Quick Feedback on the quest tracking & progression

Playing 2nd Character - (Necro - very strong lol)

The quest tracking can be hard to understand at first - I think newer or more casual players would make some of the same mistakes I made:

Following Lorath for example early on - I am fighting monsters and running, I went 5 screens away before I realized I was apparently supposed to run backwards and go talk to Lorath randomly. There was no obvious destination or stop - Lorath stopped in the snow in the middle of the road and waited for me to interact. My only indicator is 1 small sentence under the tracker (again, assuming I am even paying attention to that - I am more engaged in fighting demons than I am in reading text)

I ran into this issue again shortly after - remember this is at least 2 instances before I am even level 6 and it really chops up the feel of the game/story - ESPECIALLY if I am in maybe my first 15 minutes of ever playing the game (aka Launch/Reset)

The 2nd instance being in the cathedral of light where we need to interact/talk with mother prava - after her cutscene dialogue, I am supposed to pick up the generals log or scroll or whatever, but obviously a players first instinct is to run back out onto the map. I again felt confused and interrupted, where I had to take my mind off the game and start scouring the screen and quest log to realized I had to run back again and interact with some piece of paper (BTW please let us skip these with 1 swift ESC keystroke - currently you need at least 2 hits of a button and I find myself mashing the keyboard to skip thru this as fast as possible)

I hope this makes sense - running thoughts here as I level a new character

TLDR - Quests feel a few seconds lagging behind the action and I end up having to run backwards as the quest develops - Develop the next step in the chain of quest actions just a few seconds earlier so I dont have to keep backtracking _ I assume I am like most players and our tendency when playing a game is to charge forward, not stopping and reading text

**Edit update - happened again with the quest where we are fixing the jammed hoist and using the elevator lift ---- I fix the hoist… the lift lowers… it says “interact” - Being a very natural feeling next step, I took the lift – Only to find out I was supposed to talk with some dude before doing that SO I go back onto the lift and it transports me to the BEGINNING of the level, not even back to where I came from - SO I had to run alll the way thru the dungeon just to go talk to said dude, and then get back on the lift that I already used… You’re killin me smalls