Not sure it’s a bug, per se:
The Dualsense controller works flawlessly! I love that the game identifies it as a PS controller and changes the in-game button prompts to match!
However, it ONLY works when connected via USB cable and not via bluetooth. Please add/correct the bluetooth support so I can play on my TV without creating a trip hazard for my family!
I second this! I hate click to move and since WASD movement is out of the question I’d like to use my PS5 controller… but not if I have to plug it in.
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Same here. I’d love wireless DualSense controller support please! Works great when wired but it should also work wirelessly.
+1 from me. Would love to be able to play this with my dualsense wirelessly and maintain playstation button prompts.
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+1 would like to use my dual sense controller wirelessy too
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It’s early access time and still no Bluetooth support for my PS4 controller… I think BLIZZARD doesn’t care at this point. They had adequate time to fix this issue.
I’d take a setting in the controller menu that lets me manually choose which glyphs to use for the controller display, if it can’t auto-detect. Being able to choose the PS5 glyphs would be great!
+1 please let it work via Bluetooth
+1 for PS5 controller bluetooth support
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+1 blizzard pls fix this
i need to play diablo 4 with my ps5 wireless controller please
+1 here… need BT ps5 controller support as well
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Please fix this i need to play diablo 4 with my ps5 wireless controller please
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I saw another thread where they were using ds4 and steam to get it working on bluetooth. I haven’t tried those but I want to know what others experiences are.
I updated my firmware on my DualSense… now Windows recgonizes the controller as a DualSense, instead of a “Wireless Controller”, but when I start up D4 and have the DualSense in wireless BT mode connection, the controller might as well be dead. I can plug it in and make it work with a wire no problem. For some reason, even with the latest DS firmware, Dibalo just ignores the controller when in wireless mode.
that does work, but you will get the xbox layout and the touchpad isnt working as intended. it can be your mouse control or deactivated completely. if you are fine with that, go for it
Before 1.1 it was already possible to connect PS5 DualSense Wireless Controller (via cable lol) and start it external, for example adding Diablo 4 to Steam-Library and start it through this app.
Though you have to make some clicks with your mouse (because won’t react on any input your wired PS5 Controller is doin) it works fine. Small imperfection, the button labels showed XBOX button labels instead of Playstation Labels.
So I’d like to address some developers with this question. The new “added support for PS5 Dual Sense controllers”. Does it only show the right button labels and works natively without external starting via Steam / DS4Windows?
I’d like to have also the bluetooth support, bc i dont like to play D4 wired. But thanks for some incremental steps anyways.
I think it doesn’t work still. The patch notes say it’s for the dualsense EDGE controller. So I’m thinking the normal dualsense still aren’t supported for connecting wirelessly.
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I have a dualsense edge, and i cant figure out how to make it work wirelessly.
Wish this would get answered.
Sony got banned from Microsoft that its controllers don’t work wirelessly?
I think so because no PC game, not even those from Sony, supports DualSense wirelessly