Prism device removal detected

according to blizz… it the coding in game and they are to lazy to have the devs fix a damn thin about it. they want you to buy new hardware to run it… even tho your pc already runs all AAA games out now…

after 20+ years they still know how to make gamers mad. and still take thier money.

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Same issue here, RTX 3060 card… atleast to get back the sigil and elixir wasted when it crashes. Blizz can do this.

Started getting the [Prism] Device removal detected error today after GEFORCE update which started the GeForce Game Experience popup when I load D IV. I figured that was the issue but glad to have it confirmed. Will try turning that off and hopefully, it will resolve.

Btw, couldn’t find it to turn it off…Saw something called ShadowPlay, but wasn’t sure it was related, so decided to Unistall GeForce Game Experience all together. During unistall, it displayed uninstalling ShadowPlay, if this helps someone else.

after this big new pacht from this week or last week, have i am the problem not that often anymore. but the game still has the problem.

Happened to me this morning after not playing the game for a few days due to travel. Patch ran when I started the client and out of the blue getting GPU not supported and the PRISM error. Ran DDU to clean my display drivers (Alienware R17 R4 w/Nvidia 1070), installed new Nvidia 536.40 driver (w/o geforce exp) and the errors are still there. Aside for a few Nvidia updates since launch dates I have been able to play D4 with settings around medium without issue. Now today, can’t get the game to start :frowning:

I posted my issue in the technical support category and it was quickly resolved with a suggestion from DTMAce:

Apparently, when the game client updated, it changed display adapter setting to 0 (which is my on board intel graphics).

Here is his suggestion: "Open the LocalPrefs file for D4. (Documents\Diablo IV)

Change the line [Adapter “0”] to [Adapter “1”]"

Worked like a champ, game starts great now! He did add a few other suggestions, check that post linked!

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Guten Tag. Der Fehler kommt immer nach ein paar Stunden Spielzeit. Sobald ein Teleport in die Stadt gemacht wird. Oder nachdem der Teleport in die Stadt fertig war und man AFK rumsteht. Kommt Prism device removal detected und Diablo 4 wird geschlossen. System: AMD 5900x 32 GB RAM Suprim X 3080 ti Auflösung 3840x1600 HD Texturen an Nvidia DLAA aktiviert 190 FPS mit allen Reglern auf Ultra/Maximal. Also an der Hardware liegt es auf keinen Fall alle Treiber Up to Date. Kein einziges Spiel stürzt ab jedes Spiel läuft Butterweich mit allen Reglern auf Ultra. Nicht mal die Hardware wird runtergetaktet wegen zu hohen Temperaturen Aio Wasserkühlung. Nur Diablo 4 verursacht diesen Fehler Prism device removal detected Fehler 0. Es liegt am Spiel Code da ist ein schwerwiegender Fehler vorhanden. Das dies nicht in der Beta schon aufgefallen ist und korrigiert wurde eh dafür 70 € und mehr verlangt wird. 70€ für ein Beta Zugang zu verlangen und dem Kunden ein unausgereiftes Spiel zu verkaufen ist eine Frechheit von Blizzard. Ihr wart mal einer meiner Lieblings Firmen was Spiele anging aber was ihr hier mit Diablo 4 abliefert ist eurem Ruf nichtmehr gerechtfertigt. Milliarden kassieren und dann so ein verbugtes Spiel auf den Markt bringen.

I have checked and I have the correct 1070gtx graphic on the Nvidia panel and not the integrated one but the problem persists.

A few days ago I could access without problems, now directly when I try to access I get that error.

I have even reinstalled the game but still the same.

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I am not using the proper computer for the game but still, it runs very fine.
That is at least while this error doesn’t show up.
After a few minutes I get this error.
I read they don’t plan on coding for Intel GPUs, that’s pathetic.
I think they should offer a refund for people who are not able to play the game due to their lack of coding.

Good day.
The error always comes after a few hours of gameplay. As soon as a teleport is made to the city. Or after the teleport to the city was done and you’re standing around AFK.
Comes Prism device removal detected and Diablo 4 will be closed.
System: AMD 5900x 32 GB RAM Suprim X 3080 ti resolution 3840x1600 HD textures on Nvidia DLAA enabled 190 FPS with all controls on Ultra/Max.
So the hardware is by no means all drivers up to date. Not a single game crashes, every game runs smooth as butter with all controls on Ultra. Not even the hardware is downclocked due to high temperatures Aio water cooling.

Only Diablo 4 causes this error Prism device removal detected error 0. It is due to the game code there is a fatal error.

That this was not noticed in the beta and was corrected before €70 and more is required. Demanding €70 for beta access and selling the customer an immature game is a cheek on Blizzard’s part. You used to be one of my favorite companies when it comes to games, but what you’re delivering here with Diablo 4 doesn’t live up to your reputation anymore. Collect billions and then launch such a bugged game.

I haven’t done anything in my bios aside from keeping my IGD disabled so my RTX 2060s is the only graphics card that’s reading - it still shows up as prism device removal for me when it crashes. I’ve had this error since early release and sometimes it’s 1-2 crashes in an a couple hours of sessions and sometimes it’s 5 times in 5 minutes.

I’ve noticed certain events trigger the crashes more often. Legions/helltides almost always crash during them, crashing during a shop/vendor menu, after teleporting.

Nightmare dungeons also feel the safest to do at the moment since there is some what DC protection in removing you from the dungeon and teleporting you to the nearest waypoint after 1-2 seconds of dc’ing. I’ve also been able to play longer sessions when focusing only on nightmare dungeons - not sure if anyone else has experienced the same

Starting the day off with a DC death on my level 50 druid in a T1 NM dungeon - the Prism Device Removal Error strikes again!!


Had this issue after a windows update. Tried disabling then unistalling GeForce Experience (one of the suggestions) but it stll happened. Ended up reinstalling Windows 11 and haven’t had it since. Would have tried a restore first, but fairly new laptop and hadn’t gotten around to setting it up, so reinstall was my only fall back.

Little update.
I was playing in level 2 world and was getting alot of prism errors.
I tried lowering the parameters of the graphics but it didn’t realy solve anything.
Then I tried reducing the difficulty to adventure and now I get this error alot less often.
In second difficulty I could never finish the magi dungeon because of the error showing all the time. In aventure I could finaly finish it.
Blizzard, get on the job!
Many people with so many different graphic cards are getting this error.

Playing on a desk top, world tier 3.
Graphics card is up to date with drivers.
Graphics card NVidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super

Still getting Prism device removal detected error and then the game shuts down.

Is this Prism Device Removed Error related to memory leak? Noticing more frequent crashes during vendors & inventory. Had a session today with no crashes while doing renown in dungeons because I didn’t open my inventory once.

I’m having the same issue on my Tough Book FZ-55. Ive only had the game a couple days and it was working pretty good. Now I get the error message every time I launch it.

Notebook Lenovo Legion 5, Ryzen 7 4800H, 1660ti. Installed win10 with all updates, with the latest nvidia driver. The game is crashing (fenris). The game is installed on an NVME drive. I removed the screen frequency from 144 to 60, removed anti-aliasing, changed the drivers to outdated ones (with the nvidia driver released today - the same problem), etc… However, the laptop has two hard drives and the second one has win11x64 installed. AND ON IT - EVERYTHING WORKS “OUT OF THE BOX”. What am I doing wrong? It’s not convenient for me to restart the laptop from the right disk every time for the game …

Has the new patch changed anything for anyone? Still getting Prism Device Removed Errors on my end.

Is this related to the memory leak issue?

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