I can’t make a spiritborn even tho I bought the expansion? On Xbox
Xbox Series X player here, same deal. It’s completely broken for everyone I know. Shows I own the expansion but can’t make a spirit born.
I’m having same issue, spiritborn is locked and I have ultimate edition.
Same issue here on Series X
Same deal, guess us xbox players dont get to play tonight.
Go to manage game and add ons on the game itself and manually select the expansion update that is 10.1mb. Will fix it
I have a PC. Pre ordered the Ultimate edition months ago, got the mount and all the addons but now it says I need to purchase the expansion to get the class unlocked. I have already paid around $80 for this. It is updated
I did a complete fresh reinstallation of the complete programm on Xbox Series X. I restarted the console. I created a rogue. switched back to character creation. Spiritborn is locked. I purchase the Ultimate Edition and cant play the game.
Theres no patch in the update section. What should i do?
When i ride to the new map area it says: Vessel Of Hatred is required…
So the game does not know that it purchased the addon. I dont know what to do now.
I did this and now the game is not on my xbox and cannot download it…
I found it and installed it and now D4 is gone from console, cant reinstall it either. that 10MB will make game unplayable lol
Battletag: Bitslappa#2840
Order-No. EU773634180 (purchase of VoH Ultimate Ed.)
It shows in the transactions as successfully purchased but thats all.
Theres no 10.1 patch.
Re-Starting Cosoloe does not work.
Creating rogue und switch back and create Spirit Born does not work.
The game does not know that i purchased VoH Ultimate.
Its not even possible to write any support ticket to get help. It only directs to this forum.
Is there a secret way to contact the support via Email?
How can i make sure or see if i dont accidently bought the VoH Ultimate Edition for Pc and not for Xbox which i only use?
No add on to download and SB locked, wtf is going on with this game?
My game knows i have it, if i go in the xbox ingame shop it shows expansion as unlocked, yet SB is locked
Fml this game
Support looked at my oder number and confirmed i bought it via battlenet. I should make sure that i order voh for the right platform with the correct account.
But why the hell can i access the mount on my xbox console when i purchased it for PC??? Me no understand…
Had it aswell on Xbox go to the store and then check some versions and then it will say you got it.
Click on it and it will say install it do it takes few sec since you already got it installed.
Then spiritborn is unlocked.
Hope it helps
Same issue here. Xbox. Purchased months ago, Xbox doesn’t even show I own it…been using the pet in game since purchase
Advise from me: I purchased it again for Xbox using the ingame shop and the battle.net support was very quick and helpful.