Rares Are Useless Now - Bad Decision

Yeah I wish rares didnt drop in WT4. You get so many regular legendaries which sell for more.

They need to auto salvage those because they dont serve any purpose and are a waste of time to even pick up in wt4.

Yeah, but you are unlikely to be interested in all 1GA items. I am talking about highlighting items with 2+ of the affixes you want, which also happens to have GAs, for example.

Agreed. But this is also a thread about Rares being useless. My premise here is about Rares becoming useful. Which makes some people afraid of having to look through more items again.

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Loot Reborn is hundreds times better. Do not go back to the inventory scanning 101
I love hitting the salvage all rare button

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That was back when it was possible for normal rares to drop in WT3 and normal and sacred rares to drop in WT4. They made a change in S2 I believe so that these drops would just drop as materials instead of forcing you to pick them up and cart them back to town to do something with them.

This season they wisely made it so only Sacred items drop in WT3 and only ancestral items drop in WT4. Why they ever did things any other way is yet another baffling design mystery.

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I agree with everything you said except this. The cube in D3 made rares into mats to roll legendaries. That’s originally what D4 had with aspects, minus needing a cube and giving us the ability to craft them into what we want rather than relying on RNG.

While I don’t want to go back to sifting through my entire bag every time I go to town, they should bring back something similar to the cube where rares can be made into legendaries.

They should make rares have between 2 and 4 affixes. Legendaries should be more rare, have 3 to 5 affixes and the chance for GAs. Lower amount of affixes should raise the potential ceiling of an individual affix roll, but not the floor. Rares should have the ability to roll a GA at the legendary level, but when it does, it comes with some kind of a negative affix, a “cursed” item if you will.

The problem with the items is they are all too similar and the loot is just a massive and continuous stream of the same boring crap. There is no fun in anything except a straight up upgrade almost, outside of a few niche interactions available via some of the newer unique items. All the unique items are really just legendary items with limited crafting potential and an aspect you can’t change or learn. Almost none of the unique aspects are very unique. Most of them could drop down into the legendary pool. Then, they should start creating some really interesting, almost no limits unique items.

They could also add actual damage types into the game across the board that do specific things. Fire damage makes things burn regardless of source. Cold damage causes chill regardless of source, and becomes frozen by default after a threshold is reached and it also counts as immobilized. Lightning damage causes shock, a lighter dot than burn, but then becomes stun once a threshold is reached. Physical damage has a chance to daze, which should actually differ from stun and then enough daze should cause stun. Daze could reduce action speed for example, then build up to a stun. All the weapons in the game could roll with any of these, but tend to roll the type that meshes best with each class (ie, the one’s they already have access to in their passive trees). Rolling a different type would be useful if you have an item that gives you some kind of damage conversion option, so you could be a lightning arrow launching rogue or a poisonball launching sorcerer.

There are none of these options, and you don’t drop loot for other classes like the older games. They need to think outside of the box more if they want to actually make this part of the game good, but I won’t hold my breath.

how is that even different from what we have right now?

this simply means instead of dropping all rare and only look at legendaries with GA, now you drop all rare and only look at legendaries with 5 affixes and GA

you just shifted the goal post without solving ANYTHING…

The main focus is Greater Affixes though, not Legendaries. Just make rares have the same number of affixes (three) but make it so they cannot spawn Greater Affixes.

Bam, now they’re not “useless” but once you progress to a certain point you can 100% ignore them and avoid the “clutter” since you’ll only be picking up Legendaries with Greater Affixes anyway.

Seems more like what we have now with yet another piece of gear I have to pick up. I agree GA legendaries are the new standard now, but I’m still rocking non-GA pieces myself and doing decently well in the Pits (if you consider Pit tier 90+ decent).

They’re trying to cut down on the clutter, rather then make you pick up more as you go along. So for now we have Non-GA Legendaries we pick up, use as upgrades until we find GA-1 Legendaries, then GA-2, and finally GA-3 for our upgrades. Our list of items to look at gets smaller and smaller the more upgrades we get.

I personally like this system is all I’m saying. Now if we add Rares back into that mix it’ll just be Rares + Non-GA Legendaries, then we transition into GA-1 Legendaries again. It’s more junk I have to sift through, that’s all I’m saying, seems rather pointless in the long run.

But by your logic, rather than my idea, there is zero reason to even have rares be a choice. Either make them the same number of Affixes but without the ability to generate Greater Affixes, or just remove them from the game entirely.

I’d be ok with removing them from the game along with normal and magical items. They honestly don’t serve any purpose once you start to get legendaries. You could tier it a little if you wanted.

So tier 1 legendaries would be from levels 1 to 20, have 1 affix. Tier 2 could be from 20 to 40 and have 2 affixes, then you get to tier 3 and call it good. Pending ilevels of course.

With how fast we level now, it’d be much easier going this route than trying to make rares ‘useful’. You could even start your aspect hunting that much earlier. Fairly certain I could get to the level required for Legendaries to drop now, without equipping anything that drops up to that point. It may be a little sketchy but I bet I could do it.

This would clean up so much of what drops in other world tiers too. You’d never have useless normal, magical, and rares to sell off. If anything just increase gold drops or material drops to compensate a little.

I hate to say this, but Legendaries seem to be going this route also with all the new Uniques on the PTR. It just seems they have run out of ideas and are slapping bigger and bigger mulitplers on Uniques to the point where running normal legendaries, while they may be cool for your build, will become obsolete.

I have said this so many times, if you want variety in builds, cap the # of multipliers you can get from gear and the # you can get from paragon. They negate just about everything else.

They should replace all yellow and whites with different legendaries/unique/mythic

Don’t tell me that blizz with all its resources and manpower can’t make that happen.