PTR Patch Notes published. What is your first opinion?

Two more, total is 5

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Oh okay, that’s nice. TY

The whole point of the pit as far as I realized was Masterworking your drops

That’s all fine, you got your drop, my problem is they didn’t even attempt making that more fun, it’s a run to get an upgrade, just like Glyphs lol

I guess at S5 we might see an alternative (much like Vault was to NMD) but yeah, kinda need learn that particular lesson


Does anyone knows what Vield Crytals are used for going forward? It sounds like masterwork will use new materials only from the Pit, so then vield crystals just on enchanting only then?

To be fair, and this has been known. The Pit is basically just greater rifts. But yes, it’s primary function is to gain masterworking mats. Which I do think having those mats tied to just one piece of content alone is kinda crappy.

But I am going hold my judgement till I can hop on the ptr


I just hate this design choice in general and it seems to be everywhere in the game. If I like the pit and want to play it, then run out of mats, I just have to go do something I don’t want to lol. Why can’t we just do the activity we find fun? Everything is gated behind miserly drops from boring activities.


This is why content in the game needs to tie into other pieces of content. As much as PoE seems to be taboo on these forums, this is something it does well. For example with the new league starting, how getting to ubers is being changes. New t17 maps are going to be a thing, and shards drop from these maps you collect in order to do ubers. Maps also tie into a lot of other mechanics, past league and current league mechanics.

Also with wit the atlas tree, you can choose to focus on or block certain things. So you don’t feel like you are stuck just doing one piece of content over and over in order to do another piece of content. So much stuff just ties together, and even though you are running maps, there is still a lot of variety within them.

With D4, you don’t really have any choice. You have to run nmds to level glyphs, you have to run helltides for boss mats, well now you have to run this boss for other mats to do this boss. Oh now you want to summon a uber uber boss? Well now you need to go farm mats for the uber, then go farm mats so you can go farm The Pit, so you can get stones to fight it.

And for masterworking, well we are stuck just with The Pit. So what is going to happen, is most people are just going to farm and amass a ton of materials and probably treat it like ubers, partying and doing rota’s to get the most out of it.


I want them to run ahead. It means they (should) be targeted more instead of hanging back and waiting for enemies to hit my Necro.


A good fix for this that every other ARPG seems to have solved is having this magical keybind that has your minions go to/target whatever your cursor is over.

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Nobody cares. This isn’t PoE.

Oh noes! Players partying in a group game?!? Say it ain’t so! Next you’ll be telling me that players can join a club or something to band together, maybe socialize a bit and even chat with each other!

The only thing D4 truly needs to address is an in-game group finder.

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My first opinion? They have already developed a fix for the broken Aspect of Ancestral Charge and rather than release it as a hotfix patch, they are knowingly withholding it until after the PTR ends/Season 4 starts while continuing to have an in game contest proceed that has in game rewards as well as In Real Life prizes.

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You completely missed the point but that is okay.

They nerfed my Frostbitten Aspect which is upsetting, but added new buffs/avenues for Grenades so…I have mixed feelings.

Grenades are looking insanely fun ngl lol.

I addressed ypur points.

  1. Your first two paragraphs - nobody cares. Go post on PoE forums.
  2. Groups get things done better/faster. That’s being human. Welcome to the world. D4 just needs an actual in-game group finder.

Anything else you’re trying to convey gets muddled in your diabtribe.

Point was it’s not fun to do content that is boring/unfun in order to do the content you want. In this case, people need to run helltides, which while getting improved I still feel they are going to be fairly mundane, and nmds (nobody has fun running these) to get materials to run The Pit. And we need to run The Pit in order to masterwork gear.

Problem being, say I am at end game, glyphs are maxed, gear is pretty close to being done, just want and need to masterwork some stuff. I am not going to want to run content that will not be doing much for me, just to do the thing that is going to help me improve my gear to push further in The Pit.

The only thing needed from Helltides were Fiend Roses. You don’t need to farm Steel as you don’t need any Ubers from Duriel to kill any of the content in the game. And guess what? Fiend Roses will be dropping from other areas in S4.

You can enter The Pit without materials. You also don’t need to masterwork your gear unless you are climbing The Pit. All the lv 100 content will be clearable without it, and even easier than it is today.

Congratulations! You’ve discovered that ARPGs aren’t for you. Or at least Diablo 4 isn’t. Every bit of content you’ve described as either boring, something you don’t wish to do, or otherwise some chore. See my point 1). PoE that way if you like it better ----->

With larger stat ranges, greater affixes and tempered affixes, the new items are already stronger than old 5/5 ones.

Masterworking power creep is tied to pit, like legendary gem powers in D3 were tied to grifts.
If you do not want to do the pit, you do not need masterworked items to do the other content like HT and NMD.
That is like crying for ubers to farm WT2.

And it is like, work is not the right thing for me, but the monthly money I deserve to get.

Wait what, where you got this info?

Pretty sure it was in the Campfire Chat. Forgotten Souls, too.

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