Please let us ZOOM OUT

Agreed, need to be zoomed out a bit.


Just a bit zoomed out is all im asking.

Please, thanks.


Sir, I highly doubt that’s the intended purpose. But rather to show off the beautiful MTX we will buy :slight_smile: As goes for the inventory UI

Truth be told, we shouldn’t have to request such feature. It should’ve been implemented from the get go.

The fact that it wasn’t, speaks volumes imho. As goes for the lack of transparent map overlay or even resizable map. They’re aiming this game toward more casual, ‘Mobile players’.

Shouldn’t come as a surprise


I would also like the zoom to toggle with the mouse scroller, not just zoom all the way in or out.

The weird part is that in this franchise the zoom level has always equaled player power. Several abilities affect “one screen” worth of enemies. If you zoom out, you can see more enemies, and those abilities are more effective. They might be able to cap skills to a given range though.

Eh A bit more would be nice but it is not bad. Honestly you have to buy a really good monitor to have the true view of the game.


It’s pretty headache inducing after playing for +30 minutes.

Seems like it’s designed for console players with smaller or farther away displays more than anything. Ultrawide helps with the claustrophobic presentation a bit, but it’s still not enough. Even 10-20% zoom out would be a large improvement for playability.


very much agree. another 50% or so should be available. i hate the close-up camera at all times.


Very agree. Maybe like Kor Valar zoom or 50% of it, but not like world boss zoom, that’s too far away.

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it would make the game feel better and look better too I suspect.


100% agree with OP. Camera angle ruined the game for me, along with many mechanics.

Poorly made and who ever decided to have the camera view the way it is should probably look at a job elsewhere, sorry your not cut for game development.

Refunded 100% until they fix the camera angel and zoom the F out. Really disappointed.


yess! exactly when you visit Inarius I think in that monastery the bridge there looks like a good zoom level

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I played the Server Slam and both previous open betas and I too find the zoom out level not good enough for all the reasons mentioned in this thread. I am a bit late with my feedback having had way too much work right after participating in the Server Slam, but this is for me an important quality of life type of change that I would like to see.

Secondly, in the heat of battle, I have huge problems with the zoom function being on my mouse’s scroll wheel getting accidentally zoomed in too much. Now I figured there should probably be a way to get that zoomfunctionality removed in settings for that scrollwheel and that is then what I should do, I guess, but it was mightily annoying when it happened. My first idea was that there should be a sort of lock function for the zoom position of choice that is not so easily overridden by accidental clicks and movements in the heat of battle.

Okay, no overlay map, I can live with that, but no further way to zoom out ? No, that seems quite annoying in the game. In Diablo 3 and 2 there was no problem with the level of zoom in and out.


Agreed. Zoom out would increase player enjoyment.


The Zoom is perfect how it is. Your character already looks tiny in combat.


We need to be able to zoom out for wider field of view.


I can’t see them changing this because their goal is not to make changes that improve the gameplay per say but to always work towards anything that will help sell cosmetics. There is a close zoom on characters so that you can’t avoid seeing that sick armor set that Jimmy paid for with his wallet.

I noticed that too. There were a couple of bridges as you are walking out of a town where the camera auto zooms out just a bit further and honestly it looked and felt way better.


That’s why the option is needed for those that disagree with your opinion. And it is an opinion.

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