Clearly blizzard agreed on it, that D3 did it too open ended. You clearly need to commit to choices. You get plenty of time to experiment cheaply early on.
There’s trading of rares where you can put the unique effect on it. Ezpz
Remind me how vanilla d3 went again specifically once you got to inferno because I remember having to go throw barb to clear it before they nerfed everything to the ground. If I couldn’t experiment in that game I probably would have just straight up quit. Know quite a few people who did even with ability to change either that or swapped entirely to DH.
You can still experiment, you just cant do it willy nilly. Commit!
lots of under 20 gamers in the thread today
inferno was a scam to make you buy gear off the cash market. the brilliance of jay wilson that crashed and burned and led to his demise.
The majority of people in favor of respecs aren’t under 20. It was fine when we were under 20 because we had insane amounts of free time to level a new character.
oh i see, now we are going with the “im a dad gamer with 56 jobs and 228 kids and i dont have to farm for a respec”
you dont have time to play games then either
Killed it just fine without buying anything by using throw build was it harder absolutely was it still doable also yes
That’s not how it works. Most people don’t enjoy games if they aren’t playing in a manner that’s efficient. If swapping specs on the fly is the meta, then meta players must play it. You’re not getting into any groups without being a spec swapper, or having the exact cookie cutter build for whatever content the group is doing. That mentality is all enabled by the system you are requesting. The elimination of this dynamic is why people are celebrating.
It’s like if you had a game that was waaay too easy, and everyone just pressed one button and the entire region died. You’d be there saying “look, just put on blues and use bad skills if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to play the other way”. It doesn’t work.
no you didnt, you died endlessly like every other non wizard until you got gear. you can stop lying now.
I absolutely have time to play games? That’s part of why D3 is successful and has people come back every season because it actually respects time now.
sounds like you have time to farm gold for respecs then
Wizard? So you didn’t play inferno got it. The free class was DH because of Smokescreen.
no it was CM wiz with freeze spam. you definitely didnt play inferno LOL
Or I just don’t play seasonally which means I’m also not buying the character expansions that will come out.
this guys obviously a troll, moving on
No it was DH because it was basically gear agnostic and could literally immune kill shots at least before it was nerfed that was insanely important literally all you needed was a decent weapon.
Resecs should be costly so making choices have meaning.
We tried the easymode everyone is every spec in D3. I remember people telling me to stick with D2 if i didnt like it. Perhaps it time to tell people to stick with D3? We already tried it that way and D3 lost the RPG in in Action RPG because of it.
Thing is blizzard wants people to buy expansion packs for their favorite character class there is a reason it’s only launching with 5 classes.