Potent Blood well

Can we get the potent blood dropping in the middle of the well fixed. They drop to where you cannot pick them up, I have probably missed 1k potent blood because of this.

There are a ton of complaints about this, and rightly so, but you CAN get the blood…
Use your town portal, then go back through it. The fountain event should have changed to something else, and you can pick up your blood. Some people say it takes more than one TP, so keep that in mind.
This is only a work-around until they fix the issue.


IF they fix the issue. But Thank you for letting me know about that work around.

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Teleporting out and back in doesn’t work in nightmare dungeons. Sorry

Someone in another post alerted me to that, then I saw it for myself, so I started making amends to my responses that the TP only works for BH and not dungeons. This is because the event in the dungeon doesn’t change, unlike the one in BH.

24days… and still no fix? Wtf??