PIT Boss scaling (you guys (devs) can't be this wrong?)

Why put in 2 bosses in pits that you need to ALT F4 after getting to them as their health pools are just to high…nothing to do with mechanics just way over tuned.

PITS are very tedious and adding these two bosses just kills the drive and fun.

Let the bosses be similar challenge as you move up…no reason to put in Lilith junior at <100.

I would bet 95%+ of the player base will never see NORTH of 125, unless something changes. Why build an end game for 5% of your player base.

Why don’t you make 175-200 the BRICK WALL?



They added in a Druid priest shadow on top of Lilith.

Cause it’s not meant to be achievable this season. Need some stuff to look forward to later :wink:

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I just finished a couple of Pit Lvl 200 runs with my lvl 69 flurry rogue.


Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday! Read yer patch notes!

That said, while I agree that the boss feels overtuned. I’m of the increasing opinion that the tuning may have seasonal powers in mind.

So I’m going to do what I can and wait for Season 5

Is there need for most players to get beyond 125? There needs to be some driver to push people to continually improve their builds. I feel it’s supposed to be something that extends over multiple seasons and as seasonal powers get introduced people will get further into the pit.

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There’s really no need for folks to push past tier 61, which is when you get Neathiron or whatever it’s called.

Anything past that point is for ego


You get more mats the higher you push.

I think a pit 80 is worth like 3 pit 61 runs.

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Imo they’re doing something right after reading so many people getting upset with the difficulty. But maybe it needs tweaks with buggy or broken damage who knows.

I’m willing to bet <1% of all players this season have done a 120+ Pit btw. In fact, it’s probably more like .01%ish.

While that is true to an extent, The pit is the only meaningful content to really push your build to its limits. The best legendary farming helltides is SUPER easy once you are at this point. The best unique farming, Uber Bosses are easy (tormented can also be easier than a pit boss depending on your build and gear)

So people naturally want to do high pit levels because theres really nothing else that doesnt die easier.

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This season does have sorta seasonal power - I’m playing on eternal and we don’t get the Holy Bolt exploit elixir seasonal players get.

if that was the case, your next post would follow up, complaining you cant progress over t175.

honestly, stop crying people. you honestly just need to do t61. anything above is for personal entertainment.


Meh, once you’re 12/12 it doesn’t matter.

Sure, 61 would take much longer but you’d still get the job done. Less likely to die as your masterwork goes up.

So you have the ability to get the rolls you want every time on your mastework crits?

Sorry for the sarcasm but you are assuming it just takes the one go at 12/12 ing your gear when that is not the case. You will be rerolling. A lot.

Cant do that if it takes you 5 times as long as someone who is cruising through pit 100.

Right now a very few select builds can speed run pit 100. There should be a material cap. Pit 90 or whatever. Everything after that is for ego and leaderboards. I think even a B tier build could eventually speed run pit 90.

I’m not looking to min/max like the sweaty folks.

Even then, sure it takes more time but doing 61 is good enough.

To be fair, it’s brand new, Blizzard has never gotten anything right the first time.

But yeah, I could not agree more, the “LETS ADD THE MOST HATED BOSS IN THE GAME…ON TOP OF EVERY BOSS IN THE PIT” is a PRETTY obvious bad idea.

Farming 91 pit to get 50 nelth, no good items, near-no gold, and dealing with an unnecessarily toxic and unfun boss overlap…Very hard to stay motivated. I need a billion nelth to keep re-rolling gear until it hits correctly. Not looking for “Perfect” masterworks, just something worth settling on…


Totally understand. I just think the delta between speeding through a pit 60 and a pit 100 should be a lot less. Everything over 100 can be for the sweaties.

Seems what they want is to be able to say they beat the pit. Otherwise, why ask for it to be easier?
The end game materials were made achievable by most players. The rest is for the top gamers. Either get better or lose the ego and realize that if you can’t beat it then you aren’t a top gamer. I don’t mean you specifically.

You get more the higher you go

95% of players wont even reach Pit 60, if they even enter the pit…

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