PIT Boss scaling (you guys (devs) can't be this wrong?)

Theres a title for 100 but its not a good one. Other than that, no reason to go past 61. Sure pit 80 or whatever gives more, but takes longer. 61s are like pew pew pew. Win in 90 seconds. Pit 90 is chop chop chop (5 minutes later) chop. Ok… done with ptsd…

that would require them to actually play and balance the content.

instead they simply made all boss values double every 10 pit levels and called it a day.

it’s exactly why pits feel so crappy. you can’t beat them. it’s just a questions of when you run into the wall, but you will run into it.

Sure, but if it takes twice the time to get 50% more materials (for example) then it’s not worth it.

Better to make 61 as fast as you can then slowly move forward. Rather than do an 80 that takes you an age to complete or may fail.

Pit bosses are a snooze.

Every tier high than 61 gives one more Neathiron, so pit 80 gives 39 Neathiron.

You should grind the tier that gives you the most Neathiron and loots per hour.

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I think the players are wrong here. The devs very clearly said you weren’t intended to beat the Pit. No oddity, just plain old lack of power because they want it to be able to last. It would be bad design if any random bloke could clear the Pit only 2 weeks into the content release.

That seems to be a trend with players, they seem to think because it’s there that they deserve it.

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I’m not sure this is following the actual concern. There’s a title for t100, nothing after that, so you essentially “beat” it already.

The issue is that once you have all your gear, and you start pushing the pit, you need to masterwork for HUGE power spikes to push it TO 100. That’s all fair and good, except for the insane time sink for barely any reward that it takes. Imagine not playing a meta build and having trouble getting past 70-80, so you’re spending 10 mins to get like 30 neltharite, and you need a few thousand (if you count the downgrading, since you’ll need to re-do masterworks that hit bad). On top of that, the echoed bosses are just not fun. ANY TIME the mechanic means “spend more than 50% of the fight dodging mechanics” it is no longer just “hard” and is instead “not fun”.

Grinding isn’t necessarily the issue, but the current system needs love.


Blizzard doesn’t have upper management with any sense of balance and scaling. They just stare at income figures and say oooh, ahhhh, . . Print a fairy tale and let their ward patients fill in the ending with something Stephen King couldn’t even replicate.

The problem with the PIT, that you can reach too easily the pit boss where you will be one-shotted, and this is not fun.

In D3 GR if you attempted a level for which you were under leveled, you were one-shotted in 5 seconds or you couldn’t beat the first elite in reasonable time. So the game clearly indicated at the beginning of the GR, that you cannot beat that level (yet)

I just think it’s a joke that I have to form a specific area of the game just to upgrade my gear. I like the new gear but I should be able to upgrade it just like I used to and if I decide I want to go into the pit then I do and if I don’t then I don’t

I am requesting Diablo 4 developers to demonstrate they can complete the T200 PIT with sorcerer Chain Lightning, Firewall, HOTA Barb, Blood Lance Necro and Twisting Blade Rogue with all the god roll GA gears. If they cant that means they do not know how to design this end game activity or have no clue in designing skills for the classes. What Blizzard did in Season 4 was just took a detour to rework the affixes of gears but no improvement in the end game content and build variety.

I tried to care, but now I’m more like, “who cares?”. The way they favor certain abilities and over-tune silly crap that’s annoying to play just runes it. There’s a lot of cool interactions involving ultimates for example, but 90% of them aren’t viable because the ultimates themselves are trash garbage compared to something with more uptime. Could you probably get those to piggyback on the foundation of another meta build and still be somewhat effective? Yeah, probably, but it won’t be as good because the opportunity cost will be too big just to try to put some style in your playstyle. They fell way short on what they tried to accomplish with this.

A lot of the abilities, interactions and the overall design of the skill twig and paragon boards make it seem like they got lost in their own sauce. It’s painfully obvious there’s not one person or a small group leading the team with a cohesive vision, Overwatch has that same problem. I think the reality is, I just don’t like Blizzard as a developer anymore and I’ve just been in denial.

I would bet 95% never see t61 let alone above 100.