Pls remove Monster scaling!

This is 1000% untrue, as earning new abilities and legendary powers, socketed items, etc will make you feel stronger and won’t be linear compared to leveling up

There are a lot of side quests / dungeons to do and if you did them all you’d be way beyond max level. No one wants to go back to do a level 5 blue quest for achievements etc. on max level and just one shot everything. It would be really boring and bad for the game.

I would have happily done all the quests in vanilla WoW if they weren’t gray, gave a reward of some sort beyond 10 copper, and I didn’t one shot everything. That’s so boring.

yeah having 2 viable zones in a giant world of 50+ zones at max level is superb design. just flawless.

or clueless


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Please dont remove monster scaling. Nothing wrong with little challange.


Agree. Monster scaling removes any feeling of player progression and becoming more powerful.


Terrible idea to remove the scaling. It means you can’t just out-level an area and ensures things will hopefully remain a challenge to you. It also means that we may be able to do events and bosses and farming in the area that we like as opposed to the area that’s designated as “max level.” This is especially good for an online title because it means you won’t have to compete with every other max level person that gets put on your server.

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Then you just make higher difficulty setting changing these levels lol. Its actualy easy. You just have to think a little.


You do not feel more powerful because you have more skills/passives and have a character which works better?

My rogue went from needing to use healing potions to ending fights at full health without touching them. Certainly seemed more powerful to me.

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oh man i cant wait to play the same 2 zones over and over with 50% more mob health! superb design. just flawless.

or clueless



Yes, thats what is bad about it. You never feel like you character is getting more powerfull. Its dumb when zombies in initial zones hits same as hard asif you are fully levelee up.


How is it untrue, I was unaware that when you leveled up you got legendary items or items at all.

Its a fact. Going from 14 - 15 the mobs immediately scale to 15 meaning they are now stronger then when they were 14 and you are no stronger, other than the extremly rare times at the start when you unlock the first skill in a new node.

Its very bad feeling.


if you want to turn your brain off and snoozeroll through a pack of 900 mobs in 3 miliseconds, diablo 3 is still up right now.

this aint D3, buster


I understand where you are coming from, however if you think about it, lower level area will be obsolete. And if players were to join the game later, they wouldn’t see another person till they reach the end game content. So far I’ve been able to feel stronger when I adjust my build and also trying out different legendaries power and getting the right affixes for my build.

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i actually found this to be one of the things I liked and it was the gear that made the different in at least one case for me.

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Personally, I love that there is monster scaling. The content never gets boring that way.


At end game, monster scaling isn’t going to matter anyway as you min max your character. But it is going to force you to constantly waste resource’s upgrading useless gear on your way to end game, which I think is a good thing.

If you consider monsters with more life in starting zones “content” - okay then. Woooo that’s exciting stuff!


Monster scaling based on character level is NOT required for open world games. That is a myth that was made up in the D4 marketing. There are many ways to allow for open world game mechanics and a “go anywhere do the quests and dungeons in any order” type of play that do not include scaling the monster difficulty based on the characters level. Breath of the Wild is one example where the enemies scale based on milestones. While I don’t think that is the right solution for D4, it would be better than a 1-for-1 monster-to-character level scaling. Elden Ring is a much better example of an open world game that allows the player to go anywhere and do anything in any order (story line prohibited stuff excluded), and the difficulty of the enemies scales based on the region of the world you visit. I think this is a much better option for a D4 play though of the story and leveling from 1-100. The rewards are there for people who want to delve into the harder areas early and can figure out how to accomplish that, and that provides a unique challenge for them. Otherwise, there is a path for others to follow. This provides people choice, reward, and incentive to drive to the other areas.

The problem with the current system is that the incentive for leveling up is gutted. It’s not completely removed, but it is gutted. The player never gets to feel the strength of the new skills or new abilities they have. They just know that they have them and that they look cool. That is not a real incentive for leveling up because it doesn’t provide a sense of accomplishment. I know that I can kill every monster in the game at level 1 with the skill that I have, so what is the point of going to level 25 to kill the monster in the next 25 dungeons, when I could just stay at level 1 and do it? XP and levels become pointless other than the skills that have an appearance. There is no actual reason to use them, because they are unnecessary, since you can kill any monster at level 1.

A different method of scaling is necessary to bring the incentive back, as I agree the game is very stale in it’s current iteration. There is nothing to accomplish or push for because there is no challenge to overcome, since everything is achievable with a level 1 character.


sounds like you have a skill issue. are the mobs too hard? you can turn it down to normal difficulty, T1 world.


I disagree, I found that the way monster scaling works made the content incredibly boring.


Are you confused on what the word content means? Maybe English is your second language?