PLEASE MAKE Diablo 1️⃣ Remastered

I don’t know. I liked Diablo 1 a lot at its time, amazing dark ambiance, and hell level was really hell. But for today, I think its mechanisms will be too obsolete. Players will not be satisfy anymore with a small skill tree, small numbers of levels… I think it will not worth it, except if they “extend” the world somehow.

I would rather play a modernized D1 (remake), rather than this corporate turd.

As much as I love the first Diablo. I am not sure it would do well or even sell well as a remaster. Also one of the best things about it was the atmosphere. I don’t have faith blizz wouldn’t find a way to ruin it.

They teamed up with GoG and made it accessible to more modern PC’s along with fixing various bugs and other things. You should go check it out. It figures this is the only it could get done, Just like D2R! Buzzards not competent enuff to get something like this done anymore… Subcontracting is the only way Buzzard coulda done it :unamused: :-1:

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I can’t get into a lot of classic games after playing the newer stuff. Especially when those older games were released decades ago. One of the only exceptions is Planescape Torment: I played it for the first time a few years ago after hearing the hype for years and it was really good. Baldur’s Gate 1 was really out-dated and clunky and I tried a few others but I wasn’t feeling it at all.

The original Diablo didn’t even have running, which is completely unheard of now. But that made a big impact on the gameplay and level of danger. It wouldn’t be as good if they dumb everything down and everyone would just get mad if they did.

Plus the original Diablo wasn’t that popular compared to Diablo 2 and 3 and as we all know Blizzard is big on making a lot of money.

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The majority of remakes and remasters aren’t handled by the original company.

The audience for Diablo 1 is way too small for Blizzard to put time and resources into it.

No offense, but to think that Blizzard will invest in a game whose sole audience is a small group of men in their 40s or 50s is very unlikely. Not every old game needs to be remastered, my friend. It is what it is.


asking for d1 remaster on d4 forums…? so the same team is working on diablo immortal, d2r, d3 and d4? or is this request just in the wrong location? also if they remaster the game, they arent going to completely remake it with new content/classes. why would they?

I also just checked and I have a HD version called Belzebub. Not sure where I picked it up.

I played the GoG version recently, and it held my attention much longer than D2R did.
I don’t know if that says something acout the games, or about me :stuck_out_tongue:

But how about those of us in our 30s who are interested, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I mostly agree with the comment by Daimos that:

Though I think it would have been nice if they did small changes to the recently re-released classics.
Mostly, let us hold click to keep attacking in D1, instead of having to spam it :sweat_smile:

This will be the greatest remaster in history of whole universe!

D1 is something special for sure. Despite what i said about it not being a well aged game i still love it. The atmosphere in both D1 and D2 are something else. Especially in d1. I never got that same feeling with D4. D4 has great gameplay and a solid campaign but i never got creepy atmospheric vibes. I can’t not love the game that started it all.

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Honestly probably wouldn’t even be that hard on a modern engine. There really wasn’t a heck of a lot to it.

I replayed it when it came on BNET and was surprised how short it was.

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Going to check out The Hell Diablo I mod. It supports many classes and difficulties and is very hard with new engine and graphic resolution. Looks like what we wanted.

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What offence, you just suggested I am 20 years younger than I am ;). But my 27 year old son, who grew up with Diablo 1 as his first major game, would.

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What the :face_with_monocle: uhm… wrong forum?

I never played Diablo 1. But I’ve known the lore for years and I’ve seen the gameplay footage. I um…I don’t think I’ll like it. It seems so …Primitive to what I’ve gotten used to since Diablo 2. (which was the game I 1st started to play).

Barbarian was a terrible addition to the franchise.