Rank 1 D3 player opinion

OG. Played Diablo 1. Created the infamous Blitz clone for D2 and ran thousands of baal runs on closed. D3 multi rank 1 solo and teams. One of the 13 legendary members of Chainer’s clan. 5k+ hours under the Diablo name.
Diablo 4 is a pretty game. Graphically it looks really nice. But is it a 1k+ hour game like D3? No. From 50 to 100 it’s the exact same experience. You will kill the same mobs in the same dungeons at 100 as you did at 60. Instead of feeling stronger as you progress you simply upgrade the lvl of gear to keep up with the mob scaling. With a hard cap of 100 you just run out of things to do. I was done with act 6 the first day at around 45. 2nd day 70 running dungeons and solo’d the 70+ dungeon to get in torment at lvl 58. Day 4 100. It’s a great game to play through but they didn’t think about longevity. It will be just like Lost Ark. Still running on hype and coasting on the name Diablo right now. But in a month or 2 it will average 30k players online just like… Lost Ark.
The streamers like Shroud will soon move on to the next hype game and take countless thousands of players with him.
Who knows, they might patch in things that make it a 1k hour game, but as it sits. Nope.
I’m sure plenty of people will reply thinking I’m a hater. I looked forward to D4 for 10 years like most of you. Had very high hopes. It just didn’t live up. When you spend time on games like Ark where there is WAY more things to do. And people to interact with. No world chat. No community group chats. No party finder. Seeing people run past here and there is hardly an mmo. It’s a glorified single player game.
It’s hard to conceptualize spending any substantial amount of time in a game with ultimately almost no content beyond the campaign. Then even after D3 and WoW dungeon finder, they decide to make you spend half your time running around on a horse to specific dungeons. Realism is always fun, but most people will prefer convenience in the long run. Have both. Let them choose.
Agree or don’t. I wont lose any sleep either way. Just throwing what I think about it out there.
Mind you I hit 100 before they came running in to hard nerf the 2 dungeons we were running. I know it’ll be much slower now for the same results.


Yea the base game isn’t good for thousands of hours. That’s where seasons come in. They bring with them new gear to chase, new modes and mechanics etc., and like PoE does they say they’ll keep the things people like in the game forever. Game has great potential at least, imo. I think it’s good for hundreds of hours in its current state at least (for a single character). I suppose if one wanted to max out all 5 classes you could hit 1k hours without much issue, so there’s that.


If it’s anything like D3, each season you get a couple new items and a new “effect” in a GR. Not 3 months worth of content. Any average player will be able to max out gear and potential ceiling of character power within a week or 2. They may do something totally unexpected but it is blizzard… They made their 300 million on game sales. So they can sleep well at night regardless.


It shouldn’t be as low effort as D3 seasons otherwise it wouldn’t warrant all of the additional monetization to keep it running as a live service game. If D4 seasons are like D3 seasons the game will not fare well long term and their battle passes and cosmetics will not sell, hence why it behooves them to make D4 seasons much more content rich and interesting. Since there’s a large financial incentive for them to make seasons good, I think there’s a good chance they’ll be good, or at the very least, much better than D3s.

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I hope you’re right, because Ark 2 is still a long way out.


I hope I’m right, too. Season 1 will be a big deal for this game so I hope they have some really good stuff lined up to knock it out of the park.


You spammed bugged dungeons and exploited the exp gains. I was with you until you admitted to this. Your opinion is valid, but you got bored and can only blame yourself for having nothing to do after exploiting so hard


I think you’re forgetting that Diablo 4 literally just came out and is still in development. Things will get added on and compounded as the years go by. If you look at Diablo 3 now compared to release, or even the RoS release compared to now, they are drastically different games

I can’t think of a game at this point in time that I would sink thousands of hours into had they not produced consistent, quality updates to as the years went by. Like if DotA was still the same as it was 20 years ago, there’s no chance I would be playing it for 20 years.

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Think you forgot that D4 was in dev for a decade.


good god that feel so entitled , i don’t even know who you are or which clan it is but it does devaluate your opinion a lot in my opinion if you have to call yourself “legendary”
also the nickname “deity” doesn’t help.

so you exploited a bugged instance with buggued amount of elites to get to level 100 and complain about longevity ? :melting_face:
No wonder you feel it’s the “same” always if you just exploited the same buggued instance over and over.

That being said it’s a diablo game , the longevity will come from farming new and new stuff be it equipment, events etc… coming each seasons

D3 vanilla was like that too it didn’t had rifts , seasons etc… from the get go.


If I ran around on the horse and ran random dungeons it would be the same result. Just slower.


Okay? That doesn’t change anything I said. No game anyone is playing and sinking thousands of hours into looks remotely the same on day 1 vs year 5

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If you were ever on any leaderboard in D3 you would know the clan. Not relevant to the point. It doesn’t matter how I got to 100. The point is if you do it in 2 days or 2 weeks it’s still the same thing. You will always end up at 100 fighting the same mobs and never feeling any stronger. Unless you go back to normal difficulty to show off to lvl 20 people. Despite what you think about the methods of hitting the cap. The cap is still there. This is from a competitive perspective. Not a 3 hour a week casual. And they weren’t bugged. They’re just nerfed now. Have fun playing the horse simulator.


I do however 100% agree with you on the game itself.

It feels pretty shallow… the map is mesnt to be this big expansive thing. The story is over within a day and then its the same maps and dungeons forever. The maps dont feel different enough. I miss the acts changing things, seperating things. Act bosses. Idk…

This feels rushed even tho it wasnt

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Obviously, that’s literally physical reality.

That doesn’t mean the game should not launch with culturally established aspects of current and older ARPG games and online games and moms and loot games.

D3 had global chat, LFG systems etc.
Almost every other mom/online game has it. I mean even ESO had group finder at launch which is a 2013-2014 game and then Lost Ark as well which is a 2022 release.

So yea your entire argument outside of the obvious science doesn’t;y hold up.

You can keep preaching it, but the majority of players can see for themselves what’s terribly lacking in D4.



So where is your proof of being rank 1?


¯_(ツ)_/¯ I just play with friends and people I’ve met in other games over the years. Don’t really care if the game comes out with a chat channel / LFG systems or not. It’s not like it’s something that cannot or won’t be added in the future, along with plenty of other things.

Wasn’t Chainer banned for botting?

Also you can look at the gear and tell the top D3 players hack. You can literally view seasonal players gear.


Rank 1 is usually the biggest exploiter in the game, 0 respect gg.


Exactly. Everyone knows that. Coming on here claiming rank 1 in d3 is admitting to hacked items.