PTR S5 Sorc is in Super Trash State

I have seen videos and detailed ptr gameplay TODAY of streamers with level 100 sorceresses like Mekuna with top gear ubers and greater affix with temper and full masterworking, testing the sorceress and these are the conclusions:

1.- The survival level for the sorceress does not exist even with the perfect gear, with the nerfs to everything defensive the sorceress dies easily with one shot only in tier 90-100 pit is ridiculous, forcing you to use Doombringer which does not give you anything of synergy and takes away a useful aspect from the builds, and that does not ensure you survive at all.

2.- The damage the sorceress does is laughable, not glass cannon, it is like glass feather.

3.- Many builds feel clunky, very bad, and don’t work well enough.

The truth is before this balance I trusted the balance team a lot, but after seeing what they did it is incomprehensible, it is clear to me that they have no idea how to balance the classes from what I have seen of the sorceress, super sad moment for the community sorceresses.



yeah i cleared pits 101 on my sorc in s4 on ptr some sorc cant even do a pit 1… its really really bad

but on the flip side, i do look very cool while im sucking hard


Is super bad men, i cant believe, I knew it would be terrible but it’s worse than I thought


So we all are happy a PTR exists to avoid that on live serfer?


Lets be real…theyll take this info and buff barb.


its just not fun. the only purpose of a game is to have fun and its so bad, i almost feel like deleting the game and calling it lol. Glad i didnt pre-buy that xpac


I know, but the problem is that even though these changes may have been authorized in the PTR, they are exaggerated changes that completely destroyed the class by far

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Ive tested 5 different builds today with my sorcerer. All of them are at a terrible state and nothing new that came to the game sinergizes well with the previously existing builds, real clunky to play… the most laughable of them all is the chain lightning build, its SO BAD!!!

To even have a chance to do a minimum damage at pit 100, i had to go all in on lucky hit, using doombringer to survive and andariel for trash damage (but more then zero damage that my skill does).

I have no words to describe HOW BAD this class is in this PTR, even worse than season 4. This is ridiculous, there is no way this go live by any means.


I brought my level 100 chainball sorc in from S2, specd’ chain lightning got the new gear. Can’t even kill mobs in helltide. RIP


I know my friend, not even in my worst nightmare did I imagine that the changes would be so horrible, I knew since I read them that they were terrible but when I see the gameplay today it is much worse than we all thought, basically the class does not work, it is useless


Hmmm, I see the problem here and honestly the only solution is to buff Barb, nothing else will help here


By this point it feels like Blizz is trolling the Sorc community if perfectly geared Sorc is struggling with “easy” content.

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What have they done since launch that gave you any faith in their ability to balance anything? Its not like intuitive builds and builds that people just enjoy playing casually even if they are weaker are like 5% weaker than the broken meta trash. In some cases, they are exponentially behind in damage. Balancingvthis game shouldn’t be that hard when you have all the data.

How is sorc defense skills now? That terribad?

How is the chain lightning build doing? Is draining your mana cool?

What are the top builds?

Should we even both to sorc S5???

In what world do you live that made you think this dev group was capable of making multiple semi balanced builds per class per season.

Like s4 butchered so many builds and shattered any coherence of balance. Like hota barbs and lightning ball sorc in s2

chain lighting graphic effects are a full 10 out of 10 super cool. the damage is really horrible but the graphics are freaking amazing. So if you wanna look uber cool, play a sorc in s5. if you wanna clear stuff play anything else that does more damage even a necro minion or a druid wolf pet if thats even possible! haha


It is time to replace the sorc designer. If Adam is the one approving these changes he needs to be dealt with too. My friends on the inside say it is absolute chaos and they have no idea what to do about sorc or druid.

Based on what I am seeing, I have to agree.


I mean, just play the class and you’ll see where the class needs helps. It’s not difficult. At the very least, don’t nerf Teleport and Ice Armor. Like we understand flame shield, but why nerf the other two skills?

Blizzard, Teleport is always going to be an auto-take skill because it’s one of the best, if not the best, mobility spells every designed. Just lean into it rather than trying to “balance it”.


yes teleport is the best skill hands down, im just shocked its not a barb only ability


Doombringer - yep that’s bad. Definitely no synergy.

What’s worse is - Sorcs got MACES and not A X E S! (OP vs DoT :thinking: … :exploding_head: talk about synergy)

This is what happens when you have no BASELINE Core Balance to the classes and you take Players on a rollercoaster ride because they’re trying to Balance the Classes to Fit the GEAR vs Balancing the Gear to Fit the Class!

Chain Lightning for example: The Skill should have a solid baseline and be strong in and of itself.
It should have multiple ways of being played.
If the Devs want to introduce a piece of “Build defining Gear” - then that should ONLY dictate the “How” that Skill is played - not revamp the entire Skill, passives etc to fit the item itself.
Put a negative conditional “Your Chain Lightning does X and Orbits you etc BUT does less damage BUT the Explosion - oooh that’s the good stuff!” something. anything except messing with the SKILL as it stands.

I said this in another thread about Balancing the Core - the essence of each Class 1st and foremost. Set a Baseline:

Allow Players to adapt and learn their Identity because frankly right now, moving the goalposts by messing with the numbers far too much, is affecting morale.
Season 4 had, from what I’ve read, great feedback and solid numbers.
This is not the path to retention. This is not the time to “shake up the meta”.
Let Barb be STRONK! They had multiple great builds and that’s awesome! Tone it slightly if necessary but don’t MESS WITH IT.
Make ALL Classes Strong! Make Core Skills all WORK.
Make your Players Happy.
Adjust the Gear around the Skills - not the other way around.

Edit - adding: Know when you have something Good. Read the Crowd. It may be that one has to alter a plan or go off script to keep the vibe up and save some things for another day or rework them to fit in to what’s working at a later date.