Pretty sure this is RIP

Story was great, except for every single time it forced you into one of the games “dungeons” which are, by far, the worst thing in this game.

They are hot garbage, and now that i finished campaign at 45, then grinded sidequests/tree to 50 i can say i think im done.

there is 0% chance I grind these terrible copy/paste dungeons for 50 more levels.

What a waste of an amazing game to fall flat so hard with its core design of dungeons being so bad/boring. Nightmare was the proper term for them, they are nightmarish level of bad.


I agree with your opinion


You could always go back to D3 and do endless copypasted GR’s there… Cmon, everybody knew what Diablo was going to be, dungeons 16/7 with some outside fun (helltides and so on) the other 8h.


D3 is bad from start to finish so no. Grinding dungeons isnt the problem.
Grinding the same dungeon 400 times with minor tweaks to make it very slightly seem different is the problem.
Making it worse is that the dungeons are boring straight line snoozefests with each one having a locked door that requires some stupid mundane quest to open it.


to me the story felt bland… Its like they changed writers after act 2, and it wasn’t for the better.


In fairness to OP, after Blizzard received feedback on dungeons from the level-capped betas, they posted a job opening for a D4 dungeon designer. That indicates they agree there’s room for improvement, and they’re trying to bring someone onto the team to help.


the game was ok to play from lvl 1 to 25, after that everything is repetitive, quest is repetitive, dungoens is repetitive, combat is repetitive, openworld is repetitive and dead. you see those wolf and bears at the starting area? yup you going to see them again and again throughout the game and in your sleep


Well, thats something i didnt know, ty for the info. Hopefully they’ll find someone experienced enough to add some variety there.

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Queue the forum trolls and fanbois. Guess when the game dies when POE 2 comes out the forum trolls can shout into the void and hear their own echoes.


Wasn’t it the same in D2 and D3? D3 was just greater rifts over and over… and whilst D2 had a tiny bit of variance iirc it was only 11 possible maps to where people had certain locations pretty well memorized

Shrug. I’m sure it could be better, but it’s about what I expected it to be


So you are saying that after having allot of fun playing the game for awhile, I’ll get bored and want to stop playing and play something else?

That has NEVER happened to me before.




Yeah, but I expected that. It’s Diablo, it’s always repeat-repeat-repeat. Until well past the time your mind is numb. That’s the core design idea for the series.


When I heard heard “we are slowing down the combat and pacing” alarm bells went off in my head. Stupidly I bought the game anyway. The people who want slow grindy combat and basically want to feel weak are a tiny minority.

They hate on D3 to mentally ill levels, but D3 did what people liked…it was fast paced…it made you feel powerful. People like that.

They just got shouted down and insulted by the D2 cult for 20 years and most quit bothering to talk about it online.

Well now the cultist have their slow and weak game…they can watch as it hemorrhages players at an astonishing rate.

Those glowing reviews aren’t going to carry it far…sure the streamers will say nice things, they want to keep getting invited to things…Game sites like it when ActivLizzard buys ad space and gives them interviews…so they aren’t going to be critical. And realistically the game is fun for a little while…until around level 30-40.


Oh aside from the ultra-zoomed-in view and HUD 80x the size it needs to be the open world is the next worst thing, IMO. I concur.

The shift from D2 to D4 is quite staggering. I was hoping they’d go back to roots. Big sad.


Youncould go backntond2 donendless baal runs, chaos runs etc.

These games are the same actions req grinding the same sh!t. Take a break. Dont play 12 hours strate. I take a break every few hours and do something else.

Repetitive grinding in a Diablo game? I want a refund.


In fairness Diablo 3 didnt start to take off since reaper of souls. Give it time it just came out

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Are you doing the blue quests they are mostly not dungeons.


Most are fetch quests.
Go get something for me, or go kill something for me.


that is like 99.9 % of all games. fetch quest after fetch quest. Even back in the EverQuest days.