PTR Patch Notes published. What is your first opinion?

I can’t roll it up and smoke it so -100 dkp.

Jokes aside though, I like the gradual changes to the balance and the buffs to minion gameplay. I like the increase in Hydras from 1 to 2, the adjustments to perhaps underused abilities, the love to glyphs and their conditional damage rules, changes to passive talents, and the new affix types we can now receive.

I think the old affix system while allowing hyper specific builds was just too rng and not enjoyable so it’ll be nice to see how this smaller affix table feels. Now some affixes that were on that table were interesting like reducing damage when you were very low on health for example. I guess these new changes however can reintroduce that for tanky builds if needed. However, being able to see at a glance what loot could be useful is better than receiving endless amounts of loot with tons of different hyper specific affixes that leave you analyzing more than playing the game.

The main thing is we need to play this to know how it really feels. But from what I can see it looks like they loosened the reigns so to speak and let players have fun like we’re back in beta. Hopefully that leads to some wacky and fun builds while leveling towards the endgame, trying out NMD’s, and more.

In regards to systems, well imo NMD’s are still a bit meh but I have no idea what could be done to make them overall more interesting for the casual crowd (maybe some goofy affixes sigils can roll for one? Enemies hop randomly, can be cows, only demons?). They mostly just feel like a chore to me, but perhaps these changes will make them a bit more interesting given the increased player agency these upcoming changes allow. The Pit could be tons of fun for anyone, the new uber boss allows people to do other bosses and be rewarded still for a different path, and Helltides could be more fun. Still we’re still early in the games life cycle and it remains to be seen how the expansion might change things up. A lot of the world feels kind of bland and boring to me from forts, world bosses, legion events, and so forth though. It feels like these could be expanded on to make them more appealing and part of a fun addictive loop at endgame.

The crazy thing is this game is pulling from numerous arpg’s on the scene like D3, PoE, LE, D2, and who knows what else. How this mish mash of design will ultimately play out and come together will be interesting, but if anything this is something Blizzard is pretty good at.

new toys aside, so rares are uselss? and we find legs but with one less affix so if i wanted to copy my current stats on my amulet i need to faf about tempering the missing affix now ?

Rather than just find it… f LE.

Am i wrong is it like this? Would it not have been easier to just add tempering for the new affix’s? So i can find my items and get lucky and i print temper masterwork done.

Idk, i felt it was pretty snappy before this feels like work already lol. Especially with mats and mats locked to pit, i mean, am i really getting my item faster? maybe, but finding loot is diablo more than crafting it lol. Tempering and MW is great but should be snappy not mats and time sinks in a arpg. imo

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Yup a new Shako Teleport Shocking Impact Charge Meta is emerging :smiley:

Now item progression is more significant in the play through
YOU NEED TO MAKE PINNICLE DUNGEON SOLO or at least give it level restrition.
Or people still going to ask for boosts or even ask for real money for boost,
and you are also making gameplayed before level 95 completely obselete because it’s when the actual items of the game start dropping.

im guessing you will get some masterwork materials from lower to mid level pit runs, just not as many as higher up. I’m also wondering if the first maybe 1-3 / 1-7, etc upgrades still require normal mats, veiled, iron, legendary salvage… totally guessing though.

Not true, some people play this way, idk about numbers maybe its most maybe its a group 10 million players is hard to label.Playing optimal calculous is boring for some. :slight_smile:

Necro minions go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :grin:

Its damage even with Raiment of the Infinite isn’t exactly earthshattering. Even at 500% it wouldn’t come anywhere near what the Barbarians and Druids were able to put out this season.

That’s where a WoW hunter style pet stance bar would come in handy, though I’m not sure how that’d be integrated into a controller setup.

It was stated previously that the patch notes would not contain all of the season 4 content information to keep some sense of surprise (and because iterations surely changed between then and when this goes live).

This highlights the very real need to have an option in-game that de-emphasizes others’ spells and abilities visually in favor of just yours so you can at least see what’s on the bloody ground (or dare I say it, your cursor when you’re holding shift and it’s a tiny freaking sword that gets lost in the visual diarrhea). The game has needed this since launch, but the firewall and meteor sorcerers really brought that point home this season.

You’re ignoring the fact that the upper bounds goes from a max mLV of 154 to 200 in season 4. That’s the justification for the extra power once you get to WT4.

You can have your unique crossbow when they make Windforce actually…fast. It’s always had +attack speed in some form, but lacks it entirely in Diablo 4.

Because the people that made d4 never played d2.

As someone else pointed out, if you really want to help the game, don’t just roll up and hit 100 as you walk in the door. I know a loud minority like to hit 100 and whine, but the leveling processes and reward systems are currently broken.

These changes hopefully look like bringing some real excitement to levels and by that I mean real items, not just trash to spend ages filtering through. And abilities that give choices instead of FOS.

I personally always start in t2 and level up, I’ll do that, should be able to get a 100 done properly within the week (without playing all hours of a day) :stuck_out_tongue:


I see it with a happy and a crying eye as a Barbarian player. The changes overall are very good. But the hardocre nerf for the barbarian reminds me of season 1. I think season4 will be quite hard for the Barbarian, maybe so hard that you have to consider another class

It took almost a year, but the game is finally moving out of beta.

Maybe with the expansion we’ll also get sets and an enjoyable endgame grind.


Honestly, my first opinion is can’t wait for Necropolis.

-They are making tons of great changes.

-They are also shortchanging sorcs as usual (outside of unintended shenanigans like Ball Sorc) and so I am a lil indifferent. They can hand Blood Surge necros ungodly power but still only give the lightest of touches to conjuration sorcs. OI.

I plan on engaging with the next season and even look forward to it. I’m a sorc boi and they are doing just enough to entice me but I wish the Sorc powers that be took more notes from the necro powers that be… which is how I have felt since the game launched.

*DELIGHTED about codex change.

*Holding my breath about tempering and Pit/mat requirements.

*Really not sure how I’ll feel but looking forward to finding out.

Seems to me quite a lot of work has been put into these changes, that alone is good.

The changes themselves look allright but the one thing I suspect they will drop the ball at is this key thing they state themselves:

“We truly want you to play how you want to play and promote real build diversity.”

All these changes to items and skills that they do won’t create any build diversity at all if the gameplay is monotone. I truly hope they start seeing that. It will take a few days, maybe a week, before players find the 1-2 GG builds and then its game over build diversity. Again.

The biggest build diversity comes from gameplay diversity.

If more places of the map were viable to visit in search for items then we can have specific builds for each of them, allrounders for all of them etc. Think Trav-barb, Cow-javazon and allrounder-hammerdin.

I hope that the devs of D4 think of build diversity not as a standalone but in combination with the enviroment and that it is OK that not all builds are best at everything but rather that there are MANY places to visit that makes MANY builds viable.

So far imo they have been bashing their heads against the wall trying to achieve some sort of balance and “equality” where all characters and all builds should be good at the exact same things. It will never work, especially with all these massive amounts of ways to get dmg where devs always will miss something that just cracks the system and opens up for 10b+ dmg etc.

They are working hard and that is good but I honestly think they need to start working more smart and more chill. I realize that is hard with a massive player base (where 90% quit) who are always on the verge of being angry hehe.

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I was excited about the upcoming season 4 and the changes to the game. After reading class balance changes I am not anymore. I am unironically considering not playing S4 at all. I already have a lot of negative feelings about D4 and I think these changes will help me once and for all leave D4 behind.

If the class changes go live in S4 I will stop playing and wait until there is a new team in charge of class and item balance. If that doesn’t happen, oh well, it is what it is. PoE 2, TQ 2 and even LE are options on top of all other available games.

Little steps in the right direction, but nothing at all that feels exciting like “I really want to try this”. Still nothing there that makes an actual noticeable change when you pick it up.
And if anything good comes up during PTR it will be watered down for launch anyway.

Come on, they finally added Greater Rifts, time for +150% multipliers to make the game actual fun. But that would require a completely new dev team probably.

the new uniques are cool


Scoundrel’s Kiss - Unique Ring

  • Rapid Fire now lobs exploding arrows that deal 15%-25% increased damage.


Aspect Of Tenuous Destruction

  • Deal 25-40% increased damage while you have no Defensive Skills on your Action Bar.

Flamethrower’s Aspect

  • Incinerate splits into 3 beams, each dealing 70-85% of normal damage.

can wait to see that in action lol

I also don’t understand…since they snorted because it was being used little. Maybe they nerfed it due to the combination with something from the season. Only explanation

  • More skills will now appear more visually powerful as the skill gains power. Additionally, existing visual scaling has been improved.

What ? so ranking up the power will make it look cooler?

  • Elixir of Momentum
    • After killing an enemy, increase Movement Speed by 3% for 5 seconds, this effect stacks up to 15 times.
    • Experience gained is increased by 6%.

my necro is gonna perma drink this lol