PS5 Close beta feedback/bug report

Hi everyone,

First of all, I have played Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 for a long time, and this is only my 2nd time playing any Diablo game on console (I played the D2R demo on my PS4 for a little bit). So overall I’m unfamiliar with the Diablo on console experience. I have already pre-ordered the game on PS5, so I’m in this for the long ride with you all on the console boat. Here are the issues/feedback I have so far playing the first Beta weekend:

  • The subtitles in first cutscene is not sync well. I don’t remember if this applies to all cutscenes.
  • Lighting in some area of the overworld and inside some dungeons can be decreased. Visibility behind walls can be changed to increase the “horror” factor. But overall, I like the feel of the game so far.
  • The marker for the pedestal I was supposed to return the box/bloodstone to inside dungeon disappeared minimap once I move too far from it. Making these markers remaining on the minimap would be appreciated.
  • Grant the ability to drag and drop item on consoles. Maybe we can implement a mouse-like cursor system?
  • Sometimes dialogs with NPCs just stall, and I have to skip to progress the conversation.
  • When you arrive at Kor Valar the gate disappears if you step too close to it, even tho you can’t pass until it’s actually open.
  • The last leg of the pilgrimage toward the Abalaster monastery was bright, was this intentional?
  • Waypoints in Kor Valar and/or the Abalaster monastery would be nice. (Overall, I would appreciate having more waypoints around the map.)
  • It is hard to track the inner sight mechanic on console, can this be made more prominent/obvious in the UI?
  • Can console players switch the centered HP/action bar like PC?
  • Arrows and some spell projectiles fly way too fast and are too hard to avoid. This is not a big problem right now at level 25 and tier 2 difficulty, but at higher level and difficulty where these projectiles can one or two-shot people, it would be a problem. It doesn’t have to reach Diablo 3 level of slow arrow projectile.
  • The targeting system is a bit clunky. Can we just simply use the right stick to start selecting a target instead of having to push a button to start targeting THEN use the right stick to switch target?
  • Similarly, Hydra is always dropped at max range. Can we have the option to customize this somewhat? I would imagine holding the Hydra skill button and then allowing people to use the right stick to locate a position for the Hydra.
  • Alternatively, I think we can allow players to use a button (R3 or L2) to activate/toggle a cursor/area controlled by the right stick, spells like Hydra, Leap, Charge can be directed this way. (This can be an alternative to the Target lock system.)
  • Teleporting back to town (to repair my gear) while fighting the world boss and then teleporting back will put me in a new instance. (I did not fight with a premade party.) This sort of made me fail to kill the world boss twice because the new instances that I was put in people are under leveled and could not kill the boss in time. I am not upset at people for trying to fight the boss with lower level. But can this system be changed to improve the overall experience? I have also heard that people might exploit this to kill the boss multiple times within the same spawn windows. I can also imagine a scenario where people will abuse this to fish for instances where the party have strong characters and have made significant progress on the boss.
  • Should there be an incentive to complete a dungeon again? Like dropping items with similar legendary power that have better roll than the base codex value? Or maybe item/currency that we can use to reroll/improve the value in the codex of power?