When do you see people walking by though? Everywhere I go, it is always empty.
It is a matter of time when SC battlecruiser will appear in D4 just as it did in D3.
Give me pets.
I want something something to collect the gold and items that drop, so dont need to return that much.
“BuT iT bReAkS iMmErSiOn”
Who are you to judge what breaks immersion?
I take a pet over random person that takes my chest any time.
I want the followers from D-3 that we can gear out. That was really fun.
I want micro transactions, and names and grindable stats for my pets please!
I really would love a pet. I feel lonely on classes without minions and I really like that in D3, and other games, they have a function like picking up currencies.
Yes please. Pets for me! Ones properly themed for the game of course.
^ and I barely even noticed other players pets when playing D3.
They already have horses in D4. Pets served an important purpose in D3.
If pets were not added, it would not be catastrophic. If pets were added, I bet the vast majority of players would support this decision.
If pet introduction wss a big issue for players, there would have been frequent complaints on tbe D3 forum. Simy put, that was not the case. In fact, players limef it when pets did more.
The only thing that awaits this game is more and more garbage from d3.
They just don’t know how to do not D3
Mercenaries are garbage. It makes every class a stupid pet class. A million times worse than non combat pets that pick up gold.
If you want a laugh then Google Boaty McBoatface.
When the collective internet grasps their power, and smacks you in the head with it.
Gamers are famous for using the path of least resistance, raging out on the forums requires little effort while still being somewhat effective.
As Depeche Mode sings, people are people.
Pets are not properly themed for Diablo. It is a dark world where not everyone you see would have a little cute furry companion.
Pets does not suit Diablo at all I really would be absolutely heart broken and disappointed if Diablo starts to go this way.
We already had horse travel to NMD taken away. The game is having more mob density and less strategic methodical gameplay because with more mobs becomes less ability to see everything on screen despite the maxroll podcast guys also agreeing this type of gameplay is more fun for end game. They are removing cold enchant affix to tone it down despite this being one of my favourite mobs to fight BECAUSE it is punishing and I like a punishing game. This game needs a hard mode for more horror survival tone and hard punishing mechanics. I digress.
I put my foot down at pets. Like it says in the OP I would only compromise on something like a Mercenary instead of a pet and not be particularly happy about it either.
Those suggesting pets are doing no such compromising by acknowledging the OP and saying perhaps a middle ground could be Mercs.
I hope Blizzard are able to compromise and recognise how absolutely horrified and disappointed I would be as a player to see pets added to the game.
Please recognise my opposition to pets I really, really, really do not want to see Diablo 4 aesthetics ruined by something you see in anime style cute gacha games.
Please let Diablo have its own identity. This aesthetic design choice will completely ruin it for me.
You posted on the D3 forum if I recall correctly and played D3. D3 had pets for years.
The idea that you “will be absolutely heart broken and dissppointef if Diablo starts to go that way” ignores a decade of D3 history and 2 decades of history with D2.
You’re also ignoring the fact one of the biggest complaints for D3 was its cartoony aesthetics.
Lets not repeat the same mistakes of the past.
Okay? No one cares though.
Or here is a KrAzY idea you most likely glossed over in your fuming rant of entitlement.
Put pets in…
Give players an option to toggle
[ ] View Other Players Pets…
Now everyone can have what they want, and you can still be a salty pirate without screwing up everyone’s fun…
Amazing what happens when you step off your soap box and just use that grey matter a bit more.
The thought of seeing little cats and dogs running around nibbling at the ankles of demons makes me so sad.
You don’t want a Diablo game. Not possible. You want Diablo to not be Diablo. Just no.
You all realize, right, that if they ADD pets that they will have to take AWAY a storage tab…
You know…in order to make sure hardware can load MORE things for everyone…
I will be happy when my 3 wolves turn into werewolves when I get the Aspect of the Alpha.
More for them to sell. Of course they’ll add them