Predicted Returning Blood Powers 🩸

So blood powers are coming back according to latest Wowhead news.

Guessing that these will come back as uniques just like the rings did. I am going to guess we will get 7 minors and 3 majors for 10 new items total.
Here is the list and why.

Minor Blood Powers:

Anticipation = Your Ultimate Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction. Your Ultimate Skills gain 12% increased damage for each nearby enemy affected by your Damage Over Time effects.
:x: We already have tons of ultimate CD reduction with flickerstep.

Coven’s Fangs = Your Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar attacks deal 52% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
:x: Just more damage isnt good enough to make the cut.

Domination = You deal 24% increased damage to enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, Frozen, or Feared. If they’re also Injured and not an Elite, they’re instantly killed.
:x: This was horribly bugged executing players and isnt coming back.

Feed the Coven = Lucky Hit: Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar attacks have up to a 60% chance to restore 10 Primary Resource to you and increase your Damage by 10% for 4 seconds.
:white_check_mark: Can easily see this making the cut.

Hectic = For every 5 Basic Skills you cast, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by 2 seconds.
:x: More cooldown is a very hard yes to make as CD is one of the things that can really break builds into being op.

Hemomancy = Your attacks deal 80% of your Maximum Life as Physical damage to nearby enemies. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. You heal for 1% of your Maximum Life for each enemy damaged this way.
:white_check_mark: Loved this for leveling so much.

Infection = Hitting enemies with direct damage infects them with Pox. Inflicting Pox 8 times on an enemy expunges their infection, dealing 70% Poison damage.
:white_check_mark: I like this. Especially for mage and that 4th Tal stack.

Jagged Spikes = Thorns have a 10% chance to deal 300% increased damage and Chill enemies for 8%. 1 Ferocity 1 Divinity
:white_check_mark: Thorns wants some love too.

Prey Weak = You deal 16% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Enemies are Vulnerable while affected by a Vampiric Curse from your other Vampiric Powers. 2 Ferocity
:x: Cant as synergy isnt there.

Rampart = After not moving for 3 seconds, you gain a Barrier for 40% of your Maximum Life for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds.
:x: Just plain bad.

Ravenous = Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to increase your Attack Speed by 40% of your Total Movement Speed for 6 seconds.
:white_check_mark: : This can and should make a return in a balanced way.

Resilience = You gain 1% Damage Reduction for each 2% Life you are missing.
:x: Too powerful a damage resistance to leave in the game permanently.

Sanguine Brace = When you kill an enemy, Fortify for 6% of your Base Life. While you have more Fortify than half of your Maximum Life, you gain 8% Critical Strike Chance.
:white_check_mark: One of my favs. Lets heroes that dont have access to fortify gain it.

Terror = When struck, you have a 14% chance to Fear nearby enemies and Slow them by 80% for 2 seconds. You are guaranteed to Critically Strike enemies who are feared.
:x: Garbage Poo. Its hard to hit enemies running away from you.

Undying = Casting Skills heals you for 3% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% life.
:white_check_mark: My fav healing one.

Major Vampiric Powers:

Accursed Touch = Lucky Hit: Up to a 44% chance to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies with the Vampiric Curse have a 15% chance to spread it to other surrounding enemies.
Accursed Souls deal 200% increased damage 6 Divinity
:x: Too hard and too much text to get on a unique.

Bathe in Blood = While Channeling a Skill, you form a pool of blood beneath you. While channeling a skill in a pool, your Channeled Skills deal 40% increased damage and you gain 30% Damage Reduction. A pool can only form once every 8 seconds.
:white_check_mark: A staple for any channel build.

Blood Boil = When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing 60% Physical damage around you. Every 20 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower
:x: More overpower synergy is a no go.

Call Familiar = Casting a Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Macabre, Wrath, or Imbuement Skill calls a bat ally to attack nearby enemies, dealing 80% Physical damage with a 30% chance to Stun.
:x: Already have a summon type one.

Flowing Veins = You deal 60% increased Damage Over Time to enemies that are moving or affected by a Vampiric Curse.
:white_check_mark: Can be redone just for necros.

Metamorphosis = When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 4 seconds. Enemies along your path take 160% Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse.
:white_check_mark: Too iconic not to make a return in a complete redesign removing vampiric curse.

Moonrise = Hitting an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 160% Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds
:x: Too hard to fit into a unique.

What you think? Too many? Will they just add 5 or so? Will they all be amulets so you can only use 1? Aspects that only go on uniques? New aspects for rares?

Say skumthing!


Appreciate your thoughts/analysis. I personally wouldn’t be thrilled for more jewelry to compete with malignant rings and/or go-to legendary ring aspects, but love the idea of bringing back stuff like hemomancy & metamorphosis in some form. Looking forward to it.

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Most likely would be a socket able item for jewelry, that will need to be leveled up by completing objectives.


Moonrise would be great with Unsung and the new Aspect.

As the above 2 posters said: Where would the powers go and on what items slots?
I can maybe see Metamorphosis on boots.
Otherwise… :thinking: ??

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I prefer vamp powers to be added onto skill twig as augmentation without disrupting current gear and aspects set up.

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Metamorphosis for sure. Could easily see it on a pair of unique legs. :ballot_box_with_check:

Let’s go down your list though.

Anticipation could easily see on a unique amulet for example. :ballot_box_with_check:

Covens Fangs I could actually see, would help minion builds. :ballot_box_with_check:

Domination if it was horribly bugged you’re probably right they wouldn’t fix it and just leave it out. :x:

Feed the Coven could also see. :ballot_box_with_check:

Hectic would be amazing, but their stance on CDR is pretty limiting. While I wouldn’t mind this I doubt they would add it. :x:

Hemomancy would be great, but unfortunately it’d also be on a unique which you wouldn’t have the chance of getting until WT3, so while still somewhat helpful, wouldn’t be as helpful moving forward and would be replaced by better options as soon as you got into WT4. :x:

Infection I could see. :ballot_box_with_check:

Jagged spikes yea sure why not, make thorns builds great again. :ballot_box_with_check:

Prey Weak is out. :x:

Rampart while not great I could easily see them crossing this over for more defensive options. Granted wouldn’t want it, but I could see someone on the team justifying putting it in unfortunately. :ballot_box_with_check: (from blizzard perspective) :x: (personal opinion)

Ravenous should make a comeback I agree. :ballot_box_with_check:

Resilience I could see making a comeback again just for more defensive options. It requires you to be low health to gain the max benefit, it’s similar to the “when injured” affixes. Realistically speaking on average you would gain probably 15% DR from this at any given time. Again just speaking about averages. :ballot_box_with_check:

Sanguine brace I feel would be more powerful than Resilience, I mean Fortify and Crit? With how fast we kill enemies this would constantly be up when clearing NMDs. The only time it wouldn’t shine would be on bosses. :x:

Terror even with the 80% slow was just bad. I hope this doesn’t make the cut. :x:

Undying was great, but again would be on a unique, which you wouldn’t get until WT3. I feel it would be helpful, but soon be replaced by other options. :x:

Accursed Touch nope. :x:

Bathe in Blood should come back in my opinion. :ballot_box_with_check:

Blood Boil was hilarious on OP builds, while I wouldn’t mind it personally I concur OP doesn’t need anymore help. :x:

Call Familiar I could actually see making a comeback. Give it a cooldown since certain builds can just spam those abilities and call it good. :ballot_box_with_check:

Flowing Veins is technically already in the game for Necros, I feel this wouldn’t be needed. Helpful yes, needed no. :x:

Moonrise would be amazing, could see it on a pair of unique gloves that only drops from level 85+ though. :ballot_box_with_check:

I could see some as aspects, more as uniques though. Hemomancy would be perfect as an aspect for example, but metamorphosis would have to be a unique. We’ll see what they add, good post though.

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Every even season will be vampires. Cool.

Every odd season will be … Hell I have no idea at this point.

Will we ever see Diablo in our Diablo game. Who knows, but we at least have vampires in our Heaven & Hell game, because that’s what people like apparently.

I honestly hope they will not just put them on rings :smiley:

And just putting them as unique items in the game would kind of feel… bloated, if you know what i am talking about. And it would just make bosses more difficult to farm, because the loot tables just grow and grow. Make special glyphs out of them, or paragon board keynodes accessible for all chars. Something new has to be implemented, and then put into a challenging content-variant.

Low effort band aid
/twenty characters

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Don’t underestimate those designers, I bet Domination will come back.
And since everyone loved the synergy between Metamorphosis and Tibault’s Will, they’ll probably make those powers return on new legendary pants.
Or maybe on boots without move speed.

Both pet powers. Pets need all the help they can get.


mmm… I really like this one though, running through those drops and watch them explode, pretty cool. However, I agree that perhaps it should be triggered by something other than overpower and not provide a guaranteed overpower.

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I like you analysis. I expect them to be on aspects that can be attached to rares. However, I could see the amulet or even the pants ideas being valid to make the players make more hard choices.

Whatever they have decided these items and the balance changes are all I am interested in in the coming patch.

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I loved season of blood and would like many of the benefits to be avail. The thing for me is I would rather have another season of blood than bring into base game and basically have overlap of skills/gear. What I would like is a perpetual season.

Metamorphosis, like you said, is simply too iconic not to return.

I mean what else says “Vampires!” like turning into bats to move?

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Speaking as a filthy unwashed rogue i have to say the most fun i ever had with vampyric powers:

Dashing around, ghosts are flying in the directions of the closest enemies and then BANG BOOM BANG Explosions!!! :star_struck:

I said it at the end of the season: I will miss this power. And yes. I do. Should be a possible core to every rogue.

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dude why do you even have to write an essay lol, there’s literally no endgame to use these powers on. Characters don’t even need these powers, they need a lot of endgame content that is challenging and fun looping

Guys… It’s most likely going to be Offensive Power on a Glove and Utility Power on a Boot. The only 2 pieces of gear that don’t have gem slots… Don’t be mad at me when I’m right

Taken from my previous post:

Malignant Rings
Blood Talismans

I am betting an Amulet Slot with 2 Blood Powers to offset the 50% Aspect Bonus loss and the +2-3 to Class Specific Passive Skills. Making multiple versions of the Amulet, gives every class access to more build options but Aspect and Affix budgetting becomes more of a challenge to offset this.

Below are some examples. The 4th Affix for all Amulets would be Unique and roll higher than found elsewhere.

Blood Talisman of The Shadows
+Movement Speed
+Maximum Health
+Cooldown Reduction
+Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown by X Seconds

Gain Metamorphisis and Prey on the Weak Blood Powers

  • Metamorphisis: When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 4 seconds. Enemies along your path take 160% Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse.
  • Prey on the Weak: You deal 16%x increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Enemies are Vulnerable while affected by a Vampiric Curse.

Blood Talisman of Relentless Strikes
+Movement Speed
+Max Health
+Cooldown Reduction
+Basic Skill Damage

Gain Moonrise and Ravenous Blood Powers

  • Moonrise: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 160% Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.
  • Ravenous: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to increase your Attack Speed by 40% of your Total Movement Speed for 6 seconds.

Blood Talisman of the Immortal King
+Total Armor
+Maximum Health
+Damage Reduction
+Critical Strike Chance

Gain Bathe in Blood and Sanguine Brace Blood Powers

  • Bathe in Blood: While Channeling a Skill, you form a pool of blood beneath you. While channeling a skill in a pool, your Channeled Skills deal 40% increased damage and you gain 30% Damage Reduction. A pool can only form once every 8 seconds.
  • Sanguine Brace: When you kill an enemy, Fortify for 6% of your Base Life. While you have more Fortify than half of your Maximum Life, you gain 8% Critical Strike Chance.

Blood Talisman of the Flayer
+Cooldown Reduction
+Maximum Health
+Damage Over Time
+Ultimate Skill Damage

Gain Flowing Veins and Anticipation Blood Powers

Flowing Veins: You deal 60% increased Damage Over Time to enemies that are moving or Vulnerable.

Anticipation: Your Ultimate Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction. Your Ultimate Skills gain 12% increased damage for each nearby enemy affected by your Damage Over Time effects.

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This is one of the most insane abilities in any Diablo game, period.
Basically turns HP into another scaling vector ON TOP of more fortify that is feeding into more overpower.
Love it :slight_smile:

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