Please let us ZOOM OUT

Myself and apparently many others feel that having the option to zoom out the camera a bit further would be a big improvement to the overall feel of the game.


Zoom out and lower the angle slightly. I am looking at my players head the hold time. It’s a beautiful head, but not what I want to see. You cannot see the lack of memorable locations with the camera the way it is.


Not sure about the angle… having just played a whole bunch of Diablo 3 for Season 28, the angle in D4 didn’t bother me as much as the distance the camera is from the character. I understand wanting to show off all the beautiful details of the game, but we can zoom in to check those out. For gameplay purposes the current zoom level just feels claustrophobic, restricts the scale of the game, and I suspect it’s a big reason many people feel the game has too much similarity to Immortal.
D2 and D3 were both more zoomed out… and I remember everyone going AHH THAT’S MORE LIKE IT in the D3 fight against Belial where the camera zooms out. I was definitely not alone in hoping D4 would be at that sort of scale/perspective.


Ugh! Claustrophobic!
That is literally the perfect word to describe how it feels.

Yesssss, pleeeeease!


I can definitely get on board with this request!

I’d also like the angle to change slightly as I zoom in so I can see my face.


It feels odd not being able to see the NPC I’m moving towards until being right in front of them. A slight tilt up would also help. Camera seems closer-in than what I’m used to from D3, but I could be wrong. Not asking for a zoom wheel, although that would certainly be the best option, but the fixed zoom needs to be backed out a bit.


I just came here to add to this, I feel the camera is way too close especially when in towns. This needs to be adjusted as I feel like I am easily getting lost in towns too with how close the camera zooms in.

I feel like this is a FOV of 60 if it was a shooter. I really hope this gets adjusted or allows players to zoom out further.


^^^^ this. Would absolutely love a more zoomed out view.


The level of zoom that the camera goes to during the world boss event (currently) should really be what we’re allowed to use in normal play if we choose. The close up view is really claustrophobic and frankly is too reminiscent of Diablo 3’s camera zoom level and angle.

IMO if the camera has to zoom out so you can see a boss, then its default max zoom level is insufficient.


Bumping for camera zoom justice.


I have to agree.

Being in town is claustrophobic, I have to constantly check map to see where paths/vendors are because literally all I can see is my character and the floor around him with some surrounding detail, but no where near enough.

Same goes for when out of town, it’s way better than in town but still, to close.

Back it up just a tad bit please or give us the option to do so as we wish ala WOW.



That one bridge zoom level would be perfect.
I hope you know which one I mean.


Yes, there are 2 instances like this. I thought to my self WOW what a breath of fresh air.


Id like to zoom out a bit too, felt a little close

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+1 zoom out the camera


IF there is a hack to let me zoom out, I am going to download it immediately, I do not care. This zoomed in experience is bootyhole.


Having more options with each mouse wheel scroll would be awesome so people can choose what they like.

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I also +1 this. Please at least offer the option. Also auto run please?


Yeah, I’d like to zoom out 25-50% more. The world boss zoom-out was nice, but not being centered on the screen, really threw me off for a bit, it just feels so unnatural.


Yeah, gotta say, I was a bit disappointed to see that the zoom was still the same :\