Please don't go live with respec costs

Psh that’s not an idea I gave them: that idea is all ready planted and taken root: they just haven’t showed us the tree yet lol.

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This is what forces everyone using the same specs. Find the best one and NEVER play with another one because if you get it wrong, your character is now worthless.


man im saving that comment for future use

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Please remove respecs completely. Didn’t need them in the king of ARPGs, Diablo 2, and don’t need them here.

Yeah, D3 was arcade garbage. It’s refreshing that they moved away from that. Let’s move allll the way away.


It became very expensive to respec at higher levels in closed beta, but there’s no way to see how things have changed since we have a 25 level cap.

The only reason we were able to easily afford it is because of what I assume was a bug involving the price of selling aspects to vendors.

You could unspec paragon boards in the last beta. There was no full respec button so you had to pay to remove a point one at a time. If you removed all the points from a board you could remove it and put a different one in I believe.


This right here sums it up, Blizzard games do not respect your time. WoW, has multiple daily grinds and other timers that force you to login. All to drive daily login numbers and engagement metrics.

It’s already plain to see that this game is going to be based around keeping you playing as much as possible and starting over and looking at rares and all manner of nonsense to waste your time and keep you logging in.


idk common sense is pretty hard :clown_face:

Is that a monetization plan in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.

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You’re so hardcore…I hope I’m just like you when I grow up.


Big agree from me. Being able to respec for free was so… freeing. Experimenting is fun, and putting a gold cost on it just feels horrible as gold is very much needed in Diablo 4, and you don’t get a massive amount of it. I’m max level and barely have any gold left as several systems require it in large amounts (extracting legendary powers for example).


Yes let’s just have everyone playing the exact same cookie cutter spec because god forbid you can actually experiment.


By the time you are running the endgame loop for months and months you will have more gold than you’ll know what to do with. It will be an absolute nothing issue.

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Oh boy so I get to play cookie cutter for months instead of experimenting. This is going to end up going about as well as vanilla D3 at this rate amd if it will be a nothing issue then there is no reason to not just remove it


respec costs are important to the game. We tried the easy free way in D3 and it took the RPG out of Diablo 3.


I LOVE that they are making “on the fly” spec swapping a thing of the past. PLEASE keep respecing something that you can’t just do willy nilly. One of the best parts of this game. Character development is now much more back in focus.


People hated it was too easy to change build in D3.
It was too hard and limited in D2.

I feel D4 is a fine compromise. Its cheap early on to allow you to experiment and settle into favored skills. Plus you can choose to just refund individual skills by rightclicking them, and not needing to refund the WHOLE thing. Which is great if you try out a new skill and dont like it, but not wanting to refund your whole loadout.


Some permanence is good for a video game.


No you hated it. A lot of people loved being able to experiment. If respec was free you could still just not do it this is the same argument as people had about flight you could literally just not use it.

Other possibility non hardcore has free respecs and hardcore has either no respecs or super expensive respecs then everyone can be happy.


Its a good change as it now, I support how its done in d4.


Why? Why is it a good change. If you don’t want to respec you literally just don’t respec there is no reason to restrict experimentation and it will make people quit sooner rather than later. Oh I got a bunch of gear with Barrage but I haven’t tried barrage well guess I can trade them for something that has my main skill on it. Oh wait there is no trading uniques either lol.