Playing on PC, haven't seen a single person type

I wrote a hello world script once, just putting that out there.

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Theoretically, you could opt out. And why name drop FFXIV when WoW lives next door? Odd choice.

I think you should carefully reflect upon “people think they know more than they do” as you’re clearly inept and making up whatever sounds good to you. I can’t believe people argue with experts and convince themselves they know better, how delusional can you be?

I’m also in game design and adding chat is nbd, Blizz has just decided not to yet.

The only people I’ve seen talking are using trade chat. It seems to cover a larger distance. I think people are just focused on their own adventures right now and aren’t paying much attention to chat, especially considering you have to manually opt in to trade (which is silly imo).

Lol says who? You don’t think WoW has that same problem between layers across different realms/shards?

You don’t even know what you’re talking about.


I hope that’s the reason, and I’ll be able to see people communicating in the future!

Then explain the one we had in beta.


yeah no. very possible. You don’t have the chat instance completely tied to zone, which it isn’t otherwise dm’s wouldn’t work. Chat is already disconnected, they’ve just opted not to have a world chat

I have written a few things, trying to spark some conversation, but no response

I would love a zone chat in this game.

Remember all the people claiming this game is an MMO or was going to be the next WoW? Yeah I wonder where they all went…

It’s still a Diablo game through and through, and therefore a game where there’s no actual concrete need to talk to people. You don’t need to form vast social networks to progress in this game.

Just because you’re used to something being a certain way, doesn’t mean something new won’t be a positive change. If you don’t want to talk to people, leave chat. Other people that actually want so socialize and meet other players, want the opportunity to do so.

I never said I wanted it one way or the other.

I said people who thought this game was going to be an MMO or like WoW have no idea what they’re talking about. The fact that people socialize at all in those games is based on a need to, a need this game doesn’t have whether some global chat exists or not.

Can they just plug in D3 general chat if D4 general chat is technically too challenging? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes because cross-play is a simpler problem. Go play the game.

Lmfao you are hilarously wrong.

I agree with OP I really wish more people did chat in game. I am old but I still have very fond memories of the original client that came with the first Diablo. The chat rooms were awesome. Sure some people would just whine and argue but you also had lots of cool conversations on builds and just general game play stuff.

I would love it if Blizzard would bring something like that back. Even if it’s not “in game” and was just a separate lobby so people who didn’t want to be bothered by chat or other people would suffice. Actually, that’d be closer to the original and I’d even prefer it.

The betas did not have a world or global chat, but it was a requested feature.

People are so clueless and just make up stuff. You are right.

They can’t add a world chat because there are no realms.

WOW can do it because they still have realms. It’s trivial. You just look at the person’s realm and then add all the people of the same realm to the same chat. Literally trivial.

In D4 there are no realms. How do you add people into a “world?” What world is it? There are no realms.

So you can’t do it.

That’s not how the internet works.