Rares Are Useless Now - Bad Decision

I like most of the changes for Season 4, especially the changes to the Codex and Legendary items. It’s now much easier to keep the affixes you want as you level up.

However… the game now feels like D3 in terms of the item hunt.

Previously in D4 you hunted for both rares and legendary items with good rolls - and you could turn a great rare into a great legendary by putting the desired affix on them.

Now that rare items have 1 less affix than legendary items, though, they become fodder as soon as you have access to decent legendary drop rates. Their only use it selling for gold, and I find myself wishing you had a “Sell Rares” button similar to the Blacksmith’s salvage options.

This is what D3 ended up being like - as soon as you were near the endgame, you stopped picking up rares for the same reason. They had less affixes and you couldn’t turn them into decent legendary items.

It was a terrible decision to make rares entirely useless. Yes, the new affix system means you no longer have to hunt down affixes to upgrade rares once you’ve found the affix once, but so what? We can just do it to legendary items instead.

What you should have done is maybe make legendary items able to roll a slightly higher stat range - say 10%. Then, sure, a very well-rolled legendary item would be better, but you could still make decent use of rare items. Heck, the perfect stat rolled legendary items is probably enough of a separation just by itself.

Please consider changes to make rares worthwhile again, and consider CAREFULLY any changes that make D4 more like D3.

The other thing that bugs me is Temper rerolls. Why are we limited like that? “Woohoo I got a great item with the stats I wanted! Oh… Temper rolling gave it Blizzard damage 4 times in a row… I guess this item is useless to my Frozen Orb build now.”

Not a great feeling.


IKR? It’s always so fun to bash these D4 team about how their managing game skill is terrible at every aspects. :crazy_face:

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So you don’t like going from Copper to Iron to Bronze to Steel? To each their own I guess. I like it myself, one less thing to look at.

Considering their stance on eliminating clutter and making you sift through full inventories of rares and legendaries like before. I highly doubt they will change this. Which I personally am all for. Natural progression of gear is present in a lot of games. It’s no different then going from Normal to Sacred to Ancestral.

Good luck changing their minds though. :+1:


Devs told they are looking into ways to make them usefull again.

I kind of like it, haven’t picked up a rare/yellow since I got full legendarys back in WT2, can do multiple NMDs without having to clear inventory after each one.


oh god i hope they dont. rares can be all for generating gold and materials at a certain point of the game for all i care.


Rares still drop in NMDs, and you can still do multiples while picking them up.

Especially if you ignore the ones for the slots you don’t need anymore.

I didn’t say they needed to increase the drop rates. Rares still drop right now, and the rate they drop at is fine.

And no, it’s not the same as Normal > Sacred > Ancestral, because once you reach a certain point the previous thing doesn’t drop at all anymore. Rare items still drop. They’re just useless except to sell.

“At a certain point” is, well, pretty much as soon as you get full legendary gear. Even the jump to Sacred or Ancestral doesn’t make a rare item worth putting on again, especially if you’ve managed to get decent Tempers on the gear you’re wearing.

I think it’s taking the game in the wrong direction because it’s more like D3’s endgame - you don’t care about what drops because most of it is entirely useless just eyeballing the drop on the ground.

This… Rare = gold & mats


The problem with that is it’s not like gold and mats aren’t dropping anyway. Most rare drops were already replaced with exactly that.

Plus you’re incentivized anyway to dismantle most of your legendary items to improve the affixes, so you’re getting mats there already.

What do you mean useless? I used them at some point of the game.

Any ARPG has gear progression and usually loot filters to filter out of junk on screen.

This game has no loot filter, but there is one. First you can see if an item is yellow or legendary.

Second you can see if it is legendary or exalt with a star or two.

As you progress in gear you will stop picking up normal legendaries as well.

I only pick EXALTS now, but if I need gold, I Pick everything and scrap for money.

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Yeah, its not useless at all =)

Its materials/money , and its needed to upgrade everything

I kinda like, that you dont have to look at them at all , it actually saves you a lot of time

Previously, you could’nt clear ur whole inventory fast, because yellows could be BiS items ( which kind of forced you to look at every item )

This new tier system is way better than before

I like not having to read a full inventory of affixes every time I go to town.
Now I salvage without care and just read 10 items.
The game is paced fast enough to still get enough drops to get your triple good affixes.

Only problem is with tempering limitation. If you brick a temper, your triple good are useless. And for that I’d introduce a consumable to let you reset tempering. Idk about mastering, I’m barely entering the new crafting game.

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Rares should be able to have more normal affixes on them IF you dont add a legendary affix. Like 5 normal affixes instead of 3 on legendaries. If you imprint one of these Rares, two affixes should randomly be replaced.

A legendary drop should inherently have a bit higher affix numbers, but those are lost if imprinted. Adding more value to finding a legendary which already got the correct legendary affix on it.

Make each item type excel at something that makes it potentially better than the alternatives.

As for Tempering limit. Probably the best part of the new patch. Makes tempering much more meaningful. That should stay.
Only tempering change should be that you can choose to keep your previous roll.

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An alternative is just mark it as junk when you pick it up or before you sell. It will sell all junk items if you sell one. Just make sure you do this before sorting other stuff as junk. :slight_smile:

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What do you mean? My character is level 20, decked out in rares and one legendary, has thousands of gold and is retired already.

I’m finding several of you saying this, but it’s not really relevant.

I’m not asking for an increase to the drop rate of items.

So… you’ve played an hour, Mr. Troll?

What, your first several hours of game time? Yippee.


I’ll give you 2 ARPGs where non-legendary loot is still relevant in the endgame:

Path of Exile (which is ironic for you, because you were probably thinking of that game when you mentioned loot filters), and Grim Dawn.

Materials and money already drop on the ground.

I’m not sure about you, but I’d be able to tell with a quick glance. 'Cause usually you were looking for 3 affixes and a reroll into the 4th, so it was easy to tell.

Plus, again, I’m not asking for a drop rate increase. Before this patch pretty much every elite you smacked was dropping rare items. Now they mostly just drop veiled crystals and some gold.

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I completely agree, I see that the development team to make something interesting they need to disqualify other things, this could be because they need to do things quickly to please the players who complain, but they are not always the best decisions to be made.

My suggestion for rare items (until the developers find a better alternative) is when we transform them into legendary items in the occultist, they gain a random attribute and thus have 3 attributes equal to the legendary ones we drop, to add a little more expectations for these items the random attribute could be exalted if the item is ancestral (a low chance, but it exists).

Magic items are already completely useless and now rare items are partially useless, and there is no “progression” when a magic item is discarded at lvl 10 (and you reach lvl 10 with the experience you gain from renown practically) and now when you reach lvl 30 the rare items are discarded (and now you reach lvl 30 in less than an hour of play). On another point, if legendary items are the only items that matter and they have a high drop in the game, they stop being legendary and become just “items with aspects”.
I understand that this way the player spends less time looking at items, and more time playing, but this makes the game lazy and superficial.

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I could not agree more. I do LOVE a lot of the changes in this season and I think this is my only small complain. Good job Blizz for this season!

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Not having to meticulously scan through every single rare that drops is the absolute best change for this season. Though it’s still not perfect since scanning legendaries is still kind of a problem. It’s not until all you care about are greater affixes that there’s some relief.

Still, a vast improvement.

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Theres a very good chance i am going to quit if they make me sort a bag full of rares again.


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