Pretty sure this is RIP

So your retort is to say go back to playing a 20+ year old game because I dont like that they made their currently 2 day old game boring?
Pretty sure nothing what I said even remotely said I wanted D2 level of gameplay, I want fun gameplay.
Shake your head and stop putting your own idiocies and biases into what others say and see what they actually write before opening your mouth and allowing the lunacy to flow unregulated.


Go play Diablo 2 then… you certainly won’t run the same 2-3 bosses 1000 times over and over.

Bro forgot the point of the game :sob:


One would think that should have been done long before release.


U missed my whole point went way over your head. If u played d2 and d3 u do the same thing over and over and over. It does not change in fact in d3 at least u could do bounties or just boss runs. D2 u were limitted to chaos runs baal runs cow runs
and between to get gear u do meph runs to get gear Tondonthe 1st 2 things. Thats why they added terror zones in d2 to give u another option to get max level.

It seems u grew out of these types of games which is fine. These games takes alot of your time if u want to get maxed out.

Maybe you’re killing everything inside the dungeon, when it clearly gives you objectives. Move with a sense of purpose.

What are you even talking about? D4 is still pretty fast, it just doesn’t feel good to play. This isn’t a byproduct of some Diablo 2 illuminati dictating what Blizzard gets to do with their game. This feels clunkier than even D2.

The only times it ceases to be fast-paced are when you abruptly fall behind in power after leveling up (thank scaling for that, not Diablo 2 or its “cult”). And then it isn’t a matter of pacing, it’s waiting around on cooldowns and resources. Even chugging mana potions feels better than that.


Diablo 1 was the roots not D2. Also, people need to stop trying to compare a 20+ yr old game to today’s games. The only way you will ever see another D2 type game will be if Blizz ever does a full on D2 remake (like what Capcom did with RE 4 etc.). But, that is very likely never going to happen.

It really is amazing !

Sounds like D2 is calling you back.

Good luck and say hi to Baal for me.

I’m going to play the dickens out of D4.


Nobody liked d3 you cornball thats why it was dead :skull:

Do the side quests and you wont have to grind so many dungeons. I left fractured peaks when I was 43 and just started act 2. Haven’t done a single dungeon more than once.


It’s 2023. Stop making excuses for the major developers putting out games that indie companies could do better in less time. Those games wouldn’t sell as well though because they don’t have the same brand appeal and probably would get lower review scores.

They played it really safe with D4. They missed so many opportunities to take some changes and give us a great game.

Most games are like that if you don’t do the exploring and quest’s really no point in playing the game for story sorry.

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…so confused.

Cause that’s EXACTLY what D2 was, also.

Except for the part where that’s not a fact no matter how often you guys repeat it.

D2 + D2R = ~5.5 Million copies sold

D3 = 30 million copies sold

So yeah, there is that. Now I await the canned excuses about why that doesn’t matter.


30m sold yet d2 currently has more players :skull::skull:

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Welcome to ARPGs. :crazy_face:

Its a a endless loops of enter the same dungeons, kill monsters, get loot and kill more monsters. This is not a JRPG/ Western RPG with deep stories with bonds and side games like playing cards or keeping a farm after you killed the last boss.


google trends and playerauctions both have D2 at 51,570 players past 7 days. D3 is at 37,740.

So it would appear he is correct.

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What about Helltides, World bosses Tree of Whispers, PvP etc there is more than just dungeon runs in this game.

For most AAA games your core game mechanics is something you find competent devs for before launching your game. To be fair Blizzard stopped being a AAA game studio over ten years ago.

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