Please god do not listen to Asmongold

After I saw that they cut more than half of the stuff that you were able to do in the game I decided that I would never buy it. Completely gutted the game and are still selling it for the same price. What a joke.


you are correct they boxed a featureless game and sold that as a feature it reminds me of WOD to some degree.

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The guy is getting more cringe by the day. I think he is struggling with some personal issues, doesnt seem ā€œall thereā€ lately. Some of his takes are just horrendous. Also, he bans people for completely trivial stuff, and i mean completely trivial. Thats when you know the streamer ego has gone too wild.


Didnā€™t he rate the beta an 8.5? And didnā€™t he say he didnā€™t want to waste his time with this Server Slam beta gearing up but he thinks the main game will be just fine?

I donā€™t understand what opinion of his we are supposed to ignoreā€¦

How about this, Iā€™ll continue thinking for myself and asking questions when people donā€™t make much sense.

you know what your right his takes were alot better several months ago. Now hes just insults groups of people

Ohh man people are never going to listen to this lol

This thread is directed at the developers, dude.

He just did a stream on the server slam and spent the whole time complaining and saying the game sucks. His youtube channel posted a video with a thumbnail with giant text RUINED on itā€¦ he is one of the biggest streamers around and that kind of negative publicity does have the potential to influence development.


He also said he thinks the game will be fine at release as you are leveling up and not stalled out at level 20ā€¦ people like to put words in his mouth. And if you did that on his stream, heā€™d ban you! lol

the guy used to have a trump make america great again hat, i mean heā€™s probably corrupted by rumble and gab and hates anything that is close to hedonism or liberal and its confusing his brain and probably doesnā€™t know how to swim anymore.

too much ego, too much internet.

guy needs to detox.

no way he had that hat, he is like super liberal least now he is

He did vote for Trump in 2016ā€¦ and he kinda sees how poorly that went.

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I saw him with it a few times, he 100% had one lol but I donā€™t know if it was just for meme purposes or not.

bro he is friends with hasan piker and is pretty damned liberal. he bans people for making fun of overweight women. you have to be totally out of the loop to think heā€™s conservative just because he was momentarily semi-pro-trump.

I got good news for you, Blizz devs have spoken before on this. They pretend to care what streamers have to say for clout and to be respectful but they dont care. A global billion dollar company does not take advice from someone who canā€™t hygiene properly.


Asmongold makes money by taking other peopleā€™s hard work and making reaction videos to it. Itā€™s so low effort and infuriating that people keep giving him credit for it.


makes sense i guess his dad is an old vietnam vet probably super conservative.

He would call that min-maxing.

I mean, Idk, I agree with him on the nerfs and the fact that any new player would play the game and walk away from fights not having any enjoyment whatsoever, and then probably deciding to walk away from the game entirely, because I am that new player - that has never played Diablo before - that loaded up the Server Slam and had no enjoyment whatsoever. Even if Necro was braindead back in the Beta, how is that a problem? Please legitimately explain it to me because I just donā€™t see how itā€™s a problem. The entire purpose of Fantasy type games is to feel powerful and have fun .


because some people play video games to use their brains not sit and stare at a screen with flashy lights going blink blink. and no I do not mean you have to be a genius minmaxer spreadsheet enjoyer. just a little bit of thought and attention is all Iā€™m saying.

maybe diablo just isnā€™t for you? not every game has to appeal to every single person. if you played on tier 1 and had trouble you really should just find something else to play or stop and regroup and try to figure out what youā€™re doing wrong. the game is not that difficult even on tier 2. everything scales with you so youā€™re never fighting anything OP except Ashava.

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If you are new to ARPGs, you are probably missing out on the fact that part of the fun of these games is planning your character, what skills to use, how to synergize with different stats, aspects, etc. ARPGS = MATH MADE FUN!