Playing a Druid, only getting Barbarian Uniques

I am playing a Druid, currently level 74 and I am only getting uniques for Barbarian, specifically Barbarian weapons. Is this intended behavior?


65 druid here. I’ve gotten 2 barbarian unique weapons since entering World Tier 4. Once during Helltides, another at the end of a Nightmare dungeon. I’m also getting some uniques for my own class (three Insatiable Fury’s and Temerity), but none of my friends (Sorc’s & Rogues) have received another classes Uniques…

Ya im up to about 15 barb uniques on the season. It looks as though the barb weapons dont have the barb only tag which is why they keep dropping. All the Druid weapons have the druid tag so im not sure why the barb weapons dont.

Same for me please can we get a fix this is so unfun to grind

Please can we get a fix ASAP

Just got my first barbarian unique 2h lol. as a druid. wtf? Why is this a thing

My druid is lvl 87 and I am getting close to 90 % barb weps, 10 % druid gear. Never seen several of the Druid uniqs, but ive had around 30 or more barb uniqs. It Feels terrible not to be able to make the build you want because of this bug.

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bumping this, im also having this issue and it sucks when im playing with a friend who is playing a Barb and i get a weapon for them and can’t give it to them.

bumping, I am a 73 druid and all I am getting is barb weapons. I cannot create the build I want and this is super depressing. Please fix ASAP, i dont’ even want to play anymore.

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Same here, just got the sixth one and it’s so damn frustrating. Let me get the ones I actually need and can use first, damn…

90% of mine are Barb uniques. I’m almost 90

This is devastating, and I am going to keep bumping this and all others I see that say the same thing. I have lost nine uniques to Barbarian drops on my Druid. I have never seen any other type of class drop and have not heard any of my clanmates or irl friends ever receive any non-class uniques except specifically Druids getting Barbarian weapons. It is very clearly a bug, and a horribly demoralizing one.

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Bumping this also. Wanted to add that I have received at least one Barbarian weapon that DID have a Barb only tag, and several that did not, so having/ not having a Barb only tag does not seem to be the (only) issue.


Bumping again, hopefully a response some time soon on this fix. Sucks finally getting a unique and getting pumped, just to see another barb weapon. I know it’s asking too much for like 1 druid uniqie as compensation but i’d honestly just like my next unique to be for my class.

Yes, 2 out of 2 unique weapons when playing as druid have been barbarian uniques.

Fix this crap please. And replace the barb uniques in my inv with druid ones.

Last 2 unique items I got were for the Barbarian. I am a level 82 Druid and so far I have gotten 4 Barbarian unique items. My very first unique was one which ticked me off since my friends got so many uniques to drop before I ever saw my first one. I am just trying to get the Staff and Helm for my build but this makes it much harder when there are Barbarian uniques in our drop pool.

Really sick of 90+% of my unique items dropping being for another class.

Hey, glad I’m not the only one! 3/6 of my total uniques so far playing are barbarian weapons :confused:

Can’t even get a transmog from it haha. Pretty good way to kill any excitement instantly.

Hopefully this is fixed soon :slight_smile:

The bumping continues. Come on Blizz

3 uniques today all Barbarian ones. Are they gonna give us random druid uniques to replace this garbage