Please, for the love of god, add a gem inventory

The amount of players who ignored gems is staggering. I can count on 1 hand the number of players I saw attempting Ashava with an emerald in the jewel slot for a whopping 14% poison resist.


A gem tab either needs to be something we can get from an achievement, or quest. Maybe as a reward for completing the entire story arc the first time. I’d just hope it isn’t exclusively something you need to spend Bobby Bucks on in the cash shop.


So much this. I ran around with the entire bottom of my inventory for crude and chipped gems. This is lame. Please fix it.

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Wait, I dont get this. Why not deposit them in the stash? We can have multiple stash tabs. Portaling so easy, ?

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Did y’all just never go back to Kyovoshad and drop stuff off in your storage chest? I definitely think it would be nice if gems didn’t take up bag space but also didn’t think it was as big a deal as people were making it. I mean if nothing else it was the beta. Just don’t pick them all up.

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You have a stash you can put them in. Didn’t really seem like an issue. If it was something like D2 runes I would agree with you.

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Did anyone max out gem stack size I think I got mine to 9 crude and 5 chipped wonder how high they stack?

Yeah I was hoping that they would have put the gem tab in for the SS but I guess it’ll come after launch. Problem I faced twice was because of the gems taking up a lot of space left those slots occupied and when clearing a dungeon I’d get maybe 3/4 the way through or a little more and my inventory would be maxed so I would teleport to town and either sell the inventory or salvage it but when I’d step back through the portal the dungeon was reset. :rage:

I was reading on the pinned threads and unfortunately that was one of the issues was when you teleported to town from inside a dungeon there’s a chance that dungeon would reset once you ported back and I’d have to start it all over. Had it not been for all the gems taking up slots that the gear could have, I would have made it through the entire dungeon without porting back to town.

I guess I should have put all the gems into my stash to fix this issue but until they get a gem tab this will be what I do from now on.

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People are completely sleeping on the fact how powerful Armor is and putting Armor gems in your Jewelry makes a significant difference actually.


Yeah 30% to base skill damage or 25% to overpower isnt bad especially at lower levels.

yeah, big ole’ diamonds in every slot ‘You call that poison’ :smiley:

And topaz was at keeping you stress free with those awful bosses that cc you on a constant! Can’t dodge every cc when it’s bloody everywhere!

Having to TP back constantly just to put things in Stash is time consuming and breaks the pace of the game. Blizzard shouls be doing everything possible to maximize actually playing the game. A Gem Tab is a no-brainer that greatly improves QoL.


I want a blacksmith imp that follows me around for a period of time (or dissolves), that I have to craft the scroll for that will just digest my stuff to materials once marked as junk.

Come on folks, T is free. jump back to town and store/sell your loot, move on.

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I wish I was a fly on your wall at that moment…but

What he said.

This was an issue for me and the below text was the reason.

Adding another issue this evening. We will look to address it tomorrow.

  • Leaving a dungeon with a town portal causes the dungeon to reset if player does not return through portal within a short period of time.
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Being able to Salvage items remotely should be innate. You should also have loot filters that allows you to set parameters to automatically mark certain items as junk or flag as favorites.

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Then simply remove gems and sockets.

And give people a greater inventory, both equipped and unequipped.

Yes, I also think we need a tab for just the gems. …