Please, for the love of god, add a gem inventory

As the title says. Before you know it half your bag is filled with Gems of different colours and tiers!! I think i’d read it’s being considered but it’s desperately needed! Anyone heard any more?


I believe they plan to after release. Not sure where i heard it but maybe someone can hook u up with a source

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Finally some note worthy feedback thank you OP. Yes gem bag should be a no brainer


Ah that would be great. Shame it won’t be on release but I shortly after wouldn’t be so bad eh? :slight_smile:

Or remove gems altogether completely useless as they are.


I think they’re needed as a stepping stone toward runes and runewords. Otherwise, we’d be getting socketed items and nothing to put in them.

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Funny thing about gems here is that there is absolutely no point to them whatsoever.

If i can just put a socket into anything then i dont need to make a decision ever. We all just end up making the same choices in this game, like most other things relative to itemization in this game.

I am actually pissed that jewelry and gems still take up more than 1 inventory slot each. Makes no damn sense and it makes the blatant D3 base of the game all the more obvious.


This is definitely needed. Takes up too much space in already small inventory.


Yeah gems taking up inventory is very annoying.


Yes. it would be very nice indeed.


Agreed. We need a Gem Tab.


I’m likely just not going to pick up gems until I’m at the farming stage of the game and leveling slows down. They aren’t worth picking up at low level at all.

But we already have such tab sort of
It’s for potions and consumables

Gems should be out there
They are consumed and they don’t have any gold value

Soo what’s the point not putting them there?


I hate them in the normal inventory. I stupidly tried to swap where a gem was with a item, swapping what slots they were in for my inventory.

Ended up slotting the gem into the item… SIGH!!!


Agreed, and increase bag size…geez…always going backwards!!


Definitely need a dedicated Gem bag. I gave this feedback in the first open Beta. Sad to not see it in. Wouldn’t imagine it’s that hard to do.


24% of the inventory is for that gems, but now you think when we’ll start to drop better gems, so 50% of inventory of gems?

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Huh? Dont you put the gems in the stash? You can buy more stash tabs. It’s absurdly easy to tp to town and deposit a ton of gems in the stash if you have that many in the inv. The inv is already so huge - but I come from D2.

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Seriously!!! Gems are super annoying and take up way to much space.

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