Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

Wait for poe2 man, will be crossplay and the team is way more caring than these guys. They destroyed wow, overwatch and now d4, they should be out of game industry.


I liked it before the fix as RF kept the same range as Heartseeker. But I get the need to nerf. But the fix to that nerf means RF has a minimum arc and so cannot hit anything in melee range unless you shoot in the other direction so that the AOE can hit the melee attackers. So this hotfix needs another hotfix. Or increase the AOE diameter for RF Scoundrel’s Kiss ring. Or fix the proc with the Aspect of Repeating.

This hotfix was really a nerf for RF Rogues and compared to OP effects of Bash Barb and Minion Necros, which Blizz devs weren’t gonna nerf this season, seems a bit unreasonable and unfair to Rogue players.


The problem is that we had a build that worked without being broken like those of other classes are, and it was modified for a bug that, honestly, no video has ever recommended or encouraged us to exploit. If the entire build had been built around exploiting that bug, I would have understood the need for the change, but that was never the case!


Please revert to 1.4.0 version!

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Just want to keep visibility into this one, got my rogue to level right after the patch so can’t argue that way. But would love to hit close targets

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How can this still not been fixed? It’s the beginning of the season and I wanna keep progressing with the build i started with, spent gold and resources on and actually enjoyed. Over 5 days has passed and the issue still remains, its unplayable and i have no interest in leveling an alt or change my build. Just revert it to how it was with infinite range as a temporary solution, isn’t that better than making it totally useless??? Leveling a rogue and stickning with this build was a complete waste of time for many many players, because it seems like you can’t fix it or atleast keeping your community informed that you’re adressing this problem, it just seems like you do not care.


Idk if this would help but i tweeted this to adam and maybe if enough of us comment and keep bugging him about it they might actually give us the answer we deserve: x.com


When do we get an response?

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I love having minions of hell smashing me in the face whilst I watch 3-4 of my rapid fire shots just hit the ground directly behind all of them over and over.


I don’t get the point of the lob, you can’t hit anything in melee, that makes no sense. Make the ring give AOE and the damage boost but keep it in straight line, maybe with a chance penetrate on the first enemy with double explosion. Right now it’s pretty unplayable.

Blizzard has provided no feedback on this, demonstrating both incompetence and arrogance.


@PezRadar, realise you guys have a lot going, but some form of a response is needed here as you are losing players due to something that could have been avoided if the community was engaged…


havnt played since this bug and still waiting, we need informations blizzard


In the time it’s taken blizzard to address this glaring blunder, I’ve managed to get a necro from level one to pit level 107 smh.


Bliz has exposed their own poor technical skills and lack of test play.
They don’t contact the community, they don’t tell us their progress.
What does it mean that they are pretending not to know despite this?
What a wonderful company to get paid for childish work!
Does Bliz have 6 days off in a week by any chance?
I have zero faith in Bliz anymore!
I wish I could log out like Helltide and keep my trust gauge up, but I’m going to go uninstall and go back to PoE and make some “D4 is BAD” noises!

Thank you incompetent Bliz employees! :rofl:


Guys, we cant advocate for better working conditions for devs and then expect them to hotfix bugs on the weekend. Like many of you I just hope that they havent written this issue off as “resolved”. The original RF with Scoundrels Kiss is one of the most fun builds the game has ever had and i really hope that is not just lost for good now.

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we dun need them to fix it throughout the weekend, we just need a lil bit response on the question “is this the final state of RF”, while theres no response since may 30, which was a working day til now.
The inconsistent aim for RF ( it is not always shooting at the spot i clicked) plus the lack of AOE makes the build feels bad


please tell us if devs are planning to work on this issue, 1.4.1 RF version feels terrible

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If u BLZ want me to play as HEARTSEEKER, sure i wll, but u’d better DEL the rubbish SKILL RF & UNIQUE SXXT KISS( all ur fault BLZ) :rofl:


I guess they are too busy making the next 50$ horse