Rank 1 D3 player opinion

Ok so you cheated in both D3 and D4, want a cookie?


i just googled it , outside of this post on reddit about the reason for cheating trying i didn’t see another thing from the google research :

so yeah…“legendary”…

  1. its a video game
  2. calling yourself legendary is so cringe man
  3. it seem it’s a clan that botted so yeah…who care about these “players” ?
  4. you are one player like any other and just like am i too a player like any other.

it does because it decrease the “longevity” you complain about

they were, the devs said so and nerfed it. you are delusional good sir if you think it wasn’t cheating / bug exploit.

just do play another character while waiting for season and new upcoming stuff like everyone did in D3.
you know, your post would have been way better if you didn’t try to call yourself “legendary” while talking about a clan that seem to only have been only famous for botting.
which doesn’t help your case of exploiting in D4 too in another way.


What is the point of this, lol? What does it mean? Is this supposed to add credibiltity to your discussion because i have no idea what it is.


Sometimes we drink the punch they give us.


This. People who absolutely rip through a game in 4 days and then complain there is nothing to do usually don’t get an agree from me.

You did thousands of Baal runs? That’s literally the same thing over and over.

D4 just came out. Ark has been out awhile. Give it time, and consider pacing yourself in the future.


I didnt run bugged dungeons, I am not 100 and I completely agree with everything he said, whether he did it fast or slow, it would still be just doing slightly more of the same thing and just like in real life if you punch yourself in the face more it rarely gets more enjoyable.

The content is just bad right now, its a half finished game.


Based post, I couldn’t agree more with OP

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LFG systems



I wouldn’t agree with someone who basically admitted to hacking.


Please explain to me how he admitted to hacking

He said leaderboard in D3. Anyone knows that the leaderboards in D3(especially top 100) are all in hacked gear 90% of them. You can literally view the gear of people on the leaderboards.

That AND the leader and multiple members of that clan have been banned multiple times for hacking if you bother to Google it.


It doesn’t mean OP did, wild accusation tbh

No it’s not. It’s a pretty safe bet. And I’m not the only one to call him on it either.


If you were paragon capped at 800 how long would you keep playing D3 in a given season?

You can’t tell me that D3 is comparable in that regard.

Agree on that. Party finder would be nice for Helltides.

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This is diablo, you play to farm. D2 what did people do? Thousands of the same runs on the same maps for years. D3? Same thing, no rifts/bounties at launch so people farmed the same few zones in each act killing rares and after rifts thats 99% of what you do in that game. I don’t get why people are surprised that in d4 you are going to farm the same handful of activities just like its predecessors


Do you remember how bad D3 was at launch? They had to completely redo almost everything about gear and add tons of new play options just to make the game good. D4 is vastly better than D3 was at launch. Have some patience, they will get there.


That’s a console thing.

And i’m pretty sure 90% of the D3 player base was playing on PC.

Cant wait to tame Dinos with Vin Diesel

person who knowingly exploited the game now complaining about said game

time really is a flat circle


Hey OG, make a TL DR, no one is reading your ramblings.
