Post campfire: anyone feel better? I kind of do

ehhh… actually that is an excellent point

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1 stashtab really? And everyone is happy now? xD

You guys should realize by now that the stuff is all played out and these are just negotiation tactics.

To explain: if you wanna sell a product and your goal is 200$ and you know that the buyer (we) are going to haggle. Simply put the pricetag to 400 so the buyer has a good feeling haggling the seller down to 200 which keeps the small lemmings happy.

The seller wins regardless and archived his goal and the buyer returns.

We pushed the guys a bit, but I see that they are taking the matter more seriously.
It will be fine.
They seem quite exhausted, let them take some rest. :wink:


I don’t feel better. I feel like we’re just guinea pigs beta testing their game until season 2. And don’t you dare fanboy and tell me I’m wrong about this! This is exactly right!

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I’ve given lots of reason, you just refuse to respond to any of them and ignore me.

But here is a list:

  • Mobile/Console Game promoted as a Triple AAA Game when it lacks so much content and item variety that it literally makes Diablo 2: LoD / Path of Exile / Grim Dawn look like way better alternatives.

-With them having a console driven mindset with this title it gave controller users a free move analog stick without being forced to apply a skill/ability to your LMB to move. If you remove it you are literally down a skill, that right there tells me they only had consoles in mind.

-Lack of item stat variety - Leads to linear paths for builds they specifically want you to use. Forget that it’s a game that USED to allow you more freedom in trying new things, but with static stats applies to almost every item you are forced into on a handful of builds, which leads to serious lack of build variety in a game where you expect people to PVP and maybe try new things so you don’t have to nerf the meta builds into the ground.

-Linear Skill Tree - This can be improved over time, but as it stands the skill/passive trees for each class are pretty linear and push you towards very specific builds, which is why most of them just got nerfed. Lack of elemental damage variety in abilities, and certain ones just being flat out useless in most cases just, again, leads to lack of build diversity.

PVP will stagnate and so will end game when you only see the same exact 2 builds per class running around.

-Horse Armor DLC / Cosmetics / Art/ Writing - So I only joke by calling it “Horse Armor DLC” mainly because there is a serious lack of in-game obtainables to even make me want to use my Horse, like at all and it seems most of the focus was on the MTX store for character/horse cosmetics.

I love the upgraded art style and graphics, I loved the story and a lot of the side quests / little bits and bobs of lore you would find. I have a stash tab or two dedicated to flavour text items, but that’s just because I am a Diablo Fan in general and it’s nice to find things like that, that provide more insight to the world. Justice for Edmund!

-Paragon System - It looks pretty basic and barebones. I’m sure this will improve over time as I haven’t really had a chance to play around with it.

Server Performance - I mean, I don’t expect servers to run flawlessly, not with our worlds infrastructure in mind. It will improve with time I’m sure, but I have noticed a lot of hiccups and lag.

So if this isn’t enough to go off of, on top of what others have added to the pile. I really don’t know what to tell you.

Edit: Forgot about good 'ol Grim Dawn had to put that up there with the greats. I should also add that as much as I don’t mind Class specific gear, it shouldn’t be the primary focus of the game. That’s what gave Diablo 2 its versatility in build making.

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The nonsense is you pretending that a single crazy twitter comment is representative of the entire playerbase, and that somehow this is a reflection on society as a whole.

Yes lol, i noticed that too. Looked tired af and probably nervous someone would make another El Risitas video about them… ( which again was awesome btw )

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Not really. Since everything they have done up to this point has been counter to what they said they would do. I was willing to cut them some slack, until 1.1.
They said they were done with nerfs, they nerfed everything.
They said they didn’t want to nerf xp, they nerfed xp.
They said they wanted to balance classes and builds and keep alternatives, they just nerfed every build, and provided no alternatives.
They have to practice what they preach in order to be trusted again. Trust is easily broken, and more difficult to build back.

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You’re in hospital, recovering from the beating of a lifetime given by your abusive husband, Blizzard. You’re finally out of critical care, and he comes to visit you.

“Looks like I beat on ya pretty hard there. Nearly killed ya. That could’ve been bad. But you know I do it because I love you. Tell ya what, next time I’ll give a warning backhand, that way when you open that smart trap o’ yours to protest you’ll know ya deserve it when you get what’s comin’ to ya.”


I mean, you are wrong though if you’re presenting that as a fact, because while the game isnt perfect and has its flaws, whether you feel like you’re beta testing or not is an opinion. I dont feel like im beta testing - thats my opinion.

I just don’t understand why they can’t add an additional tab next to consumable for all malignant stuff, this new stash tab is going to be useless because of adding all these new gems is the problem. This is why I have no faith in this team, easy fixes that they won’t solve. This is just one of the many major issues that I doubt will be fixed.

Good for you. I’ve been playing sorc and my experiences are definitely valid and shared by many players.

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I’m not feeling great about it, but I’m feeling less bad.

Then maybe it would surprise you that I have no clue what twitter comment you’re talking about, and what I said is based primarily on my experience in this forum, and other Diablo game forums for several years - in which this one specifically is exponentially worse than the others.

To your second part - I guess I can go along with the idea that game forums are a separate world unto themselves and somehow through a warp in space-time people just seem to behave far more toxic here than in the real world and there is no link in behavioral similarities. To be more concise - the way people behave here has nothing to do with the “theory” that this is how they behave in real life. If that makes you happy - I guess Ill go along with that.

Good for you - so are the experiences of people who enjoy the game :man_shrugging:

I’m confused by this as elixirs do stack, but there’s so many different types. Unless you stash or sell stuff you don’t use, you can easily fill your consumables tab with elixirs and incense.

That’s not an argument because you can still enjoy being a beta tester. You’re still beta testing whether you realize it or not. The proof of this is in the patch notes, the requirement to handle the blowback for the patch notes, as well as the changes that still need to happen for 1.1.1 and season 2.

i don’t know to me the worst part of trying new build is not the gold cost but aspect management.

Where is the proof in the patch notes that we are beta testing?

Guild Wars 2 is an 11 year old game with balance updates twice as long as these patch notes to this day - is that game also still in beta?


Yes. Now i know this game isn’t worth playing at all for the next few months.

The chat proved that fact to me.

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