an issue in the same way sifting through an inventory of D4 rares was. Why? Because they weren’t randomly generated affixes. You only needed to know the name of the runeword and know if it was good for a build or not because they had the same affixes every time which means you could automatically know that making an Enigma or HOTA was good. Sure, you could analyze the affixes further but in general you knew what a runeword was good for so you only needed to know the name.

what they could do is let rares at higher levels roll better stats so you could get a rare with perf skill stats more often or crit lucky haste stuff cooldowns which might make you sacrifice a leggy with int to get the other 2 just right might be tricky another option is allow peopel to find x number of rares with same mod then use them to make a chant happen and itll give the item a chance to chant the attribute thats most common of the x items then they would at least serve a purpose and make chanting a bit more directed less mega rng if you fix the chanting i think the tempering wont feel so bad since you would get a better shot at a decent item more often

rare-spawn items aside i think those need to become something again.

But normal rare, my thoughts are its the time window of usage that feels off, I did use and temper some, in normal gear, but WT3 was pretty much not bother by then it was all leg and maybe a nano second of a sacred rare , maybe tempering one is i had no decent leg replacement. and i would print on it. But then what happens is i basically want to do bare bare min building on gear to get to wt4, which was easy to do, so is it bad idk. Once in wt4 i stopped caring as the rare tier can be left behind and happy to look at legs and GA legs and above.

So while it still has room for improvements. I am not sure if its rare problem as much as i would rather them add manuals for us to temper than worry about rare items being viable. As long as there is a tier to hunt which there is 3 atm in the tempering range, this would be something they could polish so the tiers have there own identity more.

Overall i don’t miss them anymore tbh. BUT FIX RARE SPAWNS, please…thank you.

Holy wall of text batman

I re-watched the May 4th dev update today on twitch, they made mention of the rares and said they have some kind of plans to address that, but now vendors seem to serve no purpose in at least what they sell.

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In my view, loot filters should never hide items, merely highlight the ones that match.
With some color gradient based on how well it match (2 or 3 matching affixes, 1-3 GA and such)

Maybe also, as an option, auto-mark all other items as trash for easy selling/salvaging?

Players like myself and others posted feedback on the PTR forums about this. We stated rare items had become entirely useless.

Devs didn’t give a F.

We were right, meanwhile the naysayers and Blizzard brown nosers from back then are silent now.

Idk why loyalists think suppressing feedback is a good thing; it only stifles improvements.

Things have improved, but there’s still a lot left to do to make this a better game.


Allow Rares to have 2 more normal affixes than legendaries (and imprinted legendaries). As well as having 2 tempering affixes, and up to 3 GA affixes of course.
Maybe in some cases that would allow a Rare to compete with a Legendary.

another thought let rares drop more crafting mats or come with a rare chance at a value mod that makes them 10x the vale and sell like uniqes for 300-1mil gold
that will kill gold farming and make gold a lil easier to come by for the in game use you want so desperatly for it to have

This is the best change they’ve made since launch. There is no part of the game I hated more than sorting through mountains of rare items, 99% of which would be useless but all of which needed to be individually eyeballed to verify whether that was the case.

If sorting through hordes of mostly useless junk looking for pearls is what gets you out of bed in the morning, well alright then, but please don’t inflict your strange fetish on the rest of us. Personally I love hitting that “salvage all rares” button. It makes me happy.