Potent Blood Fountains

Potent Blood Fountains release the bloods inside the fountain and cannot be collected. In dungeons and in green area. I have confirmed both.


During Blood Harvests, I just TP to town and back to collect the blood, since the event will be changed from the fountain when you return. I do not know if it works in dungeons since I don’t know if those change…

Me returning from town during BH:

It’s kinda random. I can teleport to town and come back to any unpicked blood lust suddenly get stuck in the fountain.

In that case, just TP out and back again. I’ve never personally had it take more than once or gotten stuck, but that doesn’t mean others have it as easy. This is only a temporary solution until they fix this so at least people can get their blood.

I am having the same issue. Blood is spawning inside the fountain and can’t be collected. In dungeons, the blood cannot be collected. This is on PC. In the blood harvest, you can TP to town and back and sometimes the event has changed and you can collect, but it does not appear to work for dungeons.

Yes, that was before I found that the event was in dungeons at all, so no, it doesn’t work for the fountain event in dungeons. I’m sure it will get fixed in the coming days along with all the other stuff people have recently found that might be easier to fix, but for now I would avoid the fountain events in the dungeons and just do the ones in Blood Harvest.

Still an issue if anyone is tracking.