Quality of Life Feedback


Probably mentioned elsewhere, but here are a few quality of life changes that I suspect wouldn’t be too hard to implement and will make everyone’s experience better:

  • Better tooltips on items: Summarize in Green and Red what stats/effects we gain and which we lose

  • Gem/Skull Storage Tab: These need a tab as they take almost 1/3 of your inventory at present even if you’re only carrying one level of each

  • Party Quest Tracking: We should be able to see what each member is working on (having only one quest active seems limiting, there should be an option for between 1-4 visible), quests that can share progress should have some small indication

  • Zoom out a bit: We’re just a little too close all the time and it makes it hard to gauge the map and where to go, a bit more range in zooming out should help this

The game seems like it has great potential if the servers get under control and they smooth some of those rough edges. Looking for forward to updates.

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I agree with the gem clutter issue and shared party quests. Either make gems have thier own inventory tab or treat them like herbs and ores. Currently you can share quests with other party memebers but it appears to be only the main quests, it would be more awesome if we can share and tackle blue quests with friends as well. Make quests more multiplayer-friendly plez.